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Reputation System Discussion and Poll

What should be done with the reputation system?

  • Keep the new system

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!


Originally Posted by diachi
IE already responded to this - but I'll respond too. I actually tried to give IE a negative rep for the same reason, however, the system wouldn't let me, I need to "spread some around" before I can leave another. :rolleyes:

More bullshit! I see you plus reped him earlier today in his argument with Dread.

Also, there's no need for using aggressive or nasty language, how about we keep this discussion polite and civil, eh? ;)

Is passing out neg rep to those on the other side who voice their opinion polite and civil? In this thread especially, that should not be happening.

Solutions to the problem:

1.)Return to the old system - stop complaining.
2.)Keep this system - stop complaining.
3.)Tweak this system - stop complaining.
4.)Remove the system entirely, go with Simon's suggestion, add some sort of "Reliable Seller/Buyer" tag to people's accounts. That way people know they are dealing with someone reputable when buying/selling items on the forum.
5.) Change the rules - negative reps can only be used when someone breaks the rules - either by spamming, scamming, trolling, use of bad language, that kind of thing. This option could be used with any of the first three options too.

Anyone want to add any other options?

Going by the current vote count we should go with option 1. That seems to be what the community wants, that said, maybe a recount is in order?

That is not a majority, not enough have voted anyway to tell what the community wants.

Edit again: Also, if we're going to be picky about things that are in all actuality rather trivial then, Alan, you should avoid double posting. It's bad forum etiquette...


1.) Yes, I did plus rep him earlier, then I changed my mind at the same time I decided to leave a negative for dread - guess changing my mind after an argument has progressed isn`t allowed anymore. As I said, the system wouldn't let me neg him again. Don`t worry, the system is working in your favor as well as IE`s. :horse:

2.) It's more polite and civil than you're being. At any rate, it was a legitimate use of the rep system - there was nothing personal about my use of that rep. It was handed out for a good reason.

3.) I didn't say it was a majority - I said it was the most popular choice. And really, if we're not counting the people who said "Not really bothered, there are more important things in life." then it is actually a majority. 15 people FOR reverting to the old system and 14 against. Correction:After checking my post history, I did at one point say it was a majority. Which it is, but that's not the point. Point is - it's the more popular option

Edit: Guess we`re perpetuating the drama now as well. See - as I said, we can keep at it all day. Won`t get anyone anywhere.
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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Any rep is valid so long as it's not left simply as an insult out of spite.

That's right, try to remember that! When someone disagrees with you, you don't troll them and start an argument and then neg rep them!

To you, it seems, any rep that disagrees with your opinion is not valid, and an attack on character.

Look who's talking! It is you who obviously can't tolerate those who disagree with you!

As for your "shit-list" come on, what is this, recess at kindergarten? Grow up.

You need to grow up, your actions are often very childish, you have done plenty of trolling here with your GIFs and your frequent trolling and insults in the religion thread it is clear that you have little tolerance of those who have a different opinion or beliefs than you. You really should try more to engage in normal conversation. If you accept people regardless of their opinions and beliefs then they will accept you.

I think it's more hypocritical bullshit from you though, to take a position that curbs the speech of others, when they don't agree with you.

That's not what I did! That's what you did! You seem to be terrified that the system won't be returned to the way it was! You can't always get what you want!

See, we can all pick at each other about trivial violations and problems all day. That won't get anyone anywhere. How about we stop arguing and agree to disagree. Wouldn't that solve the issue? Let the thread continue on - see what the vote says after a few more days and go with whatever has the highest vote count. After that - everyone can stop complaining about the rep system.

That sounds reasonable to me.

2.) It's more polite and civil than you're being. At any rate, it was a legitimate use of the rep system - there was nothing personal about my use of that rep. It was handed out for a good reason.

Again bullshit, the two of you were just trying to suppress the opinion of someone with low rep because you thought you can, well guess what you can't! Every last member here has the right to voice their opinion in this thread no mater what you think of their opinion!

