Well, 90mA does seem to be a sane and reasonable current to run the 803t diode at.
I put over 35 hours of use on my brick pointer, using 90mA (on page 30 of this thread:
At 90mA my setup can be left on indefinitely - no duty cycle. The Meredith housing and mounting block - which I've thermal glued some additional copper bits to - does not get more than body temperature warm. I'm also getting outstanding battery life. This is using the 'DDL' circuit (using a rheostat) with 6 AA batteries. The batteries lasted over 30 hours, and they hadn't yet started to fade! It took over a week to get 30 hours of use, I'd leave it on for a few hours each evening.
Tonight I decided to adjust the current up to 100mA. When I broke the circuit to meter I noticed something strange - the current use said 75mA, and I had set it to 90mA before the 30 hour burn. ?? Weird. I then put in fresh batteries and got the same thing. Even stranger, when I turned the pot to where I'd initially measured the diode to 82.5mA (when first completing the pointer) the diode now was only drawing 50mA. It was as if the internal resistance of the diode had increased during the 30 hours of use. I had to remove one of the 10 ohm resistors (had been two) in the power supply to get the current up to 100mA.
Bizarre, I wonder if the current use on these varies with temperature
and age. At least there may be an initial 'breakin' period. Perhaps an APC supply is essential to get a steady output? Someone else go measure the current use on a well used pointer as see if it's changed.
Anyway, I carefully metered the current up to 100mA, and left it on for a few minutes with the DMM attached. It seems stable there. I'm now going to burn in the laser at 100mA. I'm planning on giving it 100 hours of use (which is only four days), a good burn in. When finished I'll measure the current use again and if it's changed.
I'm very happy with the pointer at 100mA - it's noticeably brighter and more powerful compared to 90mA, as 90mA was compared to 80mA. The beam is now clearly visible, even in a dim room - my eyes don't have to be dark adapted to see it. The laser now quickly stings my skin, and will light
unsharpied wooden safety matches with ease. At 80mA it took a few seconds to pop a balloon at six feet - now the balloon dies instantly. I will not be increasing the power again. I'll let the rest of the whippersnappers try to determine a safe upper limit for these diodes.
Here are few videos of the brick, now at 100mA (likely between 80-100mW output)..
Lighting a wooden safety match
Popping a balloon:
Note how much longer the pointer took to pop balloon when it was running at 80mA:
Update this again in a week or two, after 100 hours use