I wouldn't believe any of this new story until I saw hard evidence to prove otherwise. A police report, for example, would be nice.
In the meantime I am uploading a video to youtube showing 18 Groove hosts threading together perfectly fine. I show some nice closeups of the burrs that Ken was originally blaming the threading problem on, and as you can clearly see in the video the burrs don't cause any issues at all.
As I previously said the head's threads were cut a lot tighter than the tailcap's threads. That is exactly why the heads will thread into the tailcap but the tailcap won't thread into the head. Since these grooves were designed to use a focus adapter I had to tighten the threads up so I could be certain that turning the focus adapter would only focus the laser, not thread the entire head off.
If it would please the group I'll take a few hosts to work and polish them on a wheel with some jewelers rouge just to prove my point, that there is nothing at all wrong with the threads on the head.
It just seems like excuse after excuse to me, and for some reason Ken decided to use me as a patsy for one of his excuses and I do not appreciate it at all.
As far as the beasts go, I will have nothing to do with them or any other business with Ken.
The video is showing 167 minutes left to upload, I'll post the link to the video in it's 1080 HD glory as soon as it's finished.
Edit: Here's the link, be sure to watch in HD so you can see all of the detail. The video is still processing right now, but it should be good in a few minutes