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FrozenGate by Avery

What every laser seller needs!

that would be nice. id be in for those.
i think if you make the driver and heatsink all one unit its very hard to be tampered with.
Due to my clients being retarted i decided to go over board.
Once i put the laser together and i confirm it working i use a syringe so fill the whole driver cavity with silicon heatsink glue. the set screw then gets filled in with taper glue to so unscrew you have to scratch it out.
The battery terminal board is also glued down with the same tamper proof glue.
The tamper proof glue around the edges of the board are perfect. the second they pry it off its visible because they can never get that crack to seal back.
And with the glue you can add your own dyes or ink to color it your own way. that way they cant go and buy off the self glue.
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I bet there's a company in China that makes counterfeit versions of those :P

THIS is what every seller needs:
^ Lol'd. There really are some people out there that deserve a good beating!

I'm relation to counterfeits. There will always be someone who will try and defeat the system. We are just trying to stop idiots from breaking their laser. "Hmm I wonder what the inside of my laser looks like?" "oh no... now its broken..." It is easy enough as it is to take apart a llaser and put it back together. Its just one more way we can make it one step idiot proof.

You can use special glue, special screws, special wires, solder a special way? There will always be one person who will take the extra effort to take apart his laser. These stickers I am suggesting should help that happen ALOT less often and make it more obvious that they will not get a free repair.
I use Vibra-tite on the pots if I think I need to know if they been messed with, but I have never had any real trouble with pot moddelers.
this is excellent for threads also as it will hold them in place but you can still remove the bolt and even put it back in and it will grab it again.
I suspect it's probably good to hold a lens in place in a custom focus adapter, I'll have to try that now.

nice i thought bout using a uv paint. make alignment lines on items and use a uv light to see them.
But at some point i dont care.
Stupid is going to be stupid the best thing i can do is get the laser away from it.
this is the heatsink glue i was talking about
FUJIK Silicone Thermal Glue (50ml Grease-Like) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme
i bought 3 tubes of it and love it.

Does that dry hard?

I would really like to find a good thermal epoxy (other than Arctic Silver, or Alumina) that dries solid. An affordable, two-part thermal epoxy, would be awesome. There are a lot of scenarios where I don't necessarily need the awesomeness of Arctic Silver, but would never the less like a decently temperature resistant two part epoxy.
it drys hard.
Read some of the reviews i think if you search lpf there is several posts talking about this stuff.
"won't become brittle, but remains elastic."

It sounds like this doesn't dry into a solid epoxy-like substance, the way Arctic Silver does?
it holds very solid think of a thick rubber. if you pook it very hard with a pin it will sink in a bit. but it holds strong.
Perfect for lasers in round holes.
Why do you need it to hold a death grip?
You probably only need to do potting on the circuit to really prevent tampering. Potting your circuits can also help prevent shorts, make the boards fit better, and don't really affect the thermal characteristics of the board (and may even improve them). Ideally, the laser will operate correctly even when the host is opened, and the circuitboard will be mechanically attached to the laser diode so it won't snap. If not, a sticker might be required, but many people won't like a sticker marring the outside of their host unless it's a labby or something of that nature.
