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NUBM31T 95W 455nm

I think Google offers a service that'll translate webpages but it only really captures what's written in html. I've just been using the Google translate app on my phone and pointing it at my screen. Crude but easier than learning Mandarin ;)

Can you guys search in taobao without having an account there?

I could do it couple of years ago but since last year it asks me to log in every time (in Chinese of course).
If you use google to search their site you can e.g. "site:taobao.com nubm31". Some of the links returned are intended for the app, you just need to change "item-amp" to "item".
Yes but before I could search in taobao like I do in Aliexpress: just "nubm" and it gave me all nubm05, nubm06 etc.

The Great Chinese Firewall is rising...
Yes but before I could search in taobao like I do in Aliexpress: just "nubm" and it gave me all nubm05, nubm06 etc.

The Great Chinese Firewall is rising...

You's guy's are CRAZY !!!! MMMMHAHAHAhahahahaha........ I think this array could be a candidate for an " Autonomous and Adaptive IR directed Motorized Focusing augmentation" Just think about it !!!! I am sure the Boyz @ dArpa have....MMMM...???.Target acquisition locked with IR distance method....Auto focus engagement.... Laser ON ......PoooooF !!! " Just like shooting Ducks in a Barrel " Styro/LSG...MMMM...I Double Dog Dare'ya !!!.....MMMmmm?? " I assure you, such power exists " CDBeam

NO REPLY ????? Blinded by Science ???? In awe at the Magnitude of the " Mad Scientist Syndrome " ????? I though so !!!!
MMMMmmmm ????? What the hell is a gigawatt?
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I have purchased other stuff from them before, its my goto for quality optics and drivers.
Other company may be swisslas.ch , they also don't have all the components on the site, but i don't know if they have something.

Thats NICE! hope you don't kill your module, i am very scared to do so.

Yes you can, its a classic laser driver with 0-5v modulation input. For now i connected a powersupply to control the output power, eventually this will be changed to the original laser cutter power control.

As i understand is it possible to input 3 different modulation signals for RGB, as its normal used for RGB laser projectors.
But you can connect all 3x2 channels together to get 3x 5A current for your laser diodes with up to 48V for the diodes.

Each row of 5 are around 22V, so 2 rows are connected in series for 44V which the driver can handle.
So only 2/3 of the driver are really needed for the lasermodule.
2x 10 diodes in series (2x 2 rows in series connected to 2 outputs of the driver).
I have used 2 rows in series and connected the remaining rows to the 2 remaining driver channels, this gives me the possibility to control the current independently, i don't really need it but its nice to have.

The modulation input seems fast wich should be good for graphic cutting e.g. raster and different intensity engraving.
The curves at the data sheet indicate that there is no overshoot in current if you turn the current up, so the diodes should hold up to overdriving them.

This thing also has dcdc conversion integrated, this means it doesn't "burn" the voltage that's not needed (like styropyros driver) so it has a much higher efficiency. This is what sold me to the driver, it doesn't need much cooling, also the protection features are very good.
Would you be willing to upload a video or pictures in explanation of what you said? Lol I followed what you were saying but I was wondering if you could show a visual representation as well? Please

i think this does take significant amounts of time. Time is short and I don’t have any at the moment. I am hoping to get some pictures postet form my array. But
I will not make Movie.
Also I don’t understand what I would need to show?
If you have a question/ something you didnt understand I can try to explain it. However English is not my first language, so I sometimes have a hard time explaining stuff.

If you need more informations about the driver I would Bett that the company would help you. They also have a new website that has some explains about drivers.

But it seems like the project I was trying to do is dead to me, I can’t get the array focused down to a acceptable beam diameter and this will ruin cutting quality.
Hi Farbe2,

Yes let's leave movies fo YT actors like styropiro. For a researcher a row of pictures (slides) is as informative as movie. If the picures show numbers.

Could you please post pictures of the spot from your NUBM31 array on the piece of millimeter paper (or just paper with centimeter marks) on the wall 5m away?
This is to compare the divergence with my Osram chip and NUBM08 arrays. I did such pictures at 0.5A current with my phone camera through OD6 googles in posts 15 and 20 of this thread:

Of course no need to do it if you have little time.
But if we want to know more about these new lasers it would be good that all of us share our results.
OK, after many months of waiting I received some pieces to make a thing like Styropyro made but with a little different design.
In his videos he gives no numbers, so I had to buy this Falcon radar body just to mesure its internal dimentions.
Bad that it was only available from USA with expensive shipping, no one in Europe sells such used stuff. And parcels fom ouside Europe and China take super long time to arrive this year or just get lost on customs or sent back...

It is a well made metal body but trigger did not work at all and I removed it (maybe it was just in a unit I got?)
Once mesured: it has internal space for 80mm cylindrical or square heatsink. The round opening can accept a 80mm lens.
I would like to try a circular (sunflower) HS like this one from ali (83mm in diameter, 80mm long). Just needed to cut 2 opposite wings to fit in.
The 80mm fan also fits in even if very tight and would need to have angles cut off.
Bad surprise was the driver. I wanted to try fit in the propietary driver and its dimentions were given on taobao to be similar to the driver for NUBM0x block: ( 65*48.5*30.5mm ). But once it arived, you see that it was exactly twice bigger. I will ty to fit it in anyway. Let us see...

Nice effort. What motivated you to try and recreate his radar gun design?

