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Most famous youtuber showing us how to not use a laser

Sadly out of the five friends that I showed my lasers to, not a single one thought "hey this might be dangerous, let's be careful with it". Every single one of them was over the age of 16 at the time of showing them, with some of them being 19. Yet every one of them pointed on either cars, planes, windows or people even after warning them to absolutely not do this. Hell, one of them even pointed the laser directly in his eye, twice in a row. They were like "yeah well, light can't really do anything dangerous let's give it a try". Before I could grab my laser back they had already done what I told them not to do. Luckily this was with a ~30mW laser, but imagine someone doing this with a 1W+ laser.

There are way too many idiots out there that will not follow the rules nor advice given to them no matter how many times you tell them. That's the reason why I can't stand these videos, especially when they reach such a big crowd that accidents are bound to happen.

That's all true, and that experience definitely rings a bell.

It's about there that I programmed myself with a knee-jerk response.
"Can I see that laser?" - "No.". No questions asked. No.

Still, I believe that immediately assuming "Oh no tons of people are going to see a laser in a popular video, so somebody somewhere is going to get hurt" is a rather bad way to go about your day-to-day information processing.

Yeah, somebody somewhere, despite all the warning of the world, all the information available, all the common sense and logic, will get hurt and maybe get in trouble with the police even.

So what? What else is new? This is not limited to lasers, nor any specific video, regardless of the number of subscribers and the audience. If you just get worked up over it, you're going to go insane. Maybe just look at some bright sides, silver linings and all, and forget about it. We're all doing the best we can to provide valid safety information and responsible laser usage guidance, and that's going out of our ways to do it. It's not the video maker's fault, and it's definitely not our fault, so if somebody somewhere points a clearly marked "high powered dangerous laser device" into their eyes, maybe it's, you know, their fault.
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That's all true, and that experience definitely rings a bell.

It's about there that I programmed myself with a knee-jerk response.
"Can I see that laser?" - "No.". No questions asked. No.

Still, I believe that immediately assuming "Oh no tons of people are going to see a laser in a popular video, so somebody somewhere is going to get hurt" is a rather bad way to go about your day-to-day information processing.

Yeah, somebody somewhere, despite all the warning of the world, all the information available, all the common sense and logic, will get hurt and maybe get in trouble with the police even.

So what? What else is new? This is not limited to lasers, nor any specific video, regardless of the number of subscribers and the audience. If you just get worked up over it, you're going to go insane. Maybe just look at some bright sides, silver linings and all, and forget about it. We're all doing the best we can to provide valid safety information and responsible laser usage guidance, and that's going out of our ways to do it. It's not the video maker's fault, and it's definitely not our fault, so if somebody somewhere points a clearly marked "high powered dangerous laser device" into their eyes, maybe it's, you know, their fault.

You're right, getting all worked up over it on a forum is pointless. But I don't think stuff like this should be ignored. We are part of the laser community, and I don't think we should just sit idly by and watch idiots lose their primary sense because they didn't know that by shining that laser into their eye they'd go blind. There's not much we can do, but when an opportunity arises to educate people about laser safety we should take it take it.

Wicked Lasers is what the general public think when they hear "High powered laser", I know because I was the general public at one point. I don't think they put enough stress on laser safety, and that makes me worried.
You're right, getting all worked up over it on a forum is pointless. But I don't think stuff like this should be ignored. We are part of the laser community, and I don't think we should just sit idly by and watch idiots lose their primary sense because they didn't know that by shining that laser into their eye they'd go blind. There's not much we can do, but when an opportunity arises to educate people about laser safety we should take it take it.

Wicked Lasers is what the general public think when they hear "High powered laser", I know because I was the general public at one point. I don't think they put enough stress on laser safety, and that makes me worried.

Alright, so how do you propose we go about not ignoring it?

Because short of "getting worked up, maybe make an angry thread", I do not actually see a whole lot of options.

Maybe we should re-write some safety-related stickies with up to date information, link them around the side and in signatures... but that's about it as far as I figure it.
Alright, so how do you propose we go about not ignoring it?