3.) I didn't say it was a majority - I said it was the most popular choice. And really, if we're not counting the people who said "Not really bothered, there are more important things in life." then it is actually a majority. 15 people FOR reverting to the old system and 14 against.

Ped may have skewed the results of the poll by adding that option, those people in theory don't care if the system stays the same or not, but it is not a clear choice so it shouldn't have been added to the poll.

Edit: Guess we`re perpetuating the drama now as well. See - as I said, we can keep at it all day. Won`t get anyone anywhere.

I agree, I am willing to shut up for awhile I think, depending on what else happens.

Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Original comment.
Pi Reply.
IE Counter.

Any rep is valid so long as it's not left simply as an insult out of spite.

That's right, try to remember that! When someone disagrees with you, you don't troll them and start an argument and then neg rep them!

So trolling is responding point for point now? Asking for an actual answer instead of general vague criticism is arguing? Leaving a neg rep is not allowed unless approved by committee? You seem very upset. Are you sure you left enough exclamation points lying around?

To you, it seems, any rep that disagrees with your opinion is not valid, and an attack on character.

Look who's talking! It is you who obviously can't tolerate those who disagree with you!

Yeah, sure, that's why I keep asking for actual solutions, or continue to explain the same position ad nauseam. Seems you're more content to rail against perceived injustices though.

As for your "shit-list" come on, what is this, recess at kindergarten? Grow up.

You need to grow up, your actions are often very childish, you have done plenty of trolling here with your GIFs and your frequent trolling and insults in the religion thread it is clear that you have little tolerance of those who have a different opinion or beliefs than you. You really should try more to engage in normal conversation. If you accept people regardless of their opinions and beliefs then they will accept you.

Oh, I accept people for who and what they are. That doesn't mean I'm going to let them spout nonsense without calling them out on it.

I think it's more hypocritical bullshit from you though, to take a position that curbs the speech of others, when they don't agree with you.

That's not what I did! That's what you did! You seem to be terrified that the system won't be returned to the way it was! You can't always get what you want!

It's exactly what you're advocating. The only reason you haven't actually done it, is thankfully, you don't have the power to do it.

Scared? :crackup:

I prefer an ok feedback system to none, yes, and I don't like how restrictive the current one is.

If you you actually bother to sober up, and put your emotions aside, you would realize the current system, with it's 5/50 ratio makes it even harder for new users to gain reputation, and stacks the system further against them. Yes they can't be neg repped as often, but they also will not get plus repped as often either.

I agree,
I am willing to shut up for awhile
I think,
depending on what else happens.


Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!



Followed by Beyonce's half time performance;

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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I would like to see the original(old) system back in place with the 2 to 1 ratio as that makes it easier to REP+ members when they help out a fellow member, share pictures of a nice build or beam shots or post some great and helpful information.
I do like the suggestion of tags on your profile for "Trusted Seller" or "Trusted Buyer" and so on.
If it is abused by pounding a member repeatedly with neg reps then that member can ask a Mod/Admin to look into it.
I believe I have only given out 3 neg reps and they were both used on a spammer and a two very obvious trolls.
It is sad to see members ripping into each other here and I wish you all would just stop. I have thoroughly read through each post and there are facts here, tons of opinions and unfortunately a large portion of stubborn as a mule going on also even when they are presented with very clear facts :(
WOW this thread has some members so tweaked out that even vets are double posting like crazy :p
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Dance interpretation of everyone in this thread:

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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I got dibs on the first dancer = high steppin' through all the bullsh!t :D :D :D
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Fine, I call the third guy, he seems to be the least stressed :p
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Dibs on second. I'm fancyyy
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Ok. I'll be the fourth, he looks like a stalker anyway ... :whistle:
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I will relate to #1, he seems to have purpose, or maybe a bad roid.
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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Gawd, where did you did that animation up from? Kinda creepy!
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