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Meta Topic : Pinout & Performance of actual LD
Hello all ! :yh:
Here is a topic which collect all the usefull information on this forum in order to spare time ! i Ctrl-c most of the topic of members, hope there is no copyright :thinking:
To move right/left on image, left clik on the image then use keyboard arrow to move Thanks to all which provide these ! :beer:
For low pump power of 808 nm (mean <1W range), the maximal optical-to-optical conversion efficiency is equal to ~60 %(Nd:YVO4) for 808@1064 and ~80% (KTP) 1064@532 nm.
See http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_pointer_forums_3/forum/showthread.php?t=40425
test was done with a good heatsinking
A general graph about most common red diode :
Update 2012 : Check ML501P73 Mitsubishi 638nm 500mW Diodes
The 3 weak one are Kes400A. See this thread : http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1214268330/60#72
Useful information from IgorT :
from gillza :
Safe current for a GGW 6x : 190 mA. To increase dramatically the power for all of 405 nm diode by 30 % see the jayrob thread about coated lens for 405 nm, and for red too (post of LarryDFW), link below
quote from famous lpf menbers:
12X S06J Blu-ray
from : http://www.ebay.com/itm/700mW-12X-405nm-S06J-Blu-Ray-Laser-Diode-/170791089113
Check A-140 vs. M-140 vs. H1600 thread : http://laserpointerforums.com/f65/140-vs-m-140-vs-h1600-72373.html#post1042084
A140 445nm LD
Osram PL450B 450nm
PinOut : Same as Phr803t
Osram PLTB450 1.4W 450nm
PinOut : Same as Phr803t
"New" diode NDB7875-E 9mm 1.6-2W 445nm
from DTR :
Hope this helped a bit :yh:
Hello all ! :yh:
Here is a topic which collect all the usefull information on this forum in order to spare time ! i Ctrl-c most of the topic of members, hope there is no copyright :thinking:
To move right/left on image, left clik on the image then use keyboard arrow to move Thanks to all which provide these ! :beer:

The term Relative brigthness refers to the visibility compared to the 555 nm peak of human vision; the factor compares the brightness to that of an older 670 nm pointer. Note that visual perception of brightness is not linear. Thus, a 1 mW 532 nm green laser pointer isn't actually going to appear 28 times brighter than a 1 mW 670 nm red model. What it means is that a 1 mW green pointer will appear similar in brightness to a 28 mW 670 nm red one (if such a thing existed).

For low pump power of 808 nm (mean <1W range), the maximal optical-to-optical conversion efficiency is equal to ~60 %(Nd:YVO4) for 808@1064 and ~80% (KTP) 1064@532 nm.
See http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_pointer_forums_3/forum/showthread.php?t=40425
Pinout & Performance of laser's diode
Red Laser diode

test was done with a good heatsinking
A general graph about most common red diode :

small graph in right :
Greg at StoneTek sent me a sample of his new red laser diode offering for me to test. *This is his new SLD1239JL-54 diode.
The testing was done using an Aixiz housing and no TEC cooling. *A current limited power supply was used for constant current plus an LPM-1 power meter with an ND-8 filter.
The current was ramped up as shown on my "old school" * graph at the bottom. *Current was increased to 420 mA but it was found that anything over 400 mA only produces more heat. *The curve gets very flat at the top.
I ran the diode for a total of 14 hours at 400 mA in 4 sessions (4,4,3,3 hours) and noticed no degredation in power out or beam quality. *The power stayed at 240 mW +/- 3 mW during the test.

Update 2012 : Check ML501P73 Mitsubishi 638nm 500mW Diodes
IR Laser diode
Its seems that Ir diode from DVD burner have inverse pinout that the picture below watch out ! 

Stenkat’s Ir ’s diode
These diodes are standard size but have no window and SenKat says they are rated at 200 mW. *I mounted the first one in an Aixiz style module for testing through a plastic lens assembly. *Testing is made here with no TEC cooling, regulated power supply and a Scientech 365 power meter. *Current increments are made at 20 mA intervals and the diode gave me about 15 mW per 20 mA step right to the top. *
I stopped my testing at 0.500 AMPS !!!! *Reading 374 mW !!!!
Now the bad news ---- As you all recall from the modding days, go over 300 mA and you're risking your diode. *I ran this diode later at 400 mA (270 mW) for a life test. *It was fun burning stuff for about 25 minutes * *
The second diode has been run for over 4 hours at 200 mW (320 mA) showing no degredation in power out. *
This is a good little diode for those of you wanting to experiment with IR or give life to that poor old greenie you toasted. StoneTek tells me he has a limited qualtity of these and for a price far less than ebay.
Blue ray laser diode 405 nm

I initially posted this graph in the Group Buy thread where I bought the diodes.
The four of my 803T diodes performed quite differently

The 3 weak one are Kes400A. See this thread : http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1214268330/60#72

