For the record, Rangedunits has a bit of a point. However he expressed it poorly. Very poorly.
Key words here are Defocused, and Trained, Experienced, Warrior. Words a person with a communications degree, and no experience in physics, tends not to understand. The media may not be so kind in a similar case. There is the possibility this would have been sensationalized.
Quoting Huey Lewis' little 80s song on journalism, "Kick em when they are up, and kick em when they're down". Something like this would have been a reporter's dream 15 minutes of fame.
In this case a trained, experienced, person took the time to assess the situation, adjusted his gear, and executed a plan.
For someone with out such prior experience, things might not have gone so well, legally, afterwords. Be sure you KNOW your target and Think, before you hit that button. The lawyers and media could eat you alive. In the OP's case, his actions are defendable. With a collimated beam, I'm not so sure a expert defense could be mounted. The defocusing was a major benefit.
I'm glad the idiot on the receiving end learned a lesson, had a few minutes of minor eye strain, and was not jailed using my tax dollars. I also glad no one got hurt. I just went through 14 miles of inner city road rage, and can understand completely. Reach for a phone folks before you reach for the collimated pointer
Sergeant, Thank You, and may God bless you, for your service to our nation.