If you have asked me why I love 589 nm laser, I would have answered because it's DPSS, because it's unique pure golden light, because...

The Laser Sun
It's a day at night in the forest. The sun is shining on the sky – is it real or is it not? What is real? What is dream? The souls of the trees, the souls of the light? The esence of reality is surreal… Many words all spoken by single picture…
(for higher resolution click on the photo)
Yes, it‘s a real photo, no computer graphics, just pure laser painting of my style. Four high powered lasers were used for this photo including starring 589 nm "Yellowie" with 2X beam expander optics.
Warning: Proper eye safety wear and strictly following laser safety protocol are absolutely necessary during composition setup and exposure of photos like this one.
Behind the scene (this story is written exclusively for LPF
It was a bit sad that evening at the beginning, I've had clear idea about the photo and everything. I supposed to used 532 nm 800+ mW (I call him
"The First"). I was getting everythig ready, unlocked and tried to switch him on. No emission... Ok, let's change the batts. Nothing. Another pair. Nope. Again. Damn it. It was dead. Bad for start and it made me very sad. But why to return home, when I have four other lasers with me? I prepared the scene, found the right place for camera, composition, alignment of 589 nm (I still do not have these little tripods - so I use various objects to put it on - the harder way

), composition adjustment and... First trial.
During the exposure in normally calm and quiet forest I heard him nearby... To me well known alfa male deer. For those who read
my intro - he has not been shot yet as I meet him from time to time, when riding my mountain bike and even once during laser painting. Well, he was not that far from me to make me feel comfortable as I have had all lasers, optics, camera tripod and all necesary accessories out of backpack and it takes a lot of time to get everything packed and fitted inside... Usually I'm very confident being in forest at night, but based on my prior experience I'm always a bit nervous with this beast.
Well, the exposure was done and camera was taking its time to process the photo. I was preparing for next shot and he was still there making his typical noises towards me. I saw his bright red eyes reflected from my head 1 700 lumen flashlight. It was him, I recognize him only by his voice, but I even barely saw him. In addition he is the only one not scared when I do some loud counter noise at him like clamp, shout etc... This confirmed me he is my well known
"friend" I met in the last summer first time... And he was slowly approaching...
"Click!" Photo processed. Checked:
"Ok, I need to adjust the scene to get what I came for." Deer is still shouting at me. Me, just for sure, keeping some laser handy. Adjust yellow laser, composition, yellow laser composition... A lot of walking. Still deer noises of anger... Still coming closer and being more and more loud... I shot a flash of laser in the area where he was to keep him far (not hitting him of course - I could see where he was, just flash of bright light of laser light nearby would be sufficiend to keep him away, I was hoping). Anyway, I was quickly ready with scene as I got some little experience already and it was the time for a second shot. Last check of composition and camera settings. Mobile phone with DSLR IR Remote app ready and here we go: Illuminate focus area, tap, focus - ok and light off before exposure starts. Now it was time to be creative... The deer still there and me walking in darkness in not really easy terrain illuminated just by 589 nm beam with laser in hand and laser glasses, laserpainting the forest.
It took five minutes and 2 seconds. After exposure I told myself this one has to be OK as the deer was becoming very annoying. I'm really affraid the moment, when he will not be scared by laser anymore - I do not have that heart to hit him directly, but what if? How would I defense myself? I have had just bare hands, lasers and sccissors in backpack. Not that huge antlers as him to stand as equal to equal in case of entering unitntended fight. So it was time to leave. However no attack occured, but I was exhausted from still paying attention to everything - exposure time, laser light emitted on objects, laser safety, the deer, not hitting the camera accidentaly, not slip or injure myself, not crossing the 589 nm beam with any part of my body and to be fully creative... I secured the lasers and was packing everything to leave when the camera proccessed the picture finally - quick check:
"Wow, this is it!"
During my excitement from the photo the deer was probably bored of me and dissappeared. I did not even noticed him leaving as I forgot to pay attention to him. Anyway i knew, that other photos taken that evening would be just additional, so I got on my bike and followed the snowy and icy path through the forest back. I was happy with the shot stored at my SD card and the last mission was to get home safely...
And back home, after the lasers were stabilised with temperatures to prevent condensing of moisture and thermal shock. I took a look at the dead 532 nm. I put the batteries in (all were fully charged of course and I even measured the voltage), pointed the laser out of the window to infinity and - nice green beam slices the sky in full power again! Oh, amazing! That evening I was very happy! The laser is still alive, I took the photo above and I survived another encounter with the beast...
Thanks for reading and sorry for a bit longer post, ArcticDude, but this picture has a longer story to share.
Note: I really need to get something better than these Trustfire's 16340 (they were cheap and the best available to me at the moment when I got them). I realized that maybe they were too cold to deliver required current - in deed they delivered 0 or near mA as even the standby/emission indicator was not working - just at the beginning.