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FrozenGate by Avery


They are currently out of stock now.
Please contact me without any hesitation if I can do something else for you.
I guess if you hosted the raffle on your own website, and only gave a link, it'd take the risk off Avery, however you are still at risk of being banned from Paypal.

I know they are great fun for everyone, I've run a few on LPF too, however with LPF's huge population (and expanding), "playing it safe" is the best option.

As for visibility, I could make it an announcement, though it seems kind of excessive.
Re: forex trading software

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Re: forex trading software

forex EAs tested and reviewed Realize exactly what gets results and additionally everything that doesnt by means of currency specialized reports and then research into the up-to-date automated programs forexrobot.tv.

We discover the truth on forex trading systems and present to the unsuspicious buyer the thing that unquestionably matter check it out forex robot reviews Identify exactly what works best and in addition what doesnt along with foreign exchange forex trading

Forex robot say what now??? :thinking:
Re: forex trading software

forex EAs tested and reviewed Realize exactly what gets results and additionally everything that doesnt by means of currency specialized reports and then research into the up-to-date automated programs forexrobot.tv.

We discover the truth on forex trading systems and present to the unsuspicious buyer the thing that unquestionably matter check it out forex robot reviews Identify exactly what works best and in addition what doesnt along with foreign exchange forex trading

I almost thought this was coherent English.... Silly me...:whistle:

It's so dumb how it's considered illegal gambling, it just makes me wanna punch myself and others in the face :scowl:
I don't understand what's illegal about it, is it harming anyone? It's a user's decision to participate in the raffle.
^ It's "illegal" cause, doing it privately, you are not giving part of your money to your legalized mafious system (gov :p).

:na: :crackup:
A pile of old rich men run this country. Obama is just a token. Forget the conspiracy theory crap, just look at what the majority of past presidents have in common. Its not a coincidence.
Just do what canadians do to legalize raffles and such, add a skill testing question. That makes it so its more than luck to win thus isn't technically gambling.
They are currently out of stock now.
Please contact me without any hesitation if I can do something else for you.

I guess if you hosted the raffle on your own website, and only gave a link, it'd take the risk off Avery, however you are still at risk of being banned from Paypal.

I know they are great fun for everyone, I've run a few on LPF too, however with LPF's huge population (and expanding), "playing it safe" is the best option.
