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FrozenGate by Avery

Scammer alert

I'm going to shine some lasers around my garden and call it a night... or is it morning at this point?

I think we've got this guy on a string as it is, but if anyone wants any of the (28 pages) of facebook posts (most inanely bitching about work) or anything else I referenced in my post, feel free to PM. For the number lookup, if you don't all have it already or find it free elsewhere, the "Veromi" service would seem to provide what we need, and is very competitively priced too.

or we could make him famous in his little town? i bet he will love living there when all his classmates of c/o 2009 (btw, he's 19, so he is an adult now) finds out what he did....

Barnegat's second graduating class is 1st indoors - pressofAtlanticCity.com

Barnegat Township High School Alumni C/O 2009

Christa Abbatiello
Alexis Abbato
Joshua Ahiabor
Misty Alexander
Kristi-Lane Alleman
John Anderson
Janine Andrews
Charles Antwi
George Apostolou
Paige Appelt
Joseph Aquino
Jose Arroyo
Bryan Badim
Keith Bevacqui
Michael Bianco
Andrew Biddar
Lacy Bishop
Kaitlin Blanchard
Takiayah Bobb
Alexa Bolognese
Christian Bossabaly
David Bowen
Richard Bowen
Donna Bower
Andrew Boyle
Brittney Brennan
William Bruning
Jessica Burkhard
Arron Burrison
Marc Cadenelli
Sophia Camargo
Steven Carcasses
Anthony Carpinelli
Taylor Cascone
Jessica Celestino
Ian Chadwick
Kelly Chasmar
Unique Cherry
Ryan Christiansen
Jerry Ciaurro
Ian Cichocki
Daniel Cintron
Frank Ciraulo
Brynn Cittadino
Ashley Claudio
Michael Colon
Kaitlyn Connell
Christopher Consiglio
Kathleen Corcoran
Blaze Cortez
Kristen Covine
Steven Crane
James Crockett
Jose Cruz
Alexa Curtis
Michelle Danielle
Sean Dangelmajer
Jessica D'Arcy
Alexis DaRosa
Ryan Davenport
Michael Davie
Christopher Deemer
Gerard DelGuidice
Mary Dercqu
Sarah Dillionaire
Kelly Dochney
James Dunn Jr.
Taylor Durning
Megan Dwyer
Thomas Eckhart
Ashley Eslinger
Anna Esposito-Clarke
Samantha Farland
Ashley Feimer
Tymel Ferguson
Gina Fetherman
Rebecca Fielding
Matthew Fiore
Michael Flynn Jr.
Samantha Franco
Nicholas Freeman
Mathew Frost
Brandon Frustieri
Erin Gehringer
Mina Ghobrial
Harry Giunta
Zachary Goger
Matthew Gonter
Kassandra Hagan
Steven Harter Jr.
Catherine Harvey
Brittany Harvill
Joseph Hathaway
Kerri Havekost
Carlissa Heimall
Mary Hennedy
Anthony Hernandez
Max Hodgdon III
Nadeen Ibrahim
Fernando Irizarry
Thomas Jallah
Michelle Jerome
Alyssa Jiminez
Natasha Johnson
David Jonas
Michelle Kashouty
Matthew Kast
Chelsea Kiley
Richard King III
Brandon Kirchner
Dalton Klym
Emmanuel Koffi
Cassandra Kotsolakis
Amanda Krenicki
Danielle Kriegsmann
Ian Krong
Kaitlin Laing
Ashley Lajka
Shannon Langworthy
Michael LaPoint
Ashley Lauretta
Linda Laviola
Samantha Layer
Alicia Leonard
Christopher Leonardis Jr.
Patrick Lewis
Christopher Linton
Janella Llave
Kelly Loftus
Melissa Lombardi
Casey Longo
Aimee Maloney
Kryonel Manigat
Jessie Manno
Carlie Manno
Arielle Marcum
Michael Margiel
Ryan Massett
Andrew Mazar
Scott McCleary
Michael McCloskey
Dawn McCormack
Daniella McCrann
Nicole McCrann
Julia McGlynn
Matthew McMahon
Kathleen McMunn
Patrick Menzel
Justin Mertz
Chad Mexile
Kyle Minotti
Matthew Mitchell
Kristen Miterko
Sarah Moccia
Brianna Morris
Kristine Mortola
Corey Mulrooney
Krystal Muttillo
Brandi Nelson
Caitlyn Nelson
Michael Notabartolo
Brianne O'Connor
Kaitlin Odgers
Lee Oliver
Emily Olson
Johnathan Opkdyke
Gabrielle Pacquing
Todd Page
Christopher Palmieri
James Pandolfo
Douglas Pannone
Ryan Parisi
Shanea Peeks
Joseph Philipps
David Popick
Julia Price
Hayley Priestley
Sarah Pringle
Brian Quinones Jr.
Armando Quiroz IV
Theodore Ray Jr.
Ashley Razozzino
Alexander Raimo
Taylor Ramiza
Samuel Redmond
Rebecca Reilly
Kaitlin Rhinesmith
Rebecca Ribarro
Brian Riccitelli
Shelby Rider
Cindy Rivera-Vazquez
Dana Roeller
Ashleigh Rosier
Rachael Russo
Jason Ryan
Leonard Sampieri
Katherine Sanchez
Evan Sands
Jessica Santos
Angelia Scaglione
Gabrielle Scarbrough
James Schifkovitz
John Schratz
Evan Schuler
Richard Selander
Kellyann Selleck
Antoine Shadd
Joshua Shaffrey
Lyndsey Sheerer
Kristen Shershen
Stephanie Silva
Chelsea Simms
Kaitlin Simpson
Aubrey Sisler
Nicholas Smit
Katelynn Solari
Amanda Spangler
Craig Spells
Brian Sprague
John Stachowicz
Nicole Stella
Bethany Stofko
Kelsey Strout
William Sutton Jr.
Maria Suydam
Anthony Tamarato
Paige Tanner
Matthew Torbik
Amber Travinski
Robert Tucker
Steven Tucker
Stephen Vergara
Donovan Wainwright
Brittany Walsh
Joseph Ward
Joseph Waters
Nicholas Wesley
Katelynn Westover
Seana Worthy
Chelsea Wyjas
Schannon Yodice
Lindsay Zsoldos

