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PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

Apr 2, 2009
PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP plz sub it.
This thread is all about Ebay(et al) listings related to lasers and equipment needed.
:na:There is NO REAL need to start another thread. Subscribe and you will have instant notice of new items listed-
This is how ebay listings are handled at other forums and it works very well as after the listing is over there is no need for old worthless threads clogging up the boards. They are a PITA if you need to read them only to find the deal is now gone.
To our beloved newcomers(plz do not call them noobs- that is not nice).:evil:

It is considered good manners to NEVER bid against a fellow member who has found an ebay item first and IS bidding-
if you already have seen this item and are ALREADY bidding please put that in a post.

If you are posting about an item that you are NOT bidding on you MUST put that in your post here- same with items you ARE bidding on- if we do not see that expect us to consider the item up for grabs-

You will fully understand this once your are a bidder and your bids get needlessly bumped. plz be nice..:)

Please note that an item showing no bids may still(if noted) be considered as 'taken' by the maker of the post- as bidding too early is not wise and they may be using a bid sniper so- if they call 'DIBBS' have a heart and some common manners and just be happy to wish them good luck.( BE NICE!!!):tinfoil:
btw PM me if you want to know some the secrets to using bid snipe to win and win cheap. I never bid ANY other way EVER and this has had wonderful success for me.


EDIT add on..

For the best info and guidence spend some *Quality Time* with Sam Goldwasser phd.


No secret I am a big fan....I will link to some thing that will educate and amuse.
The quoted parts coustesy Sam.s Laser...take a look at the texts and itemms above and below.


"Buyer Beware for Laser Purchases
In perusing the various laser offerings from time-to-time at the eBay Auction Site as well as the on-line or print catalogs of various surplus outfits, it very often seems that given the model or size of the laser, the claimed power output ratings are considerably higher than what may be realistic while still achieving a reasonable system lifetime, or are not possible at all. The most common error (intentional or not) is to use the CDRH safety sticker value rather than the manufacturer's or measured power output in the description of the laser. This is an upper bound - the actual capability can be anything lower! And, even if the seller states that they measured the actual output power, there's no guarantee that their laser power meter was calibrated within the last century or that they knew how to use it properly!
Here are some comments on laser power and other claims that you should be aware of before purchasing a used laser:
I will leave this last line^^^ to make you go and find whats next...teaser

.Google Sam'LaserFAQ and there are thousands of SAM hits- click ahead to page 10 and they are all still Dr.SAM . He is not much for forums and such.. olde schoole but not really old. I invited him in person . so have others.. hes on the projector forum with IIRC one post... some day maybe he will join more laser forums. hes fetired has the time and may be doing SELEM VI in Aug. again.. hope so.. a one vet told me at SELEM V... "if you dont know Sam you dont know Jack."

Heres some Samlinks from his long list of sources.. these are some of my favs and there are more good deals to be found that are NOT on EekBay..

newcomers and some that have been here but still dont know Sam need to get used to using and hearing about Sam.


At Sams resources he lists hundreds-- these are some from the list that have excellent everything.. new items and sales--bookmark & sign up for newsletters.
these are all well kown here..





Sam also Sells stuff from his-"classifieds" < no fear of anything NOT the absolute honest and accurate descriptions. He admits to not keeping these pages tidy and up to date so...........

so if you email him about a listed item- you kinda need to ask first if he still has it.
He is also good to ask about a rare or high dollar item you may have found- he knows the values of most. A very generous and kind gent IMHO.

I will make a new post with more about Sam and may make or add to this OP new stuff relevent.

I would kill to see his 'stash' He also by proxy does sell on Feebay a good friend/associate out of Fl. handles all but the shipping out of items Sam has they list items from both.

For the best info and guidence spend some *Quality Time* with Sam Goldwasser phd.

TODAYS FINDS........:drool:NOTE THESE ARE FROM 7/2/2012-SEE newest posts for current finds and info.
HeNes at great prices from a trusted seller... estate_rocks
add Monica to your favorite sellers- she will have more items listed and you need to get them before somebody else does. 5 stars from me and over 1000 Pos. FBs.:beer:

Melles G 632nm red hene- I have one of these and its super- great start to a gas collection. Bid or snipe this!! no duty/rest no batteries and a super thin beam that never seems to get bigger-- sold when new by MG for High $$$.
another two of these reds. power supplies are not hard to find and if you wait a good deal will be found- for extensive info including the PS needs and its VDC and Amp requirements can be found(of course) at Sams.( if you do not know Sam then you dont know Jack!! so google 'Sams laser')
another sweet MI red gas laser- dont be surprized if it is a full 25 mW-- and for a HeNe 632 nm 25 mW is high.AND 632 is brighter than many more mW of 650/655 or 660nm
She has more... so 'see other items' and add to fav sellers she may be adding more to her listings soon.
Almost instant answers to my questions- has good knowledge on Lasers and EZ to work with.
:angel:We need her to join the forums.. be sure to note your forum membership in notes to seller-THIS is important. She offers combined shipping and answers all questions fully.
Tell em Len sent you- hopefully they will not hold that against you!!!:crackup:
If you make a new thread on finds on Ebay(et al) a mod may just move it here so...:tsk: post new 'finds' in this thread..do not make a new thread- not needed.......... d(*U*)b <----- VJ Hak wit his headfones on- kickin ' it loud and bright

