Hi my friends,
Finally, last week on Thursday I got to my job project the „GREEN LIGHT“ and after over six months of total, three months of preparation with last two weeks finialization and last two days no sleep. Finally it is over… And I should receive just confirmations. (Well, not really, 2nd stage of stabilization will follow.)
And here I’m…
I apologize for not responding even to messages. I was not lagging, just busy too much (and we all know how much time LPF consumes, when you are here). Eyes tired from all day long staring into computer and mobile screens needed to rest. In my free time I was working on my artistic project and after successfully proceeding to laserpainting on 21.10.2017, I planned to finish the artwork during weekend and come to you with it. Just to bring something on the table to share…
Unfortunatelly, new problems in my job’s project occured about which I was informed just on Friday (as coincidence it was my B-day). That was a serious issue and I was working on alternative solutions to be discussed and examined. And once this trouble was solved, another occured…
Long story short...
In the weekend I was seeing my friends... (So, obviously I needed to reset my LPF password after this long time.) And as it is usual in my friend circle, everyone brings something he/she likes and we all share that together. So, here are my favourite…
It has to be easy to setup, safe, quick exposure of a few pics and choose those which match criteria for being used and from them the best one. I did this with two of my friends Friday (Mira) and Saturday night (Zuzka). The key was not to take it too long for the object to get tired or bored.
In addition to inclusion of the eyed object between lasers, there are many potential dangers. I used my protocol I’m continiously developong and improving.
if you do not know what you are doing and
I tested this laserpainting concept with care on my friends - after brief laser safety instructions and rules how to move on scene and after I set the safe zones and their barriers.
Laserpainting with some eyed organisms as objects was something I was not allowing myself to even think about very long time. And after weekend I got finally first artistic experience to work with people as objects. What kind of ways it can go?
It does not mean I won‘t capture detailed souls of the trees and other natural objects. It is just different approach and esentially what I have to do like million times to get one artwork like previous
Soul in the Surreal world. Therefore I can train anywhere, have stuff to post and work on long term artworks…
Ok, enough, let’s see it...

Darth Mira
(Instant laserpainting: Used His 'shitty' mobile and my 532 nm 100 mW WL EVO)
Story behind:
We were just chilling at his place after seening other friends in a pub and having liquid sky above our heads… We talked and he started complaining about his poor phone’s camera, so I took the action and composed in my head momentary some pic to make with it. I just edited brightness and contrast in app a bit. It was just about him to stand in right position for a while and be safe. The exposure was quite fast (but took longer than the pic below). First piece a person on my laserpaintings appears.
Saturday was the day I had planned to see some art galleries in Prague and as my second sister expressed her wish to join me on Friday, we agreed to do so. I was just waiting for my sis to arrive in the afternoon and playing with my laser at home a bit, when I got an idea (obvious one), to an interesting composition. Then we visited my favourite gallery, where there is a labyrinth of dungeons and where I plan to have my first exhibition once. I also desired to see again the interesting exhibition, I visited a few weeks ago. I took my new camera just to do some test shots and see how to use it. After our artistic souls were about to be satisfied, we went to my place nearby to plan some further gallery trips. However it was cold and it started to rain, so we were just chilling and I switched the laser on. Safe zones and barriers with safety info were compulsory. Zuzka was a bit worried, but I told her it is safe if she do not do something against the rules.
We discussed art, laser light and various other stuff. When the topic went back to the lasers (sorry for my long speech) I told her about the holography, how it works, etc. Maybe this was the final point before it happened…
Since we feeled inspired and full of art I decided to do the instant laserpainting of both of us. I‘m always trying something new, as you know, some new effect, new trick, playing with perspectives and viewer’s mind and of course I love to explore the laser light (more accurately – complex electromagnetic field). So, I prepared the composition of scene how I planned to capture us. Before we started I told her, it won’t be perfect, since I did not want to get her bored standing long minutes before I get everything ready and that I do not have experience with this camera yet. For this reason, I even held the camera in my hand to adjust the composition align fast for the best result under given circumstances.
It was very fast. I spent with this laserpainting just a few minutes with entire composition preparation, exposure and adjusting it a bit (contrast, brightness and bit of colour balance) to send it to Zuzka instantly.
On first look it was a bit tricky, since it played a lot with viewers mind, but still it was just a pic (mostly). I fell in love with this artwork as it was quite momentary idea to capture it like this.
This laserpainting however I can not show you yet. Instead I’ll show you what I’ve found when I explored various interference patterns in the laser grain of the laserpainting and what is one of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen…
Just check it out yourself.
Detail taken from instant laserpainting artwork - Two Souls meeting in Prague (not published)
It is easier if you are in the dark or shade without direct light hitting the screen. Look at this picture from the distance and if you do not see it try it from the side a bit, try to focus a bit beyond your screen. If still nothing look somewhere else than your computer, focus and look back on the pic. Once you get in, you will see something strange there. There should appear hole in your flat screen with noisy 3D surface just beyond.
