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Micro-Drive laser driver by rkcstr

Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Thanks! They were actually very fair on the exam... the previous two were MUCH harder, even unfairly so. It was sooo long, almost freaking 200 questions, took me about 3 hours 10min. to finish. But, we're supposed to have our grades tomorrow, so fingers crossed!

Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Good luck for a couple of days ago ;D

So we can order in 3 days then?
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Yeah, I'll open ordering back up on Monday. I need some time off right now ;)

Since next week is Thanksgiving holiday here in the states, I'll be out of town from Wed thru Sun, so I'll probably get some orders out Tue, but it may not be until the week after that I get all orders shipped out.
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

I am taking orders again!
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

First to order! :D

I'm building a laser for some very bored 10440's, so your driver will be perfect.

I hope you gave those exams hell!
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Just wanted to let everybody know that I will be out of town tomorrow afternoon until this Sun for Thanksgiving (its a holiday in the US, for those of you not familiar). Because of this I won't be shipping orders made after today until after I get back (maybe Monday or Tuesday at the earliest?).

Sorry for the inconvenience.... I anticipated leaving on Wed, thinking I could work on orders tomorrow too, but I have to be back a day earlier than I thought and probably won't be able to work on any orders tomorrow.

Personally, it sucks for me too because I'll have a bunch of orders to work on when I get back... which it ALWAYS seems to happen that after I start taking orders again that I have to go out of town and end up with a ton of work to do when I get back :-/

Anyway, to those of you also celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving!
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Where do you add the LPF discount code in your web site to get the discount price?
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

ttvolvo said:
Where do you add the LPF  discount code in your web site to get the  discount price?

There's a discount code box to enter during checkout... not sure of the exact page.
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Just thought I'd let everyone know: The Test Load is getting an upgrade. I've just submitted the design to have the PCBs manufactured rather than etching them myself. What this means is that they will no only look better, but they will be easier to use and assemble! I've moved a few some things around and the parts and solder points will now be clearly labeled. To account for the extra cost, I will be increasing the price on both the assembled and kit forms by $1 (well, it'll be $0.72 after LPF discount).

I will have these new boards in about 1-2 weeks, so for now, my supply on Test Loads is pretty limited. I will continue to sell the old-style until either I run out of PCBs or I get the new ones. I'll post an announcement on here when the new ones are available.
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Can i use this driver with a blue laser diode from a HD-DVD drive, with 2xCR2?
Or is 2x3=6 Volt not enough?

And what one should i buy exactly? Adjustable voltage? Preset? How many mA?
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

6V will not be enough voltage to drive a violet diode, you'll probably need upwards of at least 8V, depending on the diode and what current you want to run.  You can the diode voltage (typically around 5-6V, maybe more, for the 803T), add 2.25V and that gives you the minimum input voltage you need for the driver.

I'm assuming you have an 803T diode?  If so, I'd say a 100mA would be safe enough to give a decent lifetime, however many people drive them upwards of 150mA or more, but that will severly shorten the lifetime (maybe a few hours to 10s of hours, depending on the diode).

The drivers are adjustable current, not voltage.  So, if you want to be able to turn the current up or down, you can get an adjustable one (the low range was intended for the 803T diode), or you can go with a preset one if you have a specific current in mind that you want to run.
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*


I'm sorry to say, but I need to stop taking orders while I need to study for exams I have these next two weeks.  I'll keep orders open until Monday (12am EST, 12/8/08), so get your orders in now unless you want to wait until I start up again (probably around 12/20 to 12/22).

I apologize if this is an inconvenience, but I really need to focus on my studies and I'm already behind on orders.

Thanks for your interest ;)

Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

New PCBs for the Test Loads are in.  They're pretty sweet looking, if I say so myself  ;D

Unfortunately I don't have a camera to take pics with at the moment (Nikon's fixing it  >:(), so you'll have to take my word for it  ;)

Just a reminder:  I'm not currently taking orders, but probably Sat I'll post up more stock so you can buy away! I'll remove order limit restrictions until the new year (when I start back to classes), so you can go nuts!
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Orders are open again... so go for it!

Also, I removed the quantity limit restriction until the end of the year, so feel free to order as many as you want.

Just one note:  the bulk discount in conjunction with the LPF discount will only save you money if you order 20 or more!  You can use the coupon "LPFbulk" to get 15% off those prices, however just use the regular items (with code "LPF") if you're ordering less than 20 of any one item.
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

finished building two NEW PCB dummy loads -- they look GREAT!
Re: Micro-Drive laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Hey thanks ;)

I got some pics of them FINALLY, I just need to update the instructions now. The parts are all the same (with exception to the 1ohm resistor now being thru-hole OR SMT), so assembly is pretty similar to the old-style. The 2kohm resistor (R2 on the new board) is in a different place as well as the voltage selection points, but I think most should be able to figure it out.

Anyway, here's some pics:

bare PCB

Assembled (by hand, so joints aren't quite as nice as "normal" assembly by reflow)
