First things first. New month so new start of donations
You're most welcome of course danefex. I know, even 1/3RPM seems very fast sometimes depending upon what you are using. I will say that those motors are not "wimpy". They have lots of torque. Am kind of surprised at how warm they get.
My vote is to keep all the Lumia stuff here and if you feel the need then throw up a link. I would much rather prefer we keep throwing out ideas and stuff all in one place rather than have it spread all over the place.
He found those bulbs in Lowes? I almost stopped there yesterday to take a look as Lowes, Walmart, Home Depot, VOA, Salvation army, Goodwill, Harbor Freight etc... are all within a 1/2 mile of each other where I live (and only about 15 minutes from my house).
Are you absolutely sure they are glass and not plastic? I saw plenty that looked right at Walmart but were plastic. Every Christmas string of bulbs I saw were plastic and there weren't any glass bulbs that were right and I really looked.
Is there a skew number or anything? Hope you don't have to buy a 50' string of them. I am confused whether he found the smaller ones or the bigger ones.
I still say you guys should mess with that GITD spray paint when using a 405nm. It's only $5 a can so why not. Everyone I've shown my GITD screen to has had lots of fun "405ing it"
"haklumia" is the sound a Len makes when it sneezes.
Hate to admit it but I did end up buying those 100 small mirrors from Ebay as I thought they would be OK and that was the last of them as far as I knew and unfortunately I didn't hear back from you in time not to buy them. They are not FS. They are nice little mirrors though. Going to send me some of the right ones to use then Len? lol
Hey, I did find a few things at the Salvation army store Len. 3 auto rewind cameras (took apart and sorted the lenses and motors), An identical dirt devil small hand held vacuum that I allready have but was missing a couple pieces, a few interesting pieces of glassware and a 120V AC to 12V DC 6 amp brick/wall wart all for $11

Ran out of time to really look a couple other stores over.
While I was at Walmart I saw something really interesting too. Check out my post on page 73 of the "Win thread"