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Radim's laser painting

Nice picture Radim. Things bathed in laser light always look better. :p

Thanks Curtis. I really love Laser Grain - the speckle given by various methods. Hereby WL Evo at max power (532nm around 100 mW) was used in almost complete darkness (It is mobile camera shot on my statue of AntHill Stump = real anthill in stump, part of my home made soundsystem with lasers). A bit of daylight was allowed in my lab to create sea-mapping look of top cover. This lighter is my memory of my life in San Francisco, one of the most beautiful cities I've seen so far. So cosy, so beautiful. I have life stories begining there in the spacetime I tasted infinite stream of inspirational creativity of San Francisco's Genius Loci. No surprise Surreal World's Eye is still kept on San Francisco. ;)

The image has certain holographic properties, they are notable by precise eye focus on San Francisco image. Since my eyes are trained on slight light phase difference (working with lasers and holograms too long already) I see it as full low depth Hologram. I really need to get some holographic plates for my lab, since my device works excellent.
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You're welcome Radim. :) Good work. I love how lasers illuminate.
San Francisco is nice, although I haven't been. Has a lot of steep gradients though. :p
Steep gradients. :D What words! These are best for function explorations. :crackup: I love San Francisco hills. I lived close to cable car stop, so I used it as public transport often. But best it was on foot...
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"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to CurtisOliver again."

I'm still more on Facebook than here. Sorry guys, audience on FB is awesome. My audience seems to be India based, since ComplexityPhilosophy is close to Hinduism and Budhism for some reason. Maybe visuals? What would be Religion of Philosophy? Hard question...

I would prefer maybe a short bloggy posts here, since I'm always in motion and now it is raining. Even nature needs some water.

Well, since I've discovered fully emergence and merging of technology and nature in my Project A, there is a lot to tell.

We are just Thoughts and you can think till end of your Life.

Here is Callibration Group = Cycled thought via autoreference. You might develop any discussion from it as Paradox to be discussed.

That is what is Complexity Philosophy all about. About these discussions.

Hereby Life for this Thread. ;)

AntHill Stump
#AntHillStump #AntHillInside #EarthIsFlatSometimes #Hologram #Universe #Art #AntHill #SoundSystem #TwoDjembes #Resonance #MyLab #Laser #532nm

Happy International Light Day. It is also Day of Lasers. ;)

Happy International Light Day! Also another nice looking image Radim. :beer:
Congrats on 2.5M too. :p
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Thank you Guys, very appreciated. Today is Special... We Beam for Better World of Lasers. I hope Sanwu will show their Piece of RGB soon.

Thanks, let the Small Laser Dot Shine in Beam the Dark Sky. ;)

I think we should help by rising awareness of Light Pollution. What about some LPF Campaign?

Is there a Limit between Small and Large in our Universe?

Yes. The limit is expressed by thinking in time and called life. We live in complex self reflecting hologram Universe as proposed by Hawking. There is deterministic chaos generating us randomness. Once we accept concept of consciousness at elementary level there is just simple explanation why we are here: Because we wish to live for life (modified antropic principle). The same it is for elementary particles. They just search for partner to pair. Will they match? If so we hereby have more complex structure. Here the magic is - science. Just pure science as religion of future is the way to stars. There is no god untill we create it and have faith in it.


Note: TaoLiim v3.0 is finished, now I'm composing it together. All math is done. All theories defined. Storyline is ready. Now there is Publisher's work ahead. You might look for it. Stay tuned. BTW: Artwork is from my Saturday's night of working of TaoLiim (no sleep - inspiration is Magic).
Wazup: Current Thoughts and TaoLiim evolution summary
Deterministic approach to Quantum Consciousness leads to Deterministic Chaos. Fractal based time under certain Holographic Projections predicts so called Torricelli Fibers as Surreal World Strucrure. These Fibers are hidden dimensions accessible through Quantum Mechanics laws. The universes insideout particles are connected through previous (likely) non De Sitter universes, where causality is not existent in our Reality Projection. We use Black Planck Concept to model these realities in Spacetime Fabric of Surreal World. Through seemingly random quantum fluctuation we get entangled particles linked with universe in higher dimension (Toricelli Fiber). This universe might not be casual in our reality projection, since we use complex time in our reality projection where there are non casual patterns (quantum probability given). Unfortunatelly I do not have access to supercomputer to do better analysis of my data. I would also appreciate access to current research data to simplify my model for better complexity.
In TaoLiim we will describe Theories and Theorems leading to testable hypotheses about true essence of reality. I hope these thoughts will inspire those having access to the resources available to look on the problem through Complexity Philosophy lens.

Surreal Bird
#ComplexityPhilosophy #Quantum #Consciousness #Research #TaoLiim
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