As these are not DVD burner drives, I already seem to have overdriven the red LD. I was ramping up the source voltage when the LD got brighter then suddenly went dim and I couldn't get it back to the brightness it was at before. I didn't see exactly how much current was going through it, but I would estimate it to be just over 50mA. Don't exceed this amount for either diode and you should be able to build a small pointer using the red diode.
Useful information from IgorT :
XBox360 HD DT0811 sled 's graph :So.. I tested 23 PHR 803T diodes..
Here are the powers i got.. Next to them the final power at 125mA for those i turned into lasers or modules so far:
@109mA *@125mA (unless mentioned otherwise)
- 76mW - 132mW (at 179mA first test module) - 139mW (at 191mA - now dead after being left on for an hour at 191mA)
- 83mW
- 96mW - 138mW (at 143mA - testing first higher current setting) - 166mW (at 160mA, testing second higher setting) Nice power, more efficient, than expected!
- 85mW
- 101mW - 172mW (at 169mA).. Worked for two weeks, dropped a few mW on one day and died next day, when i made it cold during testing and output was the highest
- 102mW - 190mW (at 178mA *fourth test module) now 183mW (at 169mA - this diode is the real freak! Died at 169mA) - at 178mA, this poor diode was doing 228mW before optics! *
- 92mW - 110mW
- 95mW - 111mW
- 93mW - 107mW
- 91mW - 119mW (at 128mA)
- 99mW - 121mW (later misteriously changing into 112mW - i think it has something to do with ambient temperature, or switching lens maybe)
- 92mW - 107mW
- 82mW - 102mW (second test module - will be set to a high current, and left on)
- 88mW
- 76mW - (third test module, not testing yet)
- 96mW - 111mW
- 94mW - 111mW
- 105mW - 128mW (later 145mW at 143mA, but now 159mW at 172mA, and today suddenly 167mW! UPDATE: Now 186mW at 187mA! Died at 187mA)
- 98mW - 114mW
- 95mW - 111mW
- 89mW
- 91mW - 108mW
- 93mW - 114mW (another surprising result.. maybe the 109mA measurement was somewhere inside the "knee")
Six more diodes received and tested:
@109mA *@125mA
- 93mW - 114mW (interesting..)
- 84mW
- 91mW
- 94mW - 114.5mW (114-115mW)
- 81mW
- 69mW ( the lowest before was 76mW.. i repeated this test 4 times to make sure, and it's correct)

from gillza :

High Powered diode : GGW H20L, Nichia diode from o-like.com

Both the old and new 6x's are GGW-H20L. Igor is referring to the degrading 6x he has had for a long time.
Safe current for a GGW 6x : 190 mA. To increase dramatically the power for all of 405 nm diode by 30 % see the jayrob thread about coated lens for 405 nm, and for red too (post of LarryDFW), link below

NICHIA 1W laser diode 445 nm
from ElektroFreak.They come from a line of Casio "beamer" projectors, the XJ-AXXX line (the most common diodes are referred to as XJ-A140 after the projector model they are harvested from). Each projector contains 24 (no typo) 1W+ 445nm diodes in 5.6mm cases, not c-mount. They fit in Aixiz modules and are very easily collimated given the fact that they are multimode. They are extremely forgiving multimode diodes, capable of 1.8mrad x .5mrad using a simple Aixiz glass blu-ray lens.
Original output power in projector: >600mW

quote from famous lpf menbers:
It is your choice how hard you choose to push the limits on these diodes - you need to know that pushing them beyond one Watt of output seriously limits the lifetime of them, and I have personally seen the ranges vary WILDLY between 500mw and 1.5 WATTS of output power - I ran one diode at 750 mw, and when I pushed it beyond that, it went POOF ! Others run at 1 WATT comfortably
You should get 500mw if you want life= FOREVER, 1W if you want a long service life of say 30,000 hours,and 1.5W+ if you want projector lamp lifetimes say 1000 to 3000 hours if you are lucky
I'm running mine at 1A now and getting roughly 980mW from a cold start (after Hi-Power lens).As it warms up, the power starts to drop 1mW at a time. At the 2 minute mark, the power is about 920mW. After 3 minutes, I lose about 100mW from start-up. The case temperature is slightly warm at this point. The power settles at about 870mW after 4 minutes.
Keep in mind that this is a portable unit, so heatsinking is not optimal.
Just recapping, in an excellent heatsink (lab style) what do you consider to be the maximum drive current for long CW life for both 130 and 140 diodes?.
Answer :I still have the "guinea pig" one in the torture chamber ..... it's working more or less "thermally stabilized", continuously at 1,6A, 10S on / 10S off ..... from 30/06/2010, 24/7, now ..... and til now it show no power degradation
12X S06J Blu-ray
from : http://www.ebay.com/itm/700mW-12X-405nm-S06J-Blu-Ray-Laser-Diode-/170791089113
This is the most powerful 405 diode available and it is not the lower efficiency more sensitive 12X diode from the SF-BW512L sleds that are prone to sudden deaths when run over 420mA. If the seller does not list whether it is an S06J diode or a SF-BW512 diode it is most certainly a SF-BW512 as it is a huge selling point. When driven @ 500mA you can expect ~770mW with a G-2 lens and ~570mW with a three element 405 AR coated glass lens but the diodes. Efficiency will vary a little and I have seen some hit as high as 850mW with a G-2 being driven @ 500mA.
The best lens options are the Aixiz 405/445 Glass Lens or the more powerful 405 G-2 Lens.
The current must be limited to no more than 500mA to the diode. There are plenty of people that will tell you it is ok to run this diode up to 700mA but this will lead to a quick death for the diode. Yes it will survive for a few minutes and give amazing power output but please keep it under 500mA. Don't attempt to connect directly to a battery.

Check A-140 vs. M-140 vs. H1600 thread : http://laserpointerforums.com/f65/140-vs-m-140-vs-h1600-72373.html#post1042084
PinOut : Same as Phr803tThe A140 runs at 1.25A for best life expectancy and the M140 runs best at 1.7A for best life expectancy

A140 445nm LD
Graph of A 140 :Starts lasing @ 3.77V -- 7mW

Osram PL450B 450nm

PinOut : Same as Phr803t
Osram PLTB450 1.4W 450nm
PinOut : Same as Phr803t
"New" diode NDB7875-E 9mm 1.6-2W 445nm

from DTR :

Hope this helped a bit :yh:
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