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NUBM44 6W+ 450nm Laser Diode

Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

WOW! that's a scary amount of power from one diode!!
Get out your safety goggles kids.

Everyone remember your Eagle Pair glasses will protect you when viewing lasers up to 10W, but not from a direct hit at that power, a direct hit would likely also burn you instantly. I know even a 1.5W can burn you if you have an accident. Extra care must be taken so the laser can't fall, roll off a table, slip out of your hand etc. Anyone building a laser with one of these will no doubt want to test its burning capability, so some of us will want better glasses. We must discourage the noobs who have only owned a 5mW pointer from buying one of these for their first powerful burning laser that they always want. Someone could easily injure themself or burn their home down.

Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

or burn their home down.


That was a concern I had too. Without a beam stop they might ignite whatever is behind them. In a home there are lots of flammable things.

I know on some projectors that push multi-watt power that is always a concern if the beam isn't constantly moving.

Scary stuff.
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

I am so eager o learn the diode specs. I just bought the NBD7A75 and I hope that this diode is around the same price. I am also curious if it is the same diode. Time will tell
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

I am so eager o learn the diode specs. I just bought the NBD7A75 and I hope that this diode is around the same price. I am also curious if it is the same diode. Time will tell

I don't think it CAN be the same diode...as its a new diode, that was compared to the old one.

Its also ~ the same price according to the OP.

The old one is NDB7A75 - You say NBD7A75, assumed a typo...?

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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

After the power requirements, etc, are worked out, I'd love to see what kind of cooling/heat sinking I'd need to use one.

Very Very Cool.

Everyone remember your Eagle Pair glasses will protect you when viewing lasers up to 10W, but not from a direct hit at that power, a direct hit would likely also burn you instantly. I know even a 1.5W can burn you if you have an accident. Extra care must be taken so the laser can't fall, roll off a table, slip out of your hand etc. Anyone building a laser with one of these will no doubt want to test its burning capability, so some of us will want better glasses. We must discourage the noobs who have only owned a 5mW pointer from buying one of these for their first powerful burning laser that they always want. Someone could easily injure themself or burn their home down.

Which ones you recommend for these big boys. As these bigger lasers are becoming more available, better or higher rated glasses are a must have.
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Just to be clear have had several people want to swap out NDB7A75's they have already received for these when they come back in stock. I won't be able to do that. I have also reduced the price to clear out remaining NDB7A75's that I have so they will be a little less than the new V1 diodes.
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

I built a graph of the diodes power output vs input and got the polynomial trend line.
According to it the power at 5.5A might be 7.9 watts (7.931225 exactly;))
And of course this is assuming that the increase in power is consistent/predictable. Which could be a big assumption:D.

y = -0.1192x^2 + 2.2559x - 0.873 and R^2 = 0.9996
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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

That was a concern I had too. Without a beam stop they might ignite whatever is behind them. In a home there are lots of flammable things.

I know on some projectors that push multi-watt power that is always a concern if the beam isn't constantly moving.

Scary stuff.

Yes even 3W can instantly burn or smoke about anything even if it's white. I imagine these can more easily ignite paper or fabric, also watch out for wallpaper, last year I had an electrical Fire from an outlet in a small kitchen area with wallpaper and it set the wallpaper on fire, had I not been right there in the room the trailer would have burned down. Now I won't point a laser at a wall with wallpaper, you don't know how flammable it might be.

After the power requirements, etc, are worked out, I'd love to see what kind of cooling/heat sinking I'd need to use one.

Very Very Cool.


I think if I get around to buying one I might build it into a lab laser with active cooling, but I don't see why you can't still put it in any of the usual hosts, but then most people don't want a 10 or 15 second duty cycle, larger heat sinking is surely required.

Which ones you recommend for these big boys. As these bigger lasers are becoming more available, better or higher rated glasses are a must have.

There is one of the Eagle Pair that are OD5 but Eagle Pair are still uncertified cheap Chinese made glasses but that may be good enough.
Eagle Pair® 190-540nm & 800-1700nm OD5 Laser Safety Goggles

These sold by AixiZ should be good:

You can try this place, they are expensive:
Laser Safety Glasses, Goggles, Face Shields, Windows, Barriers & Curtains, Training, Signs & Labels | lasersafetyindustries.com

This place also sells high quality glasses:
Laser Safety Glasses | Laser Safety Training Goggles Eyewear Protection - Laservision USA

And NoIR LaserShields:
Home Page

Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Ide like to see a beam shot of this diode!!! I'm sure its visible in full sunlight!!!
Most powerful laser ive built so far is about 1200mW. Ive yet to build a 9mm laser, even though I bough a bunch of 9mm modules(Im an ebay whore sometimes).
This should not be sold to newbs!
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

I was just talking with the president of a large laser manufacturer about how powerful the "hobbyist" lasers are getting. Obviously not in the kilowatt range that manufacturing lasers are, but for a "unprotected" laser beam, it's getting scary powerful. The Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance for 6W @ 2mR is approximately 1000 feet.

If we think this is scary powerful I wonder what we will be saying in a few years when we have 14+ watt lasers:gun:.
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Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Ide like to see a beam shot of this diode!!! I'm sure its visible in full sunlight!!!

Well the sun is very hard to compete with. I don't think you would see anything but the spot in direct sunlight. Maybe if it was really humid or there was some smoke.:tinfoil:
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Yep, lets "stay on target":).

I was just talking with the president of a large laser manufacturer about how powerful the "hobbyist" lasers are getting. Obviously not in the kilowatt range that manufacturing lasers are, but for a "unprotected" laser beam, it's getting scary powerful. The Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance for 6W @ 2mR is approximately 1000 feet.

If we think this is scary powerful I wonder what we will be saying in a few years when we have 14+ watt lasers:gun:.

This is what Say I...right now !!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

Warning, even a one(1) watt laser beam will burn...at close range. It is
basically a matter of raw power, divergence and time on target. A seven (7)
watt beam will just burn faster...assuming like beam farfield geometry.

We cannot infuse common sense, as it is a learned attribute (some never
learn). . We can only warn ,with extreme prejudice, of the dangers of
possible ignition of the beam target. The potential of target ignition is
greatly multiplied when corrective optics will be applied. Beware....for
we are now at the smallest foothills of the DEW mountains.

Think, Think...always question where is the beam going to land ? What will
it hit...and what are the potential results ???

We must be very, very aware; what reflection may occur? What may ignite and
make very certain that no harm comes to any living creature. These issues
must always guide our actions. With great power comes great responsibility

In closing, experiment, learn, and always act as a responsible adult and
wear you wavelength appropriate glasses.
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

Partial shade?!!? My single watt I can see the beam in the shade? Sry I don't mean to pry.. its just my excitement of my nerdery!!
Re: V1 445nm Laser Diode

So what kinds of hosts are everyone thinking of putting these in? I'm thinking a sinner cypreus II because it's copper. Hopefully that'll give over a minute of good runtime.

Also drivers?

There's heimal's (I think) super boost that can do 5.5A, and the SXB's would work, too.

I have already set my super x-drive in my host, so I'm going to stick with that.

Edit: also, DTR, have you tried measuring it with a 3 element lens? I'd be curious as to whether you could read the power up to the peak that way.
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