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Micro-Drive laser driver by rkcstr

Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

PCBs are now ordered. There is a 5 (business) day lead time, plus shipping time, which means I should HOPEFULLY have them by the end of next week, possibly earlier in the week if the stars are aligned just right ;) Unfortunately, that will be just in time for me to be in my last stretch of studying for an exam that next Monday :-/

Also, the site's coming along well. I think I have most things set up how I want them. I'm still trying to figure out a few things, though. Also, the pricing has been a huge consideration at this point. I'm still working out what they will be and how I will work discounts and such.

Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Got the parts today.  My plan is to post on here and my old website (http://rkcstr.googlepages.com), the link to my new site to purchase drivers.  In order for people to be prepared, that will occur at 12:30pmEST on 9/26/08.  That's 12:30 in the afternoon, for those of you on the east coast in the US, or 9:30AM for those on the west coast.  If you're not in either of those time zones, you'll have to figure that out yourself  ;)

The prices will be $13 each for assembled adjustable drivers, $9.03 for a kit, $11.56 for assembled fixed-value drivers, $7.17 for a kit.

Yeah, the prices aren't as "clean" as the old ones, and obviously they're higher, but basically what I'm doing is selling the drivers at a specific price and DISCOUNTING them almost 30%.  For now, those are the set prices, but, in the future, there will be bulk discounts.  But, for those of you on LPF, there won't be any discount until you reach 20 drivers, and only then its a small discount, reaching down to about $11.50 each for quantities of 50 or greater.

This coming few weeks I will be limiting orders to 5 drivers per person/per week and a maximum of 30 drivers (combined for all orders) per week as well.

If you have any questions, let me know.
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Ready?  Go!


For LPF members (you!), enter the code "LPF" during checkout to get discounted prices.  If you forget, let me know.

REMEMBER!  There is a 5 driver limit (combined total) and only one order per week!
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Cool! ;D That is a great website!
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Please let me know if you have any problems with the site as its sort of untested, well, with the Paypal checkout process as Paypal won't let me try it with my own account ::)
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Paypal worked for me. order of 4 drivers placed. Whee! Order #1! :D The discount codes work only if you create an account. Express checkouts will not get the discount.

Also, the site load time is rather laggy. I'm assuming you're either hosting on a minimal resource-sharing machine, or locally on residential service?

Edit: Found another error for you. The PayPal confirmation is indicating that your server hasn't initialized some of the information yet. Specifically, the account history and help page links in the email are warnings regarding the incomplete configuration. The invoice mail, however, looks good.
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Greyfox said:
Paypal worked for me. order of 4 drivers placed. Whee! Order #1! :D The discount codes work only if you create an account. Express checkouts will not get the discount.

Also, the site load time is rather laggy. I'm assuming you're either hosting on a minimal resource-sharing machine, or locally on residential service?

Hmm, ok... if anyone is unable to use the discount code, let me know, I'll manually refund the difference.

Yeah, the host I'm using is NearlyFreeSpeech.net (thanks sk8er4514), its cheap and gets the job done.  Zen Cart says it works best with PHP Safe_mode off, but NFS doesn't really offer that because it is a shared resource server.  They have a 'beta' version "PHP 5 Flex" server that is supposed to work better with sites that need safe mode off, but they say it runs slower anyway, so there may not be any advantage.

Anyway, I think it works well enough to suffice.  Once the images are loaded into cache, it seems to load pretty fast.  I could try making my graphics smaller, but that takes time... so, it's something to work on.

Also... I didn't really have any way to request your forum names (helps me keep track of what you ordered in case you ask me questions).  So, for those who haven't ordered yet PLEASE ENTER YOUR FORUM NAME IN THE "COMMENTS" SECTION (or as your Company name) DURING CHECKOUT.  If you have already placed an order, please send me a PM with your forum name so I can keep track.  Thanks!
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Hey rkcstr, the site looks AWESOME! 8-) I hope it brings you lots of business (haha, like you need it :P) Just ordered 5! The LPF discount is AWESOME!!! :o +1 now, and +1 upon arival! ;) [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

ah damn I just ordered 5 then found out you made a LPF discount coupon.... oh well, you can keep it. I'll be ordering 5 every week anyways, was that your max per week or per day? if it's per day, I'll order 5 every day for a few weeks. I'd like to buy 50.

Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Right now it's 5 per week... I'm pretty busy with studying, so I'm limiting myself to only spending maybe an hour or two a day on these because I have about 500 pages of notes to know back to front for Oct 6th, in addition to a bunch of case studies, various other things and a review book to read. Then the week of Oct 6th, I have to read another few hundred pages of notes for another exam on different material on the 13th.... :(

Anyway, enough about my stuff. Hopefully next week I'll have the new PCBs in-hand, which will hopefully make the process of assembly much faster, so I may be able to handle larger orders. I'll keep you guys updated about it.
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

i can't find the instructions on the site? Are they there, or have you not had time to put them across
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

There's links in the driver descriptions, at the bottom of each one.
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

Wow, that was fast! My 4 drivers just arrived in the mail this afternoon. Great work!
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

i wanted to order the max of 5 but in the bulk section it says sold out :(
Re: Micro-Driver laser driver *NOW ADJUSTABLE*

ndrew2505 said:
i wanted to order the max of 5 but in the bulk section it says sold out :(

I'll be putting up more stock on Friday (same time as last week, 12:30PM EST). However, for bulk orders, the standard discount does not apply. The discount on bulk orders will be 15% for LPF members, which means that there isn't any discount over the standard price (for LPF members) until you purchase 20 or more.

So, if you intend to purchase <20 drivers, use the non-bulk items. If you intend to purchase 20+ drivers (that's 20 adjustable OR 20 fixed, not combined), then use the bulk ordering. To get the 15% discount, use the coupon "LPFbulk"

Also... today (Sept 31st) marks 6 months since I started selling my drivers... and I've sold close to 1000 total! That's crazy! Thanks guys :)
