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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • Hi Rick! Bob Mcdonald here. trying to figure this site out Finally found you. Looking forward to using the lasers I bought off you,can't wait! thanks again, will probably buy some more in the near future. Got my eye on another three. Will be talking to you. Best wishes.
    Love what you do man! You have all the lasers ive dreamed of having 10 years from now and you've already built them. haha. Very impressive! Cant wait to see your future products and Just wanna say your doing an amazing job and cant wait till i can afford one. HOPEFULLY SOON! But keep up the good work!
    welcome- watched all this going on and had a feeling some were going to end up with egg on their faces...I am just now beginnibg to distrute for Lasever if you want a quote on their 532 modlues for handhelds or lab lasers... hakzaw1 ((at) gmail
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