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So its everywhere that raffles are a no no. Wow, I've seen a few spots were GiveAways have been brought into play for advertising of a product or of a website. But that needs to be moderated too or it just gets silly
:na: <-- not that kind of silly :)
Necropost much???
NO Raffles. dont even use the R word. verbotten.

AFAIK we are still allowed to do donation insentives like those for the last two months. These are a gift or gifts are being sent to one of many who donate regardlss of amount from another member(s) and no profit is gotten by the doner(s).

I may be just splitting hairs but this insentive deal is not a R-------. (No set amount -no unlimited number of 'chances' no benifit to the gift givers. ETC.)IMHO.

We need a ruling from Judge Judy. in the meantime if you donate plz post the fact in the donations board(but NOT the amount plz) PM is the way to go for details etc.

solo mi dos centavos
Necropost much???
NO Raffles. dont even use the R word. verbotten.

AFAIK we are still allowed to do donation insentives like those for the last two months. These are a gift or gifts are being sent to one of many who donate regardlss of amount from another member(s) and no profit is gotten by the doner(s).

I may be just splitting hairs but this insentive deal is not a R-------. (No set amount -no unlimited number of 'chances' no benifit to the gift givers. ETC.)IMHO.

We need a ruling from Judge Judy. in the meantime if you donate plz post the fact in the donations board(but NOT the amount plz) PM is the way to go for details etc.

solo mi dos centavos

I Love it, No Raffles... Unless it benefits LPF's Creators pockets then you can do a raffle... I guess if we pay His legal fees it's Ok, Then....

EDIT: Honestly thinking about this how would the Site getting the $$ from donations be any different than another member doing it? Seems the same laws and regulations World Wide would apply and I think his point is MUTE. Seems like $$ Talks Honestly thinking about this...
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Raffles are to win something tangible.... and are clearly not allowed on LPF...
Raffles are a far cry from Donations that have no tangible prize to be won...

Seems quite clear cut to me... :cool:

But they are doing raffles where to enter you Donate and go into a pool and you Can win something?????
But they are doing raffles where to enter you Donate and go into a pool and you Can win something?????

Yes, but that takes the gambling aspect out of it. You're not gambling making a donation.

I thinks its all BS too, but what are you going to do?
Yes, but that takes the gambling aspect out of it. You're not gambling making a donation.

I thinks its all BS too, but what are you going to do?

Nothing I just was thinking about it and wanted to know if someone else thinks the same way. Just seems odd, your still gambling due to the fact your only donating to win such prize, it's just funny how he allows it to help him self but how Dare anyone do it for there own Pocket....
Its not him, its paypal. They figured out the raffles and sent out cease and desist orders. Same with Google Checkout, ect.
Its not him, its paypal. They figured out the raffles and sent out cease and desist orders. Same with Google Checkout, ect.

I Know so why does it "NOT" apply to the "Donation Raffles"? There the same thing in principal.:thinking:
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In principle, yes. In paper work, no. Its not gambling to make a donation. You could say "Hey, I call it a donation and raffle off my item." But it would not work because you dont pay the tax, and other legal things you need to set up a proper donation scenario. I'm sure Avery pays taxes on all the donations received.

I think the main problem was people were writing "raffle" in the note area of paypal. This brought their attention to the forum. Plus there could have been some jerks who didnt like the idea, and ratted people out.

Hey I think it sucks too, but at this point there are no private raffles anymore. We tried a few different variances but they all failed.
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I Love it, No Raffles... Unless it benefits LPF's Creators pockets then you can do a raffle... I guess if we pay His legal fees it's Ok, Then....

EDIT: Honestly thinking about this how would the Site getting the $$ from donations be any different than another member doing it? Seems the same laws and regulations World Wide would apply and I think his point is MUTE. Seems like $$ Talks Honestly thinking about this...

what a troll!

where do you get such ideas.

How do you figure that a lawsuit againts LPF
should not be costing LPF to defend.

do you hate LPF?.... well dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
I understand we are Sharing the Fees incurred. He Created the web site with the idea and vision we would be doing Exactly This (it's Not like he didn't think that it would Happen) and so I understand we should Share the Fees.

And I'm just saying that if Raffles are against the law why would a Raffle with donations be ok? Its the same thing you pay to get a "ticket" and the Web Owner Profits. So it would seem if someone reported the Income just like he is, Than it would be the Exact same Thing.

I Love This Web site. Why would you attack me when I'm just asking questions? I'm just trying to figure it out, make it make sense in the Real World :thinking:

EDIT: TJ Explained it to me, doing It "That" way gets around the Law and we don't want to do anything else other wise it would raise suspicion to look into it and he would loose that precious source as well. Because I bet if they looked into it we would loose that as well, and we don't want that. I knew it was the same but didn't know the Law Loop Hole or Concealment.
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