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FrozenGate by Avery

MUST Read *BEFORE* You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Yeah the new system is a PINA. Sometimes it can be hours longer than that! Not sure why it is always a matter of hours and almost never less than an hour. For me anyway. Maybe I just have poor timing. I am sure it serves it's purpose but from my perspective the BST forum was a much better place the old way....even with the spam.

Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Yeah the new system is a PINA. Sometimes it can be hours longer than that! Not sure why it is always a matter of hours and almost never less than an hour. For me anyway. Maybe I just have poor timing. I am sure it serves it's purpose but from my perspective the BST forum was a much better place the old way....even with the spam.

I usually find that my posts are approved within the hour. One of them took half a day to get approved, but I think it's a reasonable trade off for the lack of spam.

Another Mod to help out with this would be great, or maybe there is a way to implement a white list for vets?
Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Ped is a mod now? Very cool!

Why not say over 50 rep is exempt from the rule? Yes, we've had high rep members go bad in the past, but this authentication requirement won't catch them anyway (because mods don't have advanced insight into whom those potential future bad seeds are).
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Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Ped is a mod now? Very cool!

Why not say over 50 rep is exempt from the rule? Yes, we've had high rep members go bad in the past, but this authentication requirement won't catch them anyway (because mods don't have advanced insight into whom those potential future bad seeds are).

Yeah, he got added as a mod to cover the European time zones.

I agree there should be an exemption, but I'm not sure if Avery will be able to implement a whitelist like that.
Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Ped is a mod now? Very cool!

Come on keep up :)

The first thing I do when I log in is check the BST board for moderation.

But thier should be a whitelist I agree, I just dont know how much work that would be for Ave' .

People can feel free to PM me to have a thread approved, but seem's how I check the BST section first anyway, there seem's little point.
Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

I have 21 post and i tried to sell a laser but i didn't get accepted ... still waiting , why is that?
Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

As DJNY pointed out earlier here >> http://laserpointerforums.com/f65/good-host-xj-a140-445nm-diode-75981.html#post1100168 spamming the board with junk posts just to get your post count up doesn't count.

You need 20 LASER related posts, helping other people, offering advice and that kinda thing...not just commenting things like "thats cool" or "I WANT IT".. and only then your post(s) in the B/S/T section will be considered.
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Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

i am a very old member of this forum i bought a laser and i want to sell it so i am not a spammer .... so please put my thread :D
Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

i am a very old member of this forum i bought a laser and i want to sell it so i am not a spammer .... so please put my thread :D

"old member" is sort of a misnomer. You signed up in 2008, sure, but you never posted until, basically, now. As PED said, your posts were all essentially spam. Look:

Within 40 minutes, you basically posted 20 worthless single line replies that added nothing laser-related to the community.

For what it's worth, if they want the BST thread to be "approval only", I think they should have made it 20 posts, 5 rep, and an active posting history of a few months. But ya, you definitely did exactly what they told you not to.
Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

... i see that you don't want the "little man " to sell his laser that was bought from Blord... it dosen't seem fare but if you want that for me or any other user to stay 1 month so he can sell a legit laser .. ok but you could make an exception for me . i am not a noob i seeld green lasers for years ... thanks
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Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Am I missing something? Werent the changes to the b/s/t to help stop spam? I'm very confused. Maybe someone can explain to me in a pm or something why these changes took place?
Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

... i see that you don't want the "little man " to sell his laser that was bought from Blord... it dosen't seem fare but if you want that for me or any other user to stay 1 month so he can sell a legit laser .. ok but you could make an exception for me . i am not a noob i seeld green lasers for years ( VAND: Lasere Verzi ) 18000 views ... thanks

What isnt fair about it? It isn't your forum...

No one is trying to keep the little man down. You have posted nothing of value to this forum since you joined in 2008 yet you seem to feel like the forum is obligated to let you sell lasers here. Why?
Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

... i see that you don't want the "little man " to sell his laser ...

I never made any comment about the size of your endowment. :confused:
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Re: CHANGES to the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

I never made any comment about the size of your endowment. :confused:

:crackup: :crackup:

You win the award for funniest post I've read today! :p
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Having participation with people on the forum is going to makek it a lot easier for you to sell those articles.
