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FrozenGate by Avery

Scammer alert

You can't go to Small Claims Court to "fill out a warrant to have his wages
garnished until it is paid off
He has to be convicted of owing you some money first...:undecided:

That's just common sense...:cool:


Rob would have to provide the court with proof of him owing money
he would need a print out of this forum along with any pay pal info or just anything that proves he owes Rob money.
If that's the case, laserman121, then I'll need a Member to help me by printing out all the pertinent info. for me, as I have NO PRINTER, yet. Thanks, rob
have time maybe a local library could help, pints are like 10cents apeice usually. but if you were to print out this thread that alone would cost nearly $2.00, wish i could do something but im stuck in the middle of nowhere in ohio.:yabbem:
If that's the case, laserman121, then I'll need a Member to help me by printing out all the pertinent info. for me, as I have NO PRINTER, yet. Thanks, rob

email me anything pertinent to this and i can print it and get it in the mail for you.

djheadie at gmail.com
I really don't mean to be a cock, but don't you have any local friends or familiy that have a printer? This isn't 1985, most people have a printer in their home or workplace.
I actually mis-typed. I have a printer, even have two new ink cartridges, B&W & Color. The printer is my wife's old one. I got her one that just does PIX, which was what she wanted. I didn't have my lap-top at the time so she packed it up & put it somewhere. Now she's down with the flu, pissed at me for giving it to her, & I know that the installation disc is missing, but don't want to ask her to look for it NOW. I'll broach the subject to her when she's feelin' better & over bein' mad at ME. Thanks for the offers though...........rob
@DLMB, ANY help that ANYONE has given me, from moral support, to behind the scenes detective work, to donations, & everything in between has been deeply appreciated by me. There is NO reason for ANYONE to apologize for ANYTHING. The combination of everyone working toward a common goal has been as amazing, as it has been touching. I thank each & every one of you, & will NEVER forget this, EVER!!!
@DLMB, ANY help that ANYONE has given me, from moral support, to behind the scenes detective work, to donations, & everything in between has been deeply appreciated by me. There is NO reason for ANYONE to apologize for ANYTHING. The combination of everyone working toward a common goal has been as amazing, as it has been touching. I thank each & every one of you, & will NEVER forget this, EVER!!!

Ok, tell you wife to feel better soon :) I sure hope she does not hate on you too bad LOL... I also hope you get your laser soon or the $ for it... In the future, I would not sell anything >$50 to anyone with less then 10 rep power.
From now on, NOBODY is getting ANYTHING 'till I have the $$$ in my PAYPAL 1st. rob
Aww crud! I was hoping that you'd send me that blue CNI laser on payments! :p
If I was selling it Mik, I WOULD sell it to you on payments. ONE payment, !st, BEFORE you'd even SMELL that laser, I learned MY lesson..................rob
If I was selling it Mik, I WOULD sell it to you on payments. ONE payment, !st, BEFORE you'd even SMELL that laser, I learned MY lesson..................rob

The hardest lessons to learn are the ones that defy what we "want" to believe.

Your heart wants to believe that people are basically good and that life is fair.

Your head knows that those things are not true.

In your breast, these two "wolves" fight a constant battle.

Look for the good. Prepare for the bad.

And keep putting one foot in front of the other

Oh yeah -- and hug the woman regularly

The hardest lessons to learn are the ones that defy what we "want" to believe.

Your heart wants to believe that people are basically good and that life is fair.

Your head knows that those things are not true.

In your breast, these two "wolves" fight a constant battle.

Look for the good. Prepare for the bad.

And keep putting one foot in front of the other

Oh yeah -- and hug the woman regularly


Very wise words Dave... I may just have to quote that again some day.