Because short of "getting worked up, maybe make an angry thread", I do not actually see a whole lot of options.

Maybe we should re-write some safety-related stickies with up to date information, link them around the side and in signatures... but that's about it as far as I figure it.

I tried to start a thread to address fooltubers so we can proactively jump on the issue and not only educate people but get the derogatory videos pulled ASAP.

The thing of it is whether or not it was made for comedy or not does not matter! Kids see this stuff on youtube and they want to emulate it to get hits to. So it comes down to the people that run youtube to flag this kind of idiocy. Its dangerous and stupid to the extreme. I mean it a 1 plus watt laser being thrown around with no regard to any one else. Handing some thing like that to a kid that age. I as a father cringed at that part. I really think that there has to be a limit on what is acceptable content on youtube. have a verified part of youtube that is 18 or older and disclaimers for videos like this. I really wonder some times were this world is headed when you see this kind of crap and I really mean crap on web any way im done with my rant later
Oh my god, I got recommended to watch this video on youtube while I was just messing around, decided to use search function and look for threads about it (lawl). This is absolutely fucking rediculous. I was hoping he would turn the laser off of pulse and accidentally set his "handerpants" on fire and melt off his own hands but no luck :(
Sorry for the semi-necro, but I didn't feel like this deserved its own thread. This was posted a few hours ago on a sort-of popular youtube channel:

Drawing on an iPhone 6S with a Laser!

In the video, for those who don't want to watch it, the guy "engraves" an iPhone screen with an Arcane from SF lasers. NO mention of safety whatsoever.

Now, I don't assume many people will be destroying their iPhones, but if some poor soul DID try it they could sustain some serious damage from the reflections that would be present.

This is a growing issue and it's only a matter of time before high-power diodes are a dime-a-dozen. In just over 8 hours the video has over 100,000 views, and the channel has over 3M subscribers, so it will gain views very fast.

The odds are not in our favor.
This guy is seriously mentally ill, he just ruined that iPhone 6S, that takes up way too much screen space for it to still be useable, and two other phones too! Phones already don't have enough screen space. I can imagine some kids doing this to their phones and screwing it up and realizing they made a mistake. It will also promote the use of lasers to young kids who would do this sort of thing. It already has over 400,000 views. There better things to draw your artwork on.

I don't get this at all. He keeps saying how awesome it is to permanently have that on top of everything you are looking at on your screen. This has to be some kind of total jerk making a fool out of others because he gets a kick out of it or he is sharing an idea on how to ruin someone else's phone. It's practically impossible to believe he is serious unless he is mentally disabled.
Honestly can't stand that I let myself watch this. Hate how angry this makes me. Refuse to even look the guy up as he must do this garbage to get as many hits as he can to make $. People like this need to lose all their income and be served with a law suite if you ask me. Would never surprise me if there are lots of people who want to get their hands on him.
+REP for reporting it even though I hate it lol

Pi, as far as screen space I have a note 4 and actually hope that when my contract is up this Christmas there will be an even bigger one. Having the chronic pain issues and mostly spending my days at home I use my phone all the time just like now. We spend Saturday morning in bed watching all the morning news shows although my wife goes in and out of sleep while I am on my phone mostly here.
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This is what happens when you legalize pot.

non-sequitar. as a colorado resident I can tell you, we've got mosty intact iphone screens.;)

this is dumb, that guy should do it to his TV too if he thinks it's so cool. or do it to his retina so EVERYTHING he looks at will have, superimposed, "cool!"

case in point:

language warning, and he says megawatt instead of milliwatt. I dont smoke anymore, but when I did I naturally had to try this. it tastes cleaner because there is no butane taste like there would be using a lighter. that said, smoking is real bad for your lungs, so first I gave up ciggs, then pot.

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This just backs up my opinion about how stupid many YouTube videos are. I rarely if ever watch them anymore. It seems to bring out the idiots to regale us with their ignorance.
The smoke can't be good for the diode or optics. Those glasses can't fully protect the eyes that close. I could still see the chance. Goggles maybe. I'm kinda surprised that there hasn't been a laser pipe invented yet. It looks like a better heating option that vaporizers.
