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New 9mm 445 diodes

The thread is about the 9mm diodes. It's in the title.

I'll be placing my order this week for my SAiK build. Here's hoping for 3W!!

I'm not sure if i found a good method of extracting the lens, but this is how i do.
I soak it in nail polish for awhile which contain a little acetone. Then took a tweezer and try to poke on some left over glue used when attach to the diode, when i feel it is soft enough, i took a scotch tape, put to the back of the lens, took a cotton bud and push it out easily, no piler. Clean up remaining glue with the nail polish easily. I then took it for a wash with the hand soap wearing rubber finger gloves and dry/clean it with lens cloth. looks good except for some dust bit can't see any scratch. Coating looks fine.
However when I power it on the beam has a spiral shape when focus infinity Did I damage the coating?
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I forget if acetone is a solvent of the AR coating. It's possible but i really don't remember. I really don't see any need for any kind of solvent though. I just pop the little holder apart with two pairs of pliers and I have no risk of damaging the coating and it takes about 30 seconds total to pop it apart and then scrape off the glue with a fingernail. My motto on this subject is keep it simple. I have never damaged a single lens this way.

If you wipe a little windex or concentrated isopropyl alcohol on the bare lens it should show you if something is wrong.
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I saw acetone is ok. so i used LOL...
A picture of what i am talking about. the dot are some large dust that i have not really blow it off. was using dtr barrel.
my diode window is perfect clean! the spiral shape is actually all over the lens, if i invert the lens i can see it more clearly

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That looks like something a machine did or something. It's consistent and orderly, if that makes any sense...
Looks like it happened while the lens was rotating so I don't think it had anything to do with something on your part, just a bad lens (?)
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Hmm maybe. Yeah it seems like the glass was made in rotation or I only striped partially of the coating that was put in circular motion. Or is a bad lens
It reminds me of fresnel lens...
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Hmm, the pattern is too perfect. Usually if there is someone on the lens you may get what looks like a target shape with complete rings, not a spiral. It looks to me like a manufacturing error.

I still find it odd that people insist on making the whole thing way harder on themselves by using fancy solvents and methods to remove the glue on the lens. Two needle-nose pliers and your fingernail do the job way too easily I guess...:banghead:
Agreed Apex. I do follow the directions in this thread and soak it in Acetone however, helps the glue soften a bit so I dont accidentally slip trying too hard.

I other news, just bought 450 dollars worth of diodes and drivers today, so expect a slew of build threads soon. 5 or 6 to be precise. I need to get my 9mm Personal build created before this source dries up.
I saw acetone is ok. so i used LOL...
A picture of what i am talking about. the dot are some large dust that i have not really blow it off. was using dtr barrel.
my diode window is perfect clean! the spiral shape is actually all over the lens, if i invert the lens i can see it more clearly

Yea some have it some don't. I was concerned when I first saw one like that but after testing it out it does not affect pass or beam pattern so I just don't worry about it. You only even know it exists when you have the unit defocused like in the picture. Most likely a product of the manufacturing process.:beer:
Agreed Apex. I do follow the directions in this thread and soak it in Acetone however, helps the glue soften a bit so I dont accidentally slip trying too hard.

I other news, just bought 450 dollars worth of diodes and drivers today, so expect a slew of build threads soon. 5 or 6 to be precise. I need to get my 9mm Personal build created before this source dries up.

Source dries up? Are the 9mms not being made anymore?
Does it affect output? if it does i will just junk it and go get a g2 lens. I just realise the "suppose" datasheet was taken down by nichia, eol ? New one coming up with more power?
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The benq projectors are gone. Looks like we will still have 9mm diodes but no more lenses.
Hey guys, in progress with my first 9mm build. I was just wondering, cause I heard something about the pin out differing from standard 445nms, but I'm not sure. Do you wire it just like a m140? Positive thru the driver and ground (-) to the (-) pin?

Sorry if its a nooby question :D
Sorry, I looked it up on google but still can't find it. The diode being case neutral means? (for the wiring)

EDIT: I guess what I'm trying to ask is, is it wired like an M140 without the middle pin?
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