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FrozenGate by Avery

Sickening... we need someone to take action

Originally Posted by Silvershot
This thing ain't a laser. It's a weapon :(

I think its a lot of fuzz about something that is not all that new.

Sure, these 445 nm pack a punch with up to 1 watt of power, placing them well into class 4, which adds the serious fire hazard. Also, the wavelength is such that it will burn skin much more easily than a red laser of equal power.

On the other hand, very dangerous lasers have been available at very low prices for a couple of years by now, one prime example being the DX dilda that now retails under $30 for a 200 mW red.

Its a factor of 5 in power difference, but if you were to intentionally shine a dilda into someones eye, chances are there would be damage that requires medical care, and permanent damage seems probable. Yet we see relatively few of such cases reported in medicine.

One advantage of 445 (and 532) nm is that the beam is likely to burn or at least sting skin, possibly re-ensuring people that looking into the beam must be a very very bad idea. Red lasers don't have this aversion effect since they penetrate tissues quite deeply spreading the power over a large area and not resulting in much of a sensation in the 100's of mW levels.

I've found that lighting a match as a demonstration works very well on people that know little about lasers. Just seeing that happen is enough for most people to keep the beam far from their eyes.
I was hoping for "somebody" more along the lines of an editor of a major blog, or someone with power in the media... someone that has the power to get information out to a broader audience, and in the right way. So far, most attempts at making high-powered lasers sound "dangerous" have just contributed to the reverse-psychology effect of making people want it even more.

If I could go on national television and make a 90 second speech in front of millions of people, I would have spent every waking second until then preparing for it and I believe I would truly be able to make a difference (with much advice from the forum preparing the actual content of the speech). Unfortunately, I don't have that opportunity...


Cmak, Youtube mate! ppl will be hearing about the laser..... jumping on youtube then BAM theres your video. The good thing is that there are not many spider III 445 videos, so if you get in quick, you can get alot of attention!
< gazes into his crystal ball >

I see many dollars going into WL's bank account and many lasers confiscated by various customs departments.

The powers that be are aware (some of them read this forum). When WL begins to show that they are shipping, the alert will be sounded.

< slumps to the table, exhausted >

< gazes into his crystal ball >

I see many dollars going into WL's bank account and many lasers confiscated by various customs departments.

The powers that be are aware (some of them read this forum). When WL begins to show that they are shipping, the alert will be sounded.

< slumps to the table, exhausted >

How do they get away with it in the first place?
Can't customs just search/confiscate ALL packages coming from that address? :undecided:
I'll see what I can't get posted onto youtube. I think that YT is an easy place to start. Journalists are going to be able to reach more older folks in a community, who prefer the newspaper to the internet 'fad'.
This is so stupid lol. I mean there's already $30 200mw red lasers floating around and nothing has happened with them. The WL arctic probably only puts out around 500-700mw so it's really not all that much worse than existing lasers. Most incidents come from the cheapo newwish dx 532 nm lasers anyway.
I'll see what I can't get posted onto youtube. I think that YT is an easy place to start. Journalists are going to be able to reach more older folks in a community, who prefer the newspaper to the internet 'fad'.

I'm actually looking for a couple partners to make a YT video together with... are you in?

Oh and Dave/bobhaha, I can't thank you guys enough for the idea! :thanks:

This is so stupid lol. I mean there's already $30 200mw red lasers floating around and nothing has happened with them. The WL arctic probably only puts out around 500-700mw so it's really not all that much worse than existing lasers. Most incidents come from the cheapo newwish dx 532 nm lasers anyway.

While that's true, the $30 200mW reds didn't ramp up over 3000 orders in a week, with media coverage all over the internet.

"All things being equal", yeah, you're right, it's not that much different. Except this time around, things aren't equal, and I really doubt, at least on the US side, that the FDA hasn't noticed. That doesn't mean that nobody will get their Arctic; I'm just wondering what might happen, because I remember what went on with Mohrenberg and the FDA. They were not friendly to him, and he was doing what - 100mW builds? To a few people on the internet?

I'm not putting any money on either outcome right now. It'll be an interesting few months in the laser scene.
Is it just me or is anyone else really starting to wish these diodes never even existed....


I don't see HOW customs could confiscate this, it has been accepted by the fda and has an accession number.. Unless wicked lasers lied when they JUST put the fda badge on the page yesterday?

Wicked doesn't even sell their lasers without the required safety features to us citizens. go look at most of their pen hosts.

If any chinese/hk laser was to be on fda watch list, wicked would be the last.

That being said, I agree that this media attention isn't good, but I also agree that the whole "OMG 1 watt mass blindings" call is ridiculous. blinding lasers have been around and much cheaper for years.

Edit: On the offchance these do get confiscated, it will be fun to see wicked be forced to live up to its "Refund +100$ if confiscated" policy.. this would turn from their biggest profit to their biggest loss. if they didnt live up to it, the company would die either way.
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Is it just me or is anyone else really starting to wish these diodes never even existed....



It's just you Cmak and a few paranoid others. Why think about the possible future? It only causes you to bury yourself in depression. As everyone is saying... high power lasers have been around... it's nothing new.
It's just you Cmak and a few paranoid others. Why think about the possible future? It only causes you to bury yourself in depression. As everyone is saying... high power lasers have been around... it's nothing new.

Yea man, the stress of the wait must be really getting to my head... hell, for a second there your avatar almost looked like you were turning into a demon ;)

Bob McFerrin said:
Don't worry, be happy