Shipping out of the US is a pain. The rates are so expensive it seems to be at the detriment of their economy. I'm sure there must be some third party shipping companies between Europe and the US.
From my memory the rates from US have been like this before. The issue today is not the price but the fact that at the end I have received all stuff purchased since March from China on ali and ebay but 50% of purchases from US did not arrive yet or are lost. Maybe they were shipped back by Spanish customs but why only items arriving from US?
This also happened with a purchase of some lenses from Lasershowparts (Australia) - customs sent them back because of lack of some paper, but here at least they let me know about that.

With this design I am just curious what duty cicle such a thing could support if it would be done in a more adapted desigh with a fan cooled HS. But the main reason is that this body seems to be the first metal made one where I could maybe fit some of my former setups after little adjustments. Without need to design something special by 3D printing.

As you know the beams of 31T are too packed to be corrected, so for large distance 08 based corrected laser would be better.
After watching the video from STYROPYRO, I became interested in the possibility of introducing NUBM31T into my project. These amazing diodes are sold only by the Chinese, but everyone believes in their authenticity, they are actively discussing them on the forums, and there are even images of datasheets.
I contacted Nichia asking for samples and information. I received a completely unexpected answer from the manager of Nichia, Mr. Munetoshi Konishi:

"Thank you for your interest in Nichia laser diode.
Our sales of laser diode to Russia is done by Nichia Europe B.V, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

We wonder you found NUBM31T and NUBM34T on internet.
But, they are not Nichia products.
Nichia laser diode is only sold directly by Nichia, and is not sold by any third party or by any distributor.
Please be careful with fake Nichia products.
For your information, please see below, and also attached file.

Please let us know if one of our products can meet your requirement. Thank you.

Best regards,
Munetoshi Konishi (Mr.)
Product Manager - Laser Diode
Nichia Europe B.V.

WOW, this is totally killer news for some very expensive components that sell well. It also casts a shadow on all the development of our comrades using these fake diodes.
I'm pretty sure the wattage is not 100 watts.
I am sure that if the Chinese themselves did something good, they would not sell it in such a black and smelly manner.
I was especially surprised that a whole bunch of specialists and developers ate this shit, and no one before me understood the essence of what was happening, completely satisfied with fake datasheets and samples from Chinese sellers. This is the shocking truth about this year's most talked laser diodes.

Be careful, perhaps there is nothing original around you. Sad but true. Apparently the economic war looks like this. We buy shit for a lot of money, sales of original components are falling, the reputation of big-name brands is suffering, and the Chinese are counting the money.
Enjoy your meal!
It's standard practice for NICHIA to deny any products that are not specificially sourced through them are legit. Chinese sellers also make up product model names because NICHIA will not tell them the actual information, they don't support reselling.
Mostly I think this is because these diodes are meant to be built into projectors and stuff and not to be available to the general public as a standalone item.

It's always a gamble but I'm sure a lot of these diodes are legit but NICHIA will simply not admit this because they cannot be sure if they are.
Your version is certainly good, but your version does not explain fake datasheets and inscriptions on ready-made modules.
It seems to me that you are ready to believe in anything, but not that you were deceived.
Very interesting you were able to directly contact Nichia.
Were you able to get a price? I had to pay 350USD each to get my nubm31t from China.

I think @absolute has a strong argument for Nichia to deny everything unless it is directly through them. It is equivalent to selling a weapon with all the liabilities that are attached. It is easiest to deny. The whole point of private datasheets and stacking them into arrays is to discourage their unintended use.

A few pages back in this post or maybe on a different post, I have compared the multi beam alignment of "Nichia nubm31t" and "Osram PLPM4 450" The Nichia array purchased from different vendors of China have BY FAR better beam alignment compared to the Osram made in China. I have 4pcs nubm31t and they are all exceptionally made and aligned. I can also confirm with my LPM that is definitely rated correctly. It can even be overdriven like most high powered diodes.

Many things can be copied or cloned, but I believe manufacturing high powered laser diodes and also arranging the alignment of the array is one of the most difficult manufacturing processes you can do in this world. Hence why you see the OSRAM (made in china) chip have a horrible aligment
Contacting Nichia was not a problem. I work as a developer of medical devices in Russia and quite often contact directly with manufacturers of electronic components. We develop serious devices that go through the state registration process after development. Therefore, we cannot allow counterfeits and products with unstable quality to fall into our hands.

I made a request in the feedback form on the official Japanese website describing my project (phototherapy irradiator for the treatment of neonatal jaundice) and requested the supply of samples of NUBM31T and NUBM34T, as well as the supply of technical documentation for these products. The answer I received is in my first message.

Please note, I did not ask for an estimate of the samples purchased in China. I requested the purchase of original NUBM31T directly from the manufacturer.

I could believe that these NUBM31Ts were legally removed from projectors or legally produced for projectors using original single diodes, but there is no explanation for the fact that the datasheet widely available on the Internet for them was made on the official letterhead of Nichia, which denies the originality of these products.

The fact of brand falsification indicates illegal and counterfeit.
this indicates a complete unknown of the true characteristics (real life time, efficiency, power, etc.).

I think that all this fits well into reality. Fake Cree LEDs, Yamaha generators, Shure headphones and JBL speakers, etc. no one is surprised anymore. High-precision machines have long been able to make a precise hole in a cassette for 20 single laser diodes so that you don't notice beam divergence in your home. And the Chinese have already had such machines for processing soft metals for a long time.

The differences between these Chinese NICHIA and Chinese OSRAM can be easily explained by the fact that in China there are already many counterfeit manufactures and their quality is different. This is normal.
China has indeed become a great technology country, but their ability and desire to deceive everyone was described long ago by Montesquieu. When, with government support, a country with a level of technological development that allows it to produce high-quality original smartphones, Yuji LEDs, etc., tries to deceive you, it will one day be impossible to recognize. And it looks like this time is coming
