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MUST Read *BEFORE* You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

I think some of these post rules haven't been implemented very well. Why should someone wanting to PURCHASE a laser need to have 20 post in order to put up a WTB ad?
They send the funds through paypal, The seller waits until all funds are cleared and transferred before shipping. All the trust is on the seller. The 20 post rule should apply to only those looking to sell.

I just sent in an add looking to buy a reliable 650nm 15mw laser. This post was erased due to my new status. Please inform me how I could in anyway scam anyone in this transaction. Maybe I am missing something here. :)


Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Their just the rules , we all have to stick to them.

You don't have to like them, you just have to abide by them.
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

I doubt anyone would actually want to sell a 15mW laser... on here you are likely to find that red lasers start at around 100mW and go up from there.

You can purchase a cheap red pen from ebay or amazon... they are usually well overspec, and likely well over 15mW.
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

I think some of these post rules haven't been implemented very well. Why should someone wanting to PURCHASE a laser need to have 20 post in order to put up a WTB ad?
They send the funds through paypal, The seller waits until all funds are cleared and transferred before shipping. All the trust is on the seller. The 20 post rule should apply to only those looking to sell.

I just sent in an add looking to buy a reliable 650nm 15mw laser. This post was erased due to my new status. Please inform me how I could in anyway scam anyone in this transaction. Maybe I am missing something here. :)


This is just my take on the whole situation so someone correct me if I'm wrong:

I don't think the 20 post rule has anything to do with scams. I believe it is put there since a large amount of times little kids or uneducated adults come here to buy a high powered or any power laser for that matter and don't know the safety hazards that come with owning a laser. they think of it as similar to a cool little red pointer that their teachers used or something. what happens if someone sold that person a 1W 445nm laser and they didn't have any safety glasses or safety knowledge so they just shine it around town thinking its the same thing as a small red presentation pointer. A LOT of people would have destroyed eyes along with the user. Then when the owner gets asked where he purchased the laser he'd immediately blame LPF and whose community gets shut down, well that would be ours........

Starting to get the point? I don't think its a bash on you or to say post count matters because it doesn't but at least the hope is that within your first 20 posts, especially if you follow the rules of introducing yourself, will help you greatly to have a better knowledge of lasers. Almost EVERY post in the introduction section has some member linking to laser safety threads and eye protection topics. That right there is what we as a community want to get the word out about......SAFETY FIRST!!!!!

Don't take this as me bashing you, but please take this as a scenario that possibly could happen if the rules were not in place.

Enjoy your time here with our community and please remember safety first when using ANY laser.

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Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

livinloud, I didn't take that as a bash at all, in fact, quite the opposite. I didn't think of it that way, and with that safety view point in mind, it does indeed make more sense and seems reasonable. Sort of like a prerequisite "screening" before anyone can make a bad call on a high powered pointer.

Thanks for the informative response! :)

You can purchase a cheap red pen from ebay or amazon... they are usually well over spec, and likely well over 15mW.

Which leads me to my dilemma.. I do not wish to own an over spec pointer. I desire 15mw or less with high quality parts. Optimally 10mw-15mw... just my preference. Seems like an impossible thing to purchase NON-overpowered pointers. I figured someone on this board may have purchased a 650 that was well under spec which they were "disappointed" in which would be my perfect beam. :)
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

There were LONG and complex discussions before the rule was implemented

I feel no exigency to re-explain that for each NooB who questions the rule

Sometimes it is, just how things work ;)

(I think I'll add this to the OP)

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Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Ktroy, im not sure about red lasers but if you are interested in green (532nm) laserpens with 0mW of IR then check out this post HERE. just a heads up, IR is the invisible killer in green pens so 0mW is perfect
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

It is a good idea, i dont know that before,i agree,
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

I have 20 posts and have made my thread, when about will it be approved?
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

I have 20 posts and have made my thread, when about will it be approved?

Three of your posts say "pm'ed"
Seven of your posts say something like "great build" or "nice build"
At least ten of them were posted today, just before posting this inquiry

Spamming the forum with useless posts to build up your count may result in banning

I'll just clean those up for you instead of banning you, OK?

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Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Hey im new to the forums and have been reading about reliable sites and so on and I heard that people here might be able to make me a laser or sell me one so I was wondering how and if so where I could post an add so to speak like me saying im looking for this this and this if anyone could help me I would appreciate it a lot thanks
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Hey im new to the forums and have been reading about reliable sites and so on and I heard that people here might be able to make me a laser or sell me one so I was wondering how and if so where I could post an add so to speak like me saying im looking for this this and this if anyone could help me I would appreciate it a lot thanks

You don't post an "ad"

You read through the Buy/Sell/Trade board and/or the Laser Pro Shop board and make a seller an offer or, PM a builder to ask about a build

Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board


my rep bar is all red for whatever reason... but I was hoping you could approve my B/S/T thread.

Just looking to get rid of a few lasers, and I'm willing to offer great deals on them.

Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board


my rep bar is all red for whatever reason... but I was hoping you could approve my B/S/T thread.

Just looking to get rid of a few lasers, and I'm willing to offer great deals on them.


The reasons are all listed there.

Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable buying from you, given your past record of deception, and posting private communications.

Edit: That said, I'd still prefer transactions take place here, through a middle man, than some unsuspecting guy buying the lasers off of ebay.
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Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board


my rep bar is all red for whatever reason... but I was hoping you could approve my B/S/T thread.

Just looking to get rid of a few lasers, and I'm willing to offer great deals on them.


Note: it's easier to earn rep back, as when you receive a neg it only counts as half.

Just contribute, have fun and you'll be in green at no time! :beer:
Re: MUST Read BEFORE You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

fair enough... just tight on cash right now.

Thanks guys.
