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What's your Dream LASER Diode - IF it were affordable? *Grand Purchase Plan*

Of those listed - What's your Dream Laser Diode - if it was affordable?

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Jan 9, 2011
Hi - I'm new here :beer:

I have some loose cash at the moment and plan on a Grand Purchase :drool:
of one (or two) types of Laser Diodes, and, not to waste the funds,
I figured LPF can benefit too, by telling me what your dream diode would be IF you could afford it.

I've setup a poll so you can choose basic nM and mW selections available,
and YOU can be lucky enough to afford that Dream Laser Diode ...
by having your selection chosen for a
Grand Purchase :drool: of hopefully 3,000 diodes.

please excuse the sillyness - the offer IS sincere!

If there are two selections close to each other, I may make a 2 x 3000 piece purchase
depending on pricing from the manufacturers, and amount of my loose cash :)

Maybe, if the Manufacturer agrees to allow mixing of quantities / part#'s ,
you can have more than two dream diodes available.

Multi-choice is allowed, but please try to contain yourselves, :)
I can't afford all of them, unless the manufacturer allows mixing part#'s / quantities
for the 3000 piece mark.

Other wavelengths are available too but they weren't high power diodes,
like 405nm at 200mW in a TO18 case (5.6mm)
and 445nm but only 500mW with fiber coupled LD.

Other IR's also available, but I didn't want to list all.
You can post yours if it's not listed in the poll
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Re: What's your Dream LASER Diode - IF it were affordable?

300mw of 635 would be great depending on the price. more power would always be great but they probably dont have them in a 5.6mm package at those powers.. :(
Re: What's your Dream LASER Diode - IF it were affordable?

300mW 635nm will have a huge beam.
Re: What's your Dream LASER Diode - IF it were affordable?

I would say 300mW of 635nm.

Ir really isn't appealing to me and i like 635nm a lot more than 650nm.
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Re: What's your Dream LASER Diode - IF it were affordable?

Do you know how bad the exact beam specs were?

No, but it's much worse than the 445nm diodes. You would need a prism pair to correct the beam.
Re: What's your Dream LASER Diode - IF it were affordable?

Red and IR only? None of the above. :whistle:
Re: What's your Dream LASER Diode - IF it were affordable?

Red and IR only? None of the above. :whistle:

Can't green and blue be made using IR and the correct crystal?

The manufacturer had 445nm and 405nm but they were low power, (see my first post for power ratings of them) this was why I didn't include it.

This one manufacturer has these, listed below,
I'll ask if they have 914nm to make 457nm Blue, too, as new products, not yet listed.


I couldn't put all these into the poll :) just 10 fits.
Please feel free to post your desired wavelength listed here,
or one you'd like to have.

I'm also checking out other Manufacturers.

There's also another thread on LPF, where I asked the question about
IR wavelengths creating other colors with crystals ...

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Re: What's your Dream LASER Diode - IF it were affordable?

No, but it's much worse than the 445nm diodes. You would need a prism pair to correct the beam.

Hi, if I show you the specs of the 300mW TO18 635nm the manufacturer offers, can you say if it's better, or the same?

I'd like to know before making the purchase.
I was recently told, by one of the manufacturers, they now offer 1 watt C-mount and TO3 cases, in the 635nm wavelength.

If member, Prototype, thought 300mW @ 635nm would give a huge beam,
imagine what the full 1 watt version would look like. :)
... I may get myself several of those! :D just to see (didn't get a quote on it yet)

If anyone would also like this as their Dream LASER Diode, you can just post your desire
here, as there wasn't enough room to include it in this poll. (just 10 entries were allowed)

This manufacturer also stated they will make a 914nm in the near future, so 457nm is now possible from the same manufacturer, using a crystal to convert the wavelength.

This helps the purchase, if all can be purchased from one place, the pricing will be lower dealing with one manufacturer, for all the items.
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wait, is this a type of prize poll or something? I don't understand :confused:
you will buy the laser diodes and give they to members that voted?
Nah, he wants to organize a big purchase to resell them to us at hopefully reasonable prices.
wait, is this a type of prize poll or something? I don't understand :confused:
you will buy the laser diodes and give they to members that voted?

Hi Leodahsan, ... :) ... I wish I could give them away, but no, this, as anselm stated, below, is a planned large purchase at wholesale prices, to be sold to members at a deep discount.

NO ONE will have to give money in advance, I WILL PAY for the purchase first, and anyone wishing to buy-in can pay after I have the diodes at my location. I first want to find the manufacturer with the lowest reasonable pricing, and I will become a distributor for them, and allow members here to share in the savings.

No more retail for these things, it's time to get what we wanted but couldn't before because of high retail prices for them.

Nah, he wants to organize a big purchase to resell them to us at hopefully reasonable prices.

Thanks for explaining it, anselm.

To all members - please note;
one manufacturer has informed me they now offer a 635nm @ 1watt in a TO3 and C-mount case.

even though it's not listed on the poll, you can still mention/vote for it, by
listing it in a reply post here, and I will add that vote to the total afterwards,
and we'll see if it's one of the top choices for purchase at wholesale.

It's also, still possible the manufacturer will allow a mixed quantity/part# purchase,
so all of you may get to have what you want. ... I have to see first if I can do that.
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I think most members here would appreciate a TO18 case diode more. It's what we're used to and know how to handle.
I think most members here would appreciate a TO18 case diode more. It's what we're used to and know how to handle.

Thanks, Grix, that's good to know, and it could also help pricing on them if
most, or all will be this one, but, going by the poll so far ... I can tell I'm
going to have to consider asking the manufacturer for a mixed quantity purchase.

Some seem to like the TO3 and C-mount version.

I'm wondering, is C-mount better to work with compared to using the TO3 case?
are there any advantages with one instead of the others use?

I know about the TO18 , TO5 , & TO3, but have never handled C-mount
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