Forget 635. They always seem to come with horrible beams- unusable for the average hobbyist here.
I say 200mw of 375nm would be neat-o,
And then there's 60mw of 488nm!
But even 20mw of 473nm would be lovely!
And there's the possibility of having a 700mw manufacturer rated 405nm diode- one we could probably drive beyond 650mA with a reasonable amount of lifetime attached to it.
Just some ideas I guess.
Nichia supposedly has 515nm diodes shipping already, but I don't see any evidence of it.
They ARE though, soon to release some 460nm diodes. 460 is a perfect blue IMO.
That's interesting, I'll check with this manufacturer if they have plans for the other wavelengths... that 460nm is nice, it's very close to 457nm ...
if this diode does exist, it would be easier to work with it, rather than the 457nm and BBO crystal set.
Yea but could we do 488nm or 375nm
they are MUCH more expensive then the others.
If the manufacturer I'm dealing with now has it, it may not be as expensive to this community as was before
well well, if this is really going to happen, depending on the diode package and wavelength, I'm in
Oh ... it will happen

... more than one time too!
I'm in for 635 unless there is a more visible wavelength.
I was informed by the manufacturer two days ago, they now offer a 635nm @
1 full watt in TO3 and C-mount cases. ... green may be more noticable both in daytime and night, I haven't played with 635nm but was told it looks as bright as 532nm (GREEN) , at less power of 635nm needed to be as bright as the green.
I don't know for sure, but I'd like to see if a 1watt 635nm can over-power the 1watt 532nm
I'm wondering if we could get some 488 or 515nm.
515nm=brightest beam at night.
with the crystal sets working with wavelengths 500nm and higher,
using the proper IR diode and crystal set , 515nm should be possible now.
is 515nm cyan?
I forgot to also say, I didn't include the single-mode 635nm diode @ 30mW , since
it wasn't powerfull as all like here, ... but if someone wants to see the spec-sheet
please tell me if it pays to include for people wanting single-mode diodes.
There's also 405nm @ 200mW available, but not mentioned in the poll.