I thought it is just some kind of funny effect/trick what I was studying in the begining and I sceptically refused what it appeared it was. All Sunday I spent studying this artwork with fascination. And once I made this deep zoom of the laser grain far beyond the resolution of the picture (esentially there is JPEG compression very visible here) and I saw there is a hole in my screen!
Further I spent a while reconstructing the composition on paper, doing some basic calculations and everything was making sense. My hypothesis needs to be confirmed! I sent the pic you see to one of my close friends and he saw that too. In addition his little son found that yesterday evening as he saw it. There are two persons there! I looked at it as soon as I read his message. On first glance it was not evident (since the depth of field is very low), but then. Oh, my god! I see myself and Zuzka, but from the side, which should not even somehow appear on the original laserpainting! Completely new perspective! In adition the angle do not even optically corresponded to the camera position! I examined the scene, where should I stand to took this pic, what kind of perspective view it is in the reality and I cannot believe it…
My first hologram, or not?
Behind me (on the right - I'm there without head) you can locate Zuzka in the middle and you can see awesome details of her face in 3D. Further the scene continues beyond. Interesting is there is Zuzka's eye hidden beyond my bent hand holding the camera, but if you move your head you the eye will appear. Just like in the hologram I saw in the optics lab long time ago.
It is a bit harder to see due to very low depth of field, but it is there. If you have OLED it is much easier to see than LCD.
I’m sorry for the resolution. I was not able to open the RAW file with PS at the moment – some feature is needed to be installed, so I used JPEG file created by camera to have this laserpainting instant. Anyway it was just a test of the camera…
Overall I’m surprised how resistant it is to JPEG compression and various adjustments like resizing on screen etc. I’m also surprised I could recognize both of us with such a detail. And it behaves like normal hologram on glass plate or film (like those you can get a kit for hundred bucks and take holograms of coins etc.)
Laser used to get this was my favourite („buttsaver“),532 nm 100 mW WL EVO & my new camera (observer) being tested is Canon EOS M100.
Very light and versatile camera. I like it, however I’m getting just used to the touch screen to start with. This feature is ideal for instant use and therefore instant laserpainting. Fast, just simple composition and momentual capture (like selfie). Anyway since I was testing it, I used full auto setup, with focus selection on screen (like on mobile).
Of course both pics are real digital photographies (noise was left there intentionally - obviously), no computer graphics, I just moved sliders for contrast, brightness and color balance a bit.
Regarding the potential digital hologram (if my hypothesis is correct) I would like to know your opinions. After that, I've agreed with my friend, and we might go to see one of his friends – scientist focussed on optics and lasers, to show it to him and discuss this cool stuff. In addition I’ll explore the artwork more deeply to find out what is hidden there, I’ll try to open the RAW and get the highest resolution possible (this one was just for studying purposes) - but I’m starting to believe I’ve just discovered something revolutionary even the principle (according to my preliminary notes) makes sense and I’m surprised, I’ve not seen something like this yet (on normal screen – just these special 3D TVs).
So, guys, what do you see? What do you think? I’m hungry for your opinions. Why I do not see more stuff like this on web? No, I do not mean stereograms, they are something different. This is captured reality in 3D and much easier to focus on than stereograms (even the depth of field here is so low).
BTW this version is PNG taken as screenshot of screenshot of screenshot... when I explored the original artwork, no other computer edits. So far it worked on every device I tried it yet (OLED on phone - best results, LCD on my laptop and LCD TV).
Project A and others
Further I know, there is a lot of questions about the Beast, maybe about my secret artistic project and which is being rebulit to version 2.0 and regulary tested… After a few blind paths I got what I needed, but still a lot of soldering to do… Let’s call it „Project A“.
I even worked on further projects on the list, still, they are just being prepared as ideas and technical solutions.
To be honest I do not feel confident to write about the Beast yet. It has just one unpublished and unseen artwork in progress (v1.0 of Project A was sucessfully used). I need more experience to evaluate this awesome laser.
And so on…
:thanks: Thanks to all worrying about me, keeping my rep up was very nice to see (it is updated automatically in one of my excel sheets I use) – but you know I just had to resist and not come back till I finish that job stuff...
Overall I should find some time to be on LPF and posting here. I wished to return almost every day I was not here.
P.S.: By the way. that Canon I won in the autumn last year in Canon Low Light photo contest (on FB). I just applied first time ever in some photo contest and won the best prize of the bank (2 pieces in total and one went to me). Yeah! But, I had no time due to my work to explore the options this black box (gray actually) can offer… You leave you to guess, which one of my artworks I submitted.