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Remember to exercise those argons!

fired up my multiline for a good 2 hours or so today :D the basement got pretty warm :)

They work great as space warmers during the winter, but for summer use I would suggest getting a bit longer exhaust vent and pipe it out a window.;)

This thread is a good reminder to keep on track with maintaining. I think i'll fire up my two tonight.:beer:

They work great as space warmers during the winter, but for summer use I would suggest getting a bit longer exhaust vent and pipe it out a window.;)

This thread is a good reminder to keep on track with maintaining. I think i'll fire up my two tonight.:beer:

I know that it's summer but it wasn't fired up since last christmas. I'm so ashamed to say it but at least it works and I'll be running it more often from now on :)
Gotta love the teal dot
I ran mine again last night, for about six hours. It warmed up the basement on a cool evening.
I ran mine again last night, for about six hours. It warmed up the basement on a cool evening.

I don't understand. Why do you need to leave argons on for a long time and how come you need to turn them on every so often?
If you don't the pressure will change (i think) and the tube will become unusable. search around the argon threads and you'll get a more accurate answer.
I don't understand. Why do you need to leave argons on for a long time and how come you need to turn them on every so often?

Gas is released from the tube walls and the pressure builds up. It it builds up to much the tube wont start.
Once a month is about enough- I run mine at idle for 5 min- then full power for another 5 , then back down to idle- HOWEVER if your cooling fan is not doing the right job your argon may shut down (overheat) -- if you are lucky it will work again once cooled if not you are now the owner of a broken gas laser. If your fan is powered seperatly from you system be sure to run the fan until the head in no longer hot-On some you also need to unplug the PS as they stay in standby mode and will get quite hot with no air flowing-- just clicking the switch off or turning the key does NOT shut the Argon down completely... I confirmed this by testing- Mine was completely cool , it was turned off- I unplugged my fan but not the argon checked later and it was very warm again. I posted this on the forum and was told by some vets I was wrong- I later heard back that I was correct and that this was something they did not know--
It's not so easy when you have 12 of them to run :wtf:

--note to self -- need to run a clearance sale :whistle:

Ran mine at SELEM - just put them away a couple weeks ago.

BTW, some argons are MUCH more sensitive to not being run than others.
(Not all argons are created equal :)
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Heh I was just thinking the same thing about minutes ago. I need to get around to posting a thread I've had planned about my argon for oh, three or four months now too. :p
man, 488nm is the shit! thanks for reminding me to let the photons out to play:beer:
