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Micro-Drive laser driver by rkcstr

Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Hey rkcstr, I still want to add that test load to my order. Have you already processed it? I'd hate to pay extra because I forgot, but if you already sent the drivers...

Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

I'm working on orders and I apologize if you've waited some time.  I've been so busy with school, its not funny.  2nd year of medical school has been way tougher than the 1st  :-/

Anyway, I have an exam on Monday, so I won't be making any this weekend, so any orders that haven't shipped yet will go out Monday or Tuesday of next week.  I am also going to hold off on posting more stock until Monday at 12:30PM EST so that I'm not overwhelmed with orders right after my exam!  I will probably continue to limit orders due to the fact that I just don't have the time to work on huge amounts of these.

HOWEVER, if you want to order a large amount (10 or more), contact me and I can try to arrange the time to get it done.
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Hey Ryan, just got my order today, thanks I dont know why your order always seems to get here faster than all the others sent on the same time frame. takes 5 days to Australia. :P

Must be the mail man on steroids or somthing. :o

Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Cool, just ordered 2 more! 8-)
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Forgot to mention I am still continuing studying tonight since I have a quiz tomorrow (yes, they really like to torture us with back-to-back-to-back stuff).  So, probably after my classes tomorrow, I'll be working like crazy to get ANY orders I have DONE because Wed thru Sun I'm going home to see my family since this is the first chance I've had since the beginning of August and may be the last chance I have until Thanksgiving.

So, if you want your stuff this week, GET YOUR ORDER IN TODAY!

Thanks  :)
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Hey Ryan I think its about time you got your prioritys straight
#1-- your drivers

#2 -- school and a degree ;) ;) ;)

Just kidding we appreciate you taking the time to make these
and i hold you personally responsible for my laser addiction roflol ;D
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*


Next week (Oct 27 - Nov 2) will be the last week I will be making drivers UNTIL after I finish my current class the week of Nov 17th. I will (tentatively) reinstate orders Nov 24th.

The reason for this is that the class that I am currently taking requires A LOT of my time with weekly quizzes, projects, etc. PLUS Nov 14th I have an exam in the class covering 5 weeks of material (trust me, that's a HUGE amount in med school time), THEN the following Wed (Nov 19th), I have a CUMULATIVE exam covering everything immunology, bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, antimicrobial, and anything else infectious disease related (13 weeks of class, which is an unbelievably massive stack of notes containing a seemingly infinite amount of information). I have a lot of studying to do :-/

So, please be aware of this and if you plan to need drivers in the coming month, get them ordered next week!

I will also take any URGENT needs into consideration, but please only if it is necessary!
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Ryan i sent you a email, check your inbox ;)

Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

In anticipation of my "break" and that people (including me :)) will be getting the 6x blu-ray diodes very soon from AMK, I have ordered parts for making the special range for these diodes, which will be approximately 85 to 255mA (yet to be confirmed).

I am currently offering these ranges as an option for the assembled drivers on my website, but since this is currently a limited-time "custom" range (requiring me to use different parts), they'll be $0.50 extra. Parts will probably be in Wednesday, so the earliest for shipment will likely be Thursday.

And again, if you want these or any driver in about the next MONTH or so, make sure you get your order in NOW (by the end of the week, as long as they are still available).
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Just got my order!  Thanks for the top notch service and speed!! :)

Good luck with your upcoming busy time; I'm a undergrad physics senior and I'm amazingly busy. I can't imagine how busy you must be in med school...

Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Don't forget to get your order in by TONIGHT (11/2/08) by 12AM EST!

After tonight, I will not be taking any orders until the week of Nov 24th. So, don't forget!
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

So, here's what I've been doing for the past few weeks:


I just finished up studying for tonight for my exam tomorrow (have a little review in the morning yet), but that's over 1000 pages of lecture notes (mostly 4-6 slide per page DETAILED powerpoint slides and some full-page text notes), two books full of various case studies, a microbiology review book (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) and an immunology text book. Doesn't include our "lab" projects, independent projects and group-based case discussions.

Now, the culmination of my 11 week course on Infection and Immunity will be a 194 multiple-choice question exam over 3 hours and 45 min. tomorrow that counts for 50% of my grade in the course.

Wish me luck :-/
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

damn... even though it's prolly too late-- good luck.
