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FrozenGate by Avery

What's really the best LPM?

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basicly, both kenom and lasersbee offer great meters, it's all down to your personal preferences ;)

there are really only 2 issues that need to be changed on the meter and then the design is done.

up/down determined by button not potentiometer and change the logo.

You can pre-buy at $350 for a pro, or $250 for the USB version.
Well Scotty said "the best out there" I didn't see any mention of a budget by him, that's why I posed the question to him; I think only he can speak to that.
yeah. I know it's over budget, but this thing is more than what your seeing so far. Theres elements that havn't been revealed yet.
up/down determined by button not potentiometer and change the logo.

I was wondering why the adjustment values jumped around in the
video when the max 1000mW was being selected...
A pot in an RC network as an input to a MCU is prone to drifting with
ambient heat changes..
I thought the pot in the Photo was for Zeroing...

Yeah, mario doesn't mind it as much as I do. Plus it's kinda hard to fit a pot in amongst the membrane switches.
I don't know why ken's was so jumpy, it operated very smoothly on my unit (and it's not an RC network btw) it was mainly a quick way to get large data entry into the ram without a lot of coding, but I'm gonna be fixing that.
I don't know why ken's was so jumpy, it operated very smoothly on my unit (and it's not an RC network btw) it was mainly a quick way to get large data entry into the ram without a lot of coding, but I'm gonna be fixing that.

Thanks for clearing that up... The way the value jumped around on the
Video I just assumed it was... Sorry about that...:cool:
Nice Job on the Graphics coding.. BTW

Just do like lasersbee and buy them all! Lasersbee, Why do you have so many btw? Seems a little redundant to measure a beam with a dozen LPMs :).

Based on all the reading I have done on this forum so far you can't go wrong with either LPM. The Kenometer and Kenometer PRO of course have no user feedback yet(not released yet). The display on the Kenometer PRO is what tilted my decision strongly toward the Kenometer PRO. It will be nice to have a nice display with graphing when not using a PC. I like the blue LCD backlight too :).

If I always had it connected to a PC and didn't care about the gui display on the meter it would have been a tougher decision between Laserbee I and Kenometer USB. If I needed just to see the strength but didn't want to hook it up to a PC then I would have chose the Laserbee I (this assumes the Kenometer USB does not have an LCD of any kind which I am not sure of).

I mainly was choosing between the Kenometer and Laserbee brands because they are so well supported on this forum and seem to be made by fellow enthusiasts. I just had to support that! Oh... and they seem accurate for my hobby needs too :).

At some point I will probably end up buying the Laserbee I (or a future model) too so that I have more than one to verify readings.

Originally I only wanted to spend around $200 so I was going to get push that a little and get the Laserbee I. The LCD on the Kenometer PRO really made me want that but the cost originally would have been difficult to do... but then Kenom reduced the pre-order price to $350 and I jumped on it immediately.

For someone like me that does not build lasers yet it is hard to justify the cost of a meter when I could have bought another nice laser but the way I see it is... What good is having nice lasers if you can not verify what you have!

Thanks for making these meters guys. :gj:
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Just do like lasersbee and buy them all! Lasersbee, Why do you have so many btw? Seems a little redundant to measure a beam with a dozen LPMs :).
At some point I will probably end up buying the Laserbee I (or a future model) too so that I have more than one to verify readings.
Thanks for making these meters guys. :gj:

I'm not only a Laser enthusiast... I'm an LPM collector... an electronics
engineer... and a Company CEO... ;)

Multiple LPMs allows us to see/compare actual variations and accuracy
of products being offered... It could be considered R&D...

You are correct in your evaluations of the LPMs available to the hobbyist.
I think you know there will be a new LPM in our stable in the near future...
once I see a finished working product and the minor bugs are all worked
out and favorable Reviews are posted..:cool:

I saw that dave. I want it sooo bad but at the time do not have the money. Nice deals by the way.
I like Scientech


I also like the Scientech equipment that I have.

It has a built-in calibration device for accuracy.

I have also used MISTERWILLING's LaserBee unit for some Red lens testing
with good results.

One thing I have found out with all of these thermal input meters,
is that you need a draft-free room for accurate measurements.

When I was doing some Red diode testing one late cold night,
the heater vents were affecting the power readings I was obtaining.

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