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welcome from Lake Jackson.

There WILL be (when we can) a laser meet (or LEM) near you. When you make your intro put DFW in the title and you will get some nice 'greets' from members in TEXAS-- I have met most (at TEXLEM and SELEM) These gatherings are super-- most say when they end--'I wish it lasted a few more days'. Do a search to see LEM vids etc (SELEM Laser)--- hope to meet you soon....Len
You don't need to post a welcome thread or give out personal information. It is not a requirement nor does anyone else expect you to
Try AFTER you do 20 posts-- a good (and approved) to place is the welcome section (but ONLY after YOU have made a nice intro there-- put your location into your intro TITLE as well in your profile ((if you want) LPF has never had a lot of WL fans-- selling here may not work as well as you want--go to Ebay and find a listing for same laser that you can 'copy' more pics is a good way to find buyers.
No that is not mine
well it gives you some idea how much 'they' are going for.... lots of pics really helps--good luck
more--(forgot about the size limit.. my bad

You may want to copy/dele then edit-- then paste to make your posts into just one.

btw were you inspired by PEZ dispensers??>>& I ask this in a nice way--
best wishes- stay safe= hak
Like your creations..
Just a FYI-- when we make a new post--sometimes the last one there is also ours..in most circumstances we use 'edit' and just add to that post.. AFAIK there is no RULE-- & it is for sure--no big deal-- if your old post is very old or you have some new info we want to see --then make a new post...
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Reactions: 405nanoMatt
great--looking fwd to seeing more--have a great 2021
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Reactions: Encap
Thank you hak .I have learned what I know from you and the others who have posted .I look forward learning and discovering more .
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Reactions: Encap
Hak if you don’t mind helping me figure out how to purchase a ticket to the upcoming Lem I would happily contribute one of my pez dispenser lasers to your collection as a reciprocal gesture.I will place it in you hand personally at said upcoming Lem.You have a choice between blue or green should you decide to agree.
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Pman has something for you.
because our eyes 'see green easier' a lower power when used with R and B is all you need. . if you are wanting a set(RGB) that 'matched up'
get a 100 mW 532.. what you you guess is the amount of R and B needed for 'white' (or a balance). ?

PM coming
just a FYI
ATM we think that cancer had taken Riccardo from us.

we ALL need to be respectful.
I will assume you did not know...

Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
You say "we" a lot. Who are these other people you speak for all the time?
Hak, I have to admit, you love to 'get involved' and 'have an opinion' on things, but what did I say that was disrespectful?
Frankly mate, I think $350 for the laser was a little over what I would otherwise have paid if I had seen it beforehand, especially since the linos beam extender was not threaded onto the sinner host but instead glued on.
Before things get a little heated, why don't we leave the Schizo "we think, we should, we must" type comments off my page, hm?
good to see you here
i got no replies from my last PMs to you.
I was asking for the return of the JL PL-E host I sent if you had not done something with it--OR one of the builds you made with parts I sent free.. or at least a thank you.

send me a drone-- I am too broke to buy any.. len
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
That's what they used to call an indian giver... -_-
Hi I am new to the Forum and looking for a hand in selling a LaserGlow pre-ban, portable, avg output 642mW, Hurcules 550. I am the original owner with all paperwork from the manufacturer. Would one of LPF staff be willing to help me coordinate a transaction, in return for a donation to the site.
Thanks, RRMerlin
Jeff, email me back, I need a favor with host machining.

I hope your wife and family are well. Mitch
Finally, After so many interruptions I have the diode. Some soldering still on but at least I have it by itself.
