what...the...hell......um? I don't really know what to say to that, other than that I've only seen two people where tails, they're big anime fans, and they're a bit out there, but they don't 'dress' like that....I'm not sure whether I should be laughing or not...
PS: Probably goes in the 'other' thread, unless these are laser using wolves....or they are mutated by lasers...etc.
it's all good to me. like the mom says... if that's the worse they do in highschool it's a good thing. i mean they don't cause trouble or intimidate others, so it's all good to me. i mean i was a gamer nerd in highschool time, but i also hung out with EVERYONE. i think if they want to express themselves then it's cool by me. as long as they aren't imposing or intimidating people.