i am sure all these people would love to get a friend request from andrew's new fb:

Andrew Biddar | Facebook
Last edited by a moderator:
Sent this message to Betty Biddar.

"Hello, I found you through Andrew Biddar's facebook page (which seems to have since disappeared). I am trying to get in touch with a parent of his due to a possible legal matter that may be arising. If you are not a parent of his, would you kindly point me in the right direction if possible? If you have no clue what I'm talking about, then sorry for bothering you. Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a pleasant day."
d2jsp is a video game trading/cheating kind of site. D2 refers to Diablo II (old video game) but other games are covered through the same site. You sell items and services for "Forum gold" which can be used to purchase other game items or services. Most of the items are created by various means of cheating. If someone is searching for him in the dueling area, he "Lil' Andy" probably had a match with someone and lost, and now refuses to pay up.
I just got a PM fom a Member here that I think is a great idea...

Abolfazl said:
Free People Search | WhitePages

These are his neighbors. Perhaps you can try calling them? When someone once scammed me I called their neighbors and found out the kids' parents #. They were terribly sorry and the kid apologized

I just got a PM fom a Member here that I think is a great idea...


I was scammed before (xbox controller) and the guys number wasnt listed on whitepages (like the situation now). I called the neighbors and eventually got the parents' number. When I told them they had the attitude of "please dont go to police, we can resolve this". Just my $0.02 :)
Send me the info and I'll make a call. Might cost some $$, but the situation will be remedied, guaranteed. You know what, screw it, send it to me anyway, people owe me favors. Might get a freebie.

Hey I created an invite only user group awhile ago for situations like this. Close doors so the public cant see. If you want to jump in there let me know. Dont say any more about it here, I dont want to get other people caught in the fire, so to speak.
