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FrozenGate by Avery

PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

The "new" diodes are starting to fall in price:

9mm 462nm (looks like the NDB7675, I'd like to confirm because I want one to push *hard* and DTR has been out of stock for a while):
$88 on o-like: Nichia 462nm 1.4W 9mm LASER diode [OL-462-1.4W] - $88.00 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce
$120 on techhood: Nichia 462nm 1 4W Blue Laser Diode Brand New | eBay

1W 520nm (NDG7475T), both on techhood:
$380: Nichia NDG7475T 520nm 1W 9mm Green Laser Diode | eBay
$390: Nichia NDG7475T 520nm 1000mW 9mm Laser Diode | eBay

Hoping the prices will be followed by DTR with his awesome customer service and pressed modules ;)
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

@Atomicrox- who knows if the o-like 462 is legit, though. I requested a pic of the back of a diode (which would confirm what it is) but haven't gotten a response.
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

I don't think they'd sell a fake diode. The WL is different enough that anyone would realize they're being scammed. But it might not be the NDB7675. Perhaps it's a similar diode they're pulling from projectors? LL's looks pulled to me.

I'd risk the one from LL for $52, but they don't ship here.
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Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

It's taken me a while to get around to posting test results on this, but the LL diodes are legit. I ordered four and have only tested 1x, but that 1x behaved like the other Nichia 462s I've had. They appear to be pulls (have solder residue on pins). But they otherwise look and behave like Nichia NDB7675 diodes, and spectro similarly.
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

50$ 462? Yep, I know what im about to buy right now. Now to find what projector they come from :) ofc its possible it is just a test sample...
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

Got mine in just 10 days
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

Order from Surplus Shed but don't believe what their online inventory system says.

Twice now they have sent orders missing some of the needed pieces to make it work without telling me or asking if it is OK to ship the order anyway. Another order just came today with only half of my order, out of stock I guess but what miffs me is they sent it without asking first, I would have cancelled but maybe they know that and care about profits more.

As of today, I won't order more from them, unsubscribed from their emails. Their business motto should be "Catch as catch can, our customers are valued fish."

Off topic - Laser Project, if you're ridiculing someone in your signature, at least spell it right?
Re: PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please

Off topic - Laser Project, if you're ridiculing someone in your signature, at least spell it right?

Was that post really, truly necessary? There are private messages and profile comments for that very use.
