If I had seen that SSY-1 I'd have snapped it up fast
I bought one of those three years ago, set it up on the bench with two DVM's to monitor thermistor resistances, three power supplies that had adjustable current limits on them and got several watts out of it, but keeping all of the temperatures and currents within proper range manually was one hell of a flurry of turning knobs, but it worked. It helped to have the needed temperatures for both the diode and the KTP crystal marked on the unit so I would know where to adjust the temperatures for the sweet spots, but I had to keep adjusting the knobs the entire time to keep it happy, the temperatures (thermistor resistances) kept changing fast! More doable if I had someone with me to just keep the diode temperature right while I kept the KTP on temp, but they interacted with one another so much it would still keep two people busy.
I don't think it would be too tough to interface what is needed to automatically make the adjustments. I don't know how much power it produced but it was at least as bright as my 4 watt output DPSS labby, I was probably pushing it a bit harder than 3 watts of output, or maybe because it produced a higher power density beam from being much thinner it just looked brighter but it burned my plywood backstop just as fast! It would do that with a thinner beam at less power though. I bought mine for $400 USD.