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  • How are you?
    check out the swell PJ in my thread(deals section)
    I just must have this one- SO MUCH better than the reke 500

    working hard on Linna to get us a GB price
    Looks like it's going to be a sweet party. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be in Switzerland in July/August.
    Have a great time. :beer:
    Hey Ash, I don't know if you remember me, but I had asked a question a few weeks ago about swapping out a diode in a party laser I had. I posted a new topic yesterday of all the innards and was wondering if you could take a look at it and maybe provide some advice.

    I think using X_Y scanner motors (galvos) are your best bet to make a triangle.
    A cone (tunnel) can be made simply using one first-surface mirror mounted on a spinning motor.
    Hey Ash,
    I have a question about your profile pic(Avatar)!
    Im looking for a similar application where in, I want the laser beam from the pin hole of the source to spread out progressively in the shape of a triangle as it moves away from the source. any thoughts?
    great avatar... one of the best - on a forum with loads of cool avatars!

    and I was just about to ask if it was highlighter ink...

    I wonder just how far that concept can go, ie doing 2D or 3D imaging in the jar.
    You should read CS Lewis' "Mere Christianity". Its the most profound book I've ever read.
    Very easy to set up.
    My avatar is simply a 150mW bluray stage-laser (the rotating line) passing through a jar of automotive coolant (fluorescing) with a 200mW red and a 50mW green from either side. Glad you like it. :p
    What is going on in your avatar pic? Been wondering for a while. Is it easy to set up?... I'm assuming it's not. Either way, it's awsome. Quite possibly my favourite avatar picture on LPF.
    Dawinzi. Yep, love GOA and Psytrance.
    Looks like it was a really fun festival, and an amazing amount of laser-power. Impressive show.
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