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  • Hey man the review for the Reke rgb500 was great thanks I have decided to get that model, but I have had some problems I think you can help me with. It seems there are alot of knock offs of Reke lasers. When I look on Dino direct many of them have different names like l 86. This scares me because I dont want to get a knock of laser. If you could help me find a real reke rgb 500 it would be greatly appreciated. Again Thanks, Patrick Cantelmi
    Hey Guy,
    I'm a new forum member. I've been haunting the forums off and on for a couple months, looking for some specific info about LLLT and 100mW 660nm lasers. I just noticed that you're on-line and figured I'd ask you direct... I saw a mention you made about uploading some pictures of the 100mW red DJ laser unit (low cost item on eBay). I'm trying to use the LPF search functions, but I haven't found them yet. Did they ever get posted?
    "Winterpeg" ?
    Where about in winterpeg are you ? Do you know where any BA Robinson or Robinson Lighting branches are ?
    Just asking as I work in the shipping department of one of the affiliated stores out here in BC and perhaps in the future I can take advantage of inter-branch shipping to our mutual benefits. Always looking to use the available resources to the best of my abilities.
    (We get a lot of products directly from China for business so the shipping of products to my work is a regular occurrence and passes through customs effortlessly. Can you see an advantage there ?)
    Your review of the Reke RGB laser show unit made me pull the trigger on one...if I can figure out how to add +1 rep. on this BBS, you'll get it!!! :D
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