PS hope this has been helpful- should you disagree with this thread- too bad. PLZ BE NICE & do not troll

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Apr 2, 2009
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

yeppers- once you post ( or add sub in thread tools) you get an email every time a new post is added-pretty cool uh?

btw guys if you want to sub a thread it may be better to do that via tools- otherwise peeps will be getting emails and there is nothing really new at the thread- thanks Bud Jeff- guess who will be knocking at my door in a few hours?? DHL Express--you know what that means!!!moar lazors moar lazors oh boy Imma gonna have a new 1=W green labby waaaahoooie.!!!. oh yeah your JETLASER will be there too.. cool man
I feel so good I am sending you free fully charged batts- so you willa be alazin' right out of the box!!

have anice day yahear!!

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Reactions: ARG
Mar 29, 2012
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

Good idea making this :thanks:


Nov 30, 2009
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

Heres one for you projector nuts. Its the heart of the projector. Simply add scanners, wire it up and your set to go. It can even do analog modulation.
eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d
Red = 500mw 660nm
Blue = 500mw 445nm
Green = 200mw 532

So total of ~1w after optics. Even if the output comes to 2/3 this, its still a pretty good deal having it all put together for you, plus it looks easy to upgrade the red later.

They also have a unit with 635nm module (800mw total output) and a smaller 300mw unit.

They appear to be on thick baseplates too. The only thing I'd change is the dichro mounts - they're not adjustable it seems.

But for the price of a single green laser module, you get RGB. Wont be up to PeeLee standards with ultra fine beams or super mrad, but its probably a lot better than the guts of say a REKE 500. I'll probably get one for an in house testing laser. Saves getting my big projector out (which is quite heavy and I havent even loaded it up with lasers yet! And shooting 3-4watts around my apartment with light coloured walls? no thanks!)

So this product, a box from winni at goldenstar (or whatever box you choose if you can machine metals), and a set of galvo's (30K from hak - hint hint), and you have a projector
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Nov 4, 2011
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

This is a great idea. Other forums have a feebay section we need one here.
I vote for this to be a sticky. I do feel bad for starting so many theads of my finds.

good job Len.
Jun 26, 2012
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

I just found a GREAT seller - newgazer - his stock is very wide and very reasonably priced. I haven't had a chance to buy from them yet and am pretty excited to do so. Not sure of the consistency but even if it isn't totally reliable, for the price it would still be worth it. From what I've read in the reviews, they are very vigilante when it comes to replacements and refunds and the shipping is always free. Hope you can all benefit from this one!

newgazer | eBay
Apr 2, 2009
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

Good Discount TODAY only From LPF good friend Fred at SurplusShed.They alwAys ship for $5 regardless of items.Thousands of items in stock-Here are two motors that make very nice smooth morphing for Lumia- a/c so no reversing- however you can mount these for either direction. They do get warm and even on the hot side if left on for two days non=stop(plz dont ask how I know that) this one is 2/3 rpm- not tried yet by me. as I like the 1/3rpm.

UPDATE 5/13/2017 NO 1/3rd rpm AC left at SShed- I think if they could have 'just orderd' more that woyld have been done --the listing is no longer there-- PM for another motor option & ITS DC TOO
http://www.surplusshed.com/pages/item/m2106p.htmlThese are both very quite and smooth operation.

No failures yet and I have gotten 25 so far-cheaper in a larger order and today til midnight EST- even cheaper by 32%.. you only get discount bY putting where it asks for code.http://www.surplusshed.com/pages/item/m2001p.htmlI see my name has been added to the listing...start here32 PERCENT OFF EVERYTHING SALE-3 DAYS ONLY Welcome to the Seventh 2012 Surplus Shed Newsletter.

ALL INSTOCK ITEMS ON OUR WEBSITE ARE ON SALE- 32 PERCENT OFF- 3 DAYS ONLY!! It's time to gather up your summer project ideas and get the parts you need. You'll get a great discount and help us make room for more stuff you'll want later for your creative activities. Lots of our items are rare and limited quantities. Now is the time to shake out your wishlist while supplies last. Everything you purchase using out website will produce a 32 percent discount during these 3 days. At checkout click on the "Redeem Coupon" button. To get your discount, YOU MUST ENTER COUPON CODE: SS37512. SALE ENDS THURSDAY, JULY 5 at 11:59PM Eastern time. We cannot make exceptions to the sale end date. (LINK)
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Dec 27, 2011
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Dec 27, 2011
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Sep 12, 2007
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

0-50V at up to 250mA. Voltage is regulated, but current isn't. Not very useful for most of our purposes, and damn pricey considering the specs.
