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NUBM44 6W+ 450nm Laser Diode

Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Teej?!!! HA wow you got lucky! I can even imagine if it was a 6 or seven watt. I get paranoid on my 1 watt in my pocket.. I usually take the batts out during travel

Me too...I was switching back and forth between sources and briefly treated the pocket as an appendage, and accidentally hit the on button reaching in for the next light...and the rest is history.

I am VERY glad it was tilted outboard and burned through some bills and the pocket, and not my leg...and that the materials got holed quite neatly w/o bursting into flames.


It also makes me think about the idea of an interlock on high powered stuff.
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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Me too...I was switching back and forth between sources and briefly treated the pocket as an appendage, and accidentally hit the on button reaching in for the next light...and the rest is history.

I am VERY glad it was tilted outboard and burned through some bills and the pocket, and not my leg...and that the materials got holed quite neatly w/o bursting into flames.


It also makes me think about the idea of an interlock on high powered stuff.

Whew that laser literally burned a hole in your pocket :O
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Me too...I was switching back and forth between sources and briefly treated the pocket as an appendage, and accidentally hit the on button reaching in for the next light...and the rest is history.

I am VERY glad it was tilted outboard and burned through some bills and the pocket, and not my leg...and that the materials got holed quite neatly w/o bursting into flames.


It also makes me think about the idea of an interlock on high powered stuff.

Getting 1W on your skin isn't that bad :P Been there, done that.
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Just got some more in today. About half are spoken for but if you have been waiting for one let me know.:beer:
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

What current do you recommend, DTR?
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Well not seeing what they do past 4.5A I can only suggest that but I will set them up with a SXD up to 5.5A for people currently if they feel adventitious but I don't claim to know how long they will last there till I see the graph going the rest of the way to foldback. Who knows they may be good for more.:beer:
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode


chances are good I'll end up wanting one. cant believe some wanted to trade in their old diodes, how presumtuous.

havent read through the entire thread to see what drivers are possible. think I'll wait till I see them on DTR's site.

Dominator may be getting yet another upgrade. or maybe I'll wait and see what others do to get some ideas. cant imagine a heat sink bigger than the dominator's doing a whole lot more good, that thing is huge.
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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Wired mine up and ran a test at 4.5a today. Meter spiked right to 7.1w then gradually fell to 6.5w after 30 sec. Also tried 3 element lens but couldn't quite get it to focus to a spot, the lens falls out of module before it makes it there. Video of test up tmw

edit: tried uploading video but couldn't remember how. it's on my YouTube page
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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Well...this Bad Boy is crying out for a little optical correction !!!

See the attached pic !!! I will be doing something like this !!

The flat section may need to be about 1/2" (15mm) longer ?? Dunno yet.

This unit pictured uses two C-lenses to correct the beam. Will the LD demand a 2mm collimation lens...( from Dave at LSP ) ??? Dunno ??? might...but I am betting not...my guess is that a G2....coupled with C-Lenses will do the trick !!!

Got one reserved with DTR.... Yes...I know this adaptor/C-Lens mount does not look sleek...But I assure you....It will greatly reduce the slow axis divergence and reign in a less than perfect aspect ratio...again....disclamer...not perfect...but a lot better....for those of you who care about divergence !! Pass the popcorn !! and hang on for the ride !!

Then...on to a dual...you bet !!!;););)

Note: Thank you all for doing the break thru work on detailing the power nature of this LD !! Exciting times indeed !!! And Oh...Best to keep this " Rocket" outa yer Pocket !!! Hahahahaha


  • EZ C-Lens Mount.jpg
    EZ C-Lens Mount.jpg
    130.6 KB · Views: 768
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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Here's what I did with mine:





It's insanely bright for a ~450nm laser beam. I am hoping that it's 7 watts (@4.9A), but I have no way of testing it's output.

I used a g7 lens, but the divergence is still worse than that of the NDB7875 with a g9 lens. With a g9, the divergence is atrocious.

**Also adding that my safety glasses are OD7+
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Here's what I did with mine:

It's insanely bright for a ~450nm laser beam. I am hoping that it's 7 watts (@4.9A), but I have no way of testing it's output.

I used a g7 lens, but the divergence is still worse than that of the NDB7875 with a g9 lens. With a g9, the divergence is atrocious.

**Also adding that my safety glasses are OD7+

That looks too small, what's the duty cycle? Or what do you think the duty cycle is with that host?

Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

It's an 18650 sized host, so not huge, but it is pretty heavy for its size. Solid copper, I bet it could do over a minute at room temp, but the longest I've run it continuously is 20-30 seconds. It got warm after two or three such runs depending mostly on starting temp, as I had it outside at times.

It also fits a full module, with the copper back half, so that helps.

It probably looks small in my hand because I have giant hands.
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

starlight said:
tried uploading video couldn't remember how

Here you go. It looks like it was getting really warm in that heatsink.

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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Here's what I did with mine:





It's insanely bright for a ~450nm laser beam. I am hoping that it's 7 watts (@4.9A), but I have no way of testing it's output.

I used a g7 lens, but the divergence is still worse than that of the NDB7875 with a g9 lens. With a g9, the divergence is atrocious.

**Also adding that my safety glasses are OD7+

WOW...the combo of the beautiful indigo blue beam...with the luster of Copper...just a perfect match !!!
As far as a host that sucks up heat...Copper is the best...With all this power...it comes as no surprise that there is a steep PO drop off as the LD heats up !

Guidance from the computer over-clockers suggests: CU directly in contact to the heat source, then...next to that... an Aluminum fin arrangement for the best heat dump to the surrounding air...then a fan to pull the heat away from the Aluminum fins !

Not exactly the configuration which will deliver a sleek design !!! As typical...always engineering trade-offs !!! Take yer pic...and pay yer money !!:D:D:D...
OR....Keep it simple...limit your duty cycle to 30 seconds !!
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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

That host isn't very big but is very heavy and you can buy extra copper heat-sinks/modules for easy swappage. I have it with a thick chrome plating with a 1.5W 520nm (extremely shiny) with an extra heat-sink. I can say for sure this host pulls the heat from the sink into the host well.
I don't know why but I have never heard what the standards are for deciding on/off cycle. If there's a link I would appreciate it.
