@T_J, LOL, well, not yet a powerful laser, but i have somewhere a 60mW He-Ne a bit bigger than so ..... it may be used for make a setup similar to that one
@ Anselmo: yes, cracked ..... i suppose you know how is structured inside the SSY, that white reflector tube with the lamp on one side and the rod in center ..... i just drilled other 5 holes sets, placed exagonally around the rod, changed the original lamp with photo flash lamps, used an elevator for charge 6 banks of capacitors, and a sequencer that send 6 pulses in sequence to the trigger transformers each time that i was pressing fire button ..... spacing them 5 or 6 mS, with the PFNs that discharge the caps on the lamps in 2 or 3 mS, it was giving a decent imitation of a "quasi-continuous" long pulse (also if, in reality, they was just sequences of 6 pulses very close one to the other) ..... and, ofcourse, i was making all cooling between each shot ..... only, i had not considered the danger of that , when i increased the cap banks ..... it worked for a bit of time, then the rod get cracked, damn ..... and i still don't know if this is happened for the stress of the energy discharged, or, maybe, cause the rod core heated too much from the pulses too quick repeated and too high ..... my guilty, anyway, so i can blame no others than me ..... :yabbem: