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FrozenGate by Avery

New 9mm 445 diodes

Maybe I'll call it the 445-DTR-1 lens.:p
So no matter what with these diodes, i will still have to mount the lens in an assembly, you cant do it for me? What I want is a diode in a module with leads and a 1(800)-DTR-LPF-1 lens :na: but from what I see on your site is that it only comes with the lens separate from the lens assembly?
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Yep if you want to use the stock lens you will need to extract it, remove the glue and mount it.;)
Sorry I have gone over this quite a few times in this thread. If you want to use the stock lens you will need to extract it, remove the glue and mount it yourself. There is a lot of info on how to do it in this thread. You can do it.:beer:
So, If i buy (down the road) a 9mm 445 w/lens diode, If you were to turn on the diode (obviously heatsinked) with that lens mounted to it, will it make a straight beam focus on the wall? Is the Axis module focusing ring really needed if you just want a straight beam (like the arctic for example)? Or do I still need the axis focusing lens?

Getting some nasty ideas forming in my head, multiple diodes + CNC lathe/mill + optics = oh my :D Maybe even some 3D printing for holding optics ;) Muahahaha... Wish i had the money to get the project going, but maybe i'll invest in a diode for now just to play with it....My last diode was the samller 445 driven at 1W. I see now 9mm exist, at higher wattage :)
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Yes if you could find a way to get the diode in a module/heatsink with the lens still attached it would be focused very well. The problem is you would need to build a heatsink around it as pressing it in a normal module is just not possible without removing the lens as the retainer is as wide as the base of the diode.:beer:
Yeah...id have to have to make a clamp that would clamp down on the diode to keep the origional lens. So your saying the lens attachment is larger diameter than the actual diode itself? I take removing the lens holder and popping it back on is harder than it sounds... Because if thats not so far, i could easily mill a hole depth for the diode can to press into a heatsink. then on the other side mill a depth that would allow the lens system to fit back on, but leave metal thick enough to fit between the diode base and the lens holder base. You know, so theres a physical stopper.

If the lens plastic holder is the same diameter as the diode base then....I have ideas ;)

Maybe im seeing it wrong but is it 2 halfs glued on? One could easily mill a hole to spec, and mill in a tab to act as a diode STOP so things are set evenly. But would be hard to say without actually seeing it in my hands.. Few hours of looking and i could probably figure something maybe...

http://i.imgur.com/W5sxj.jpg like this maybe
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The lense is easy to do just get a barrel for it when you order your diode... I have 3 of these now and a 4th on the way. I only damaged one lens it was my first one and there werent really any instructions at that time to remove the lens and I made a minor chip on the edge. But really it is an easy extraction you are going to have to remove the lense to get it into a module anyway's... then remove the lens clean it an pop it into a custom barrel. I ordered my first 2 from Austrailia Now DTR carries the barrels as well at a good price.
Ok, sounds good. DTR, you should add instructions to your website on what to do :P
