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FrozenGate by Avery


Eudaimonium, try the flash version then!

Portal: The Flash Version

@Everyone: I've not played the real portal before, but there's no GladDOS in the flash version, but there are 40 chambers and it's kind of a side-scroller, but it's really fun

Edit: Controls for flash version
The flash version is a joke.
Check the videos above for gameplay of the real Portal. The graphics are sweet, some puzzles are really challenging (mentally stimulating) and the game physics are extremely realistic.
Worth the price ($0.00) :beer:
I finished the game (you just lost) and all advanced chambers without any glitches or weird looking colours in the background! :topic:

What is this "Portal: Prelude" thing? I don't understand how to install it... I'm totally new to Steam and all that. :confused:

I think I have the file downloaded on Steam, but I can't see anything different when I re-start. :confused:
I don't play any other games... I just really like this one and I want moar!
Dave, you play games like that?

Anybody else I know of your age (no offence what so ever) cannot turn on the computer without 3 extra helpers.

Try it out as soon as you can! The game, I mean.
After that, Mass Effect if you love SF. I am finishing the ME1 for 4th time now, and finished ME2 last weekend. Played until 4:00 AM. Finished. :D

Will play though both again, countless times.
The flash version is a joke.
Check the videos above for gameplay of the real Portal. The graphics are sweet, some puzzles are really challenging (mentally stimulating) and the game physics are extremely realistic.
Worth the price ($0.00) :beer:

I agree, but on my netbook (currently my only computer :undecided:) it doesn't run at all, but I had to try :crackup: so for now I'm stuck with the flash version.
I agree, but on my netbook (currently my only computer :undecided:) it doesn't run at all, but I had to try :crackup: so for now I'm stuck with the flash version.
Luckily for me, my laptop will run anything on Source engine remarkably well, considering the amount I payed for it.

I read that Portal 2 is in construction... I cannot wait to give it a go.

Just the other day, I was thinking how many appliances would a real-life portal gun have.

I'd shoot one in room back home, and another in my closet at the dorm.
Building lasers after school FTW.
And never hungry :crackup: Mom's kitchen for more win.

I had Dave's GGW arrive to me two days ago. I won't be home until middle of next week. Can you imagine how much suffering am I going through now? My first GGW!!

I can't get past the level with the deep hole and the tall platforms :P

Thats my favorite one! Once i get to the top i always jump off and die to do it again, i just love how high you fly out of the portals on that level.
Thats my favorite one! Once i get to the top i always jump off and die to do it again, i just love how high you fly out of the portals on that level.
No need to die, just jump back down, you cannot injure yourself from falling.

Fav level too. Preservation of momentum FTW!

I also like the one you can complete under 15 seconds if you are fast enough, can't remember what chamber exactly is it but you need three portals, 15 seconds and some agility to complete it.
The floor near the exit can be used to place a portal, and there is a high ground where you need to pick up a cube or something, and use that ground to fling yourself on the target platform, without performing ANY of the puzzles.

The "advanced chamber" cannot be completed that way though, so it's quite unclear if the level is oversight by developers or intentionally made passable by "ninja-trick".
EDIT: There is a video on youtube passing that level in 3 seconds, however I bet that the player cannot repeat that again in next 2000 attempts, since from the way I figured, it takes enormus luck in aiming the third portal to make that.
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I also like the one you can complete under 15 seconds if you are fast enough, can't remember what chamber exactly is it but you need three portals, 15 seconds and some agility to complete it.
The floor near the exit can be used to place a portal, and there is a high ground where you need to pick up a cube or something, and use that ground to fling yourself on the target platform, without performing ANY of the puzzles.

LOL, i always skip that level by doing that :crackup:
What is this "Portal: Prelude" thing? I don't understand how to install it... I'm totally new to Steam and all that. :confused:

I think I have the file downloaded on Steam, but I can't see anything different when I re-start. :confused:
Can someone please help me with this?
Can someone please help me with this?

I'm not quite sure about how to play this part either. I found the install on filefront I think. Not sure. But I saved and installed as any other program. It did say updated. I think maybe it is after you beat it?

I'm wanting to play the super mario brothers level.
I tried beating the game after launching it from steam, but still noting. When I launch portal: prelude from the games list on steam it just launches portal, no modifications can be seen what so ever.
