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FrozenGate by Avery

LUMIA- one thread for all-

bumping (already!!)

I haven't been here for quite some time and I come back to find this thread now...so after a couple of hours of reading and watching and clicking related links from YT...what are the latest updates for some of these projects ?

... well some good & S L O W motors have been found-some NOT cheap-IMHO anything faster than 1/6th RPM is too fast

I've purchased a couple sets of 3 "cheapy" laser pointers as low power sources to make a couple of lumia projectors.

Although its only $3 each ..you may kill a few if you do not rest or add 14 mm heat sinks or both-- at $145 the 320mW RGB 'sled' w/ ttl and long run time is the way to go.. VERY tiny-- at AixiZ Laser- and while powering one with a good grade adj. wall wart I found as I up the VDC- first the red lases-- then the green and around 9 vdc the blue kicks in-- BUT the wires for TTL are included and work fine when you use a nice 12 vdc PS about $9 at greedbay.

After reading all here I know now that I need to add the arduino TTL ramping as well as probably slowing down the glass speed.
But I haven't seen the final output of that battery powered model and I don't know anything about arduinos yet. How about some pics of the hardware so I can judge the size of the electronics ?
I'm trying to figure out how to fit some of these into my truck in hidden places so nobody will know its there untill I turn it on at night.
Could the arduino control also be used to tap into audio signals for adding another level of sync. Thinking of color organ history where low freq. peaks would trigger speed variation for red, mid freq.s for green, high freq.s for blue kind of thing. So the color fades in & out become dependent on the beat of your source audio.

-Lets see if I can make it back here in the next few days to check for a reply...

sorry but I have never worked with arduino... but making LUMIA that REALLY 'goes with the music exactly...' may be not do-able. (or worth the effort) we need opinion of MGould.. as fast changes are like a fast motor- it does not go well...w/ most lumia.imo:beer:

FWIW...I have worked with MGould for many years. He lives about 35min from me. How fortunate indeed.

I have supplied many custome laser modules for Mike's projects....both Projector and Lumia. He is responsible for getting me hooked on Lumia....and I assure you....it is a one way door !

Mike is indeed a " Lumia Master " and I am greatly appreciative of his teachings !!

That said....my goal remains to take Laser Lumia to a higher level of technology and art ! :beer:

bumping (already!!)

sorry but I have never worked with arduino... but making LUMIA that REALLY 'goes with the music exactly...' may be not do-able. (or worth the effort) we need opinion of MGould.. as fast changes are like a fast motor- it does not go well...w/ most lumia.imo:beer:

Well....interesting...Arduino is a powerful tool....but modification of the sound envelope will take a higher level of sophistication !!

I am working on my " Laser Lumia-Multiple level sensory Generator " now...See my thread. It is doable !!!! I will have a POC within a month !!

Modification of the incoming audio signal ....so as to deliver a 0~5 VDC signal to the CC Laser drivers involves multiple Eurorack Module units.

The goal is to modulate the Laser intensity as a function of the audio source amplitude. BUT...but...to do so in such a fashion where the laser intensity tracks the audio output...but is linked in a non-linear way.

Hak...spot on....Lumia with quick changes does look like crap !! Rapid Laser intensity changes do not at all go with the typical, ultra slow and organic display of Lumia !!

SO....what do we want.......well....I want some changes in Laser intensity...in 1~ 3 of the RGB available. And I require these changes be linked to the audio events....but in a " soft " fashion....a non-linear fashion.

SO...when a short sonic event occurs....the laser intensity will track....but not in a 1 : 1 relationship. Instead...the Laser intensity will increase(Attack)...but with a distinct latency/lag....and will Decay in a slower curve and have extended Sustain and Release properties.

SO... I will use Eurorack Synthesis modules to accomplish this link between audio source and Laser Lumia output.

IMNSHO....such a system is both do-able...and worth the effort !! And I boldly predict....you will see it here first...on LPF !!
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atta boy!! never say never..
Q for you &/or Mike- since the lumia is not often aimed at people ... is it necessary to have the lasers set-up inside enclosures.. scan fail, interlocks-delay start etc etc.
I can mask any that strays where its not wanted .. Brand new house going up across the street- friendly people- okayed my plan to make use of perfect white walls living room.. & master - no ceiling fans etc yet. -- several Lumia makers- and 8 LK 3Ds if they arrive in time.
Next time bigger.. but this should help me with my ideas..
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Can't wait to see some video hak!

Had some medical issues, but now I'm ready to get back to it! Got some diodes coming in for a nice portable set up and I've been talking to a family friend who makes high end glasswork about some custom lumia discs. Progress notes incoming!
Im soon going to try my hand at blowing small balls- Map-Gas
I have several tiny thick Glass Tabasco sample Bottles about 1 1/2 tall-
I just need to make them bulge some in the middle-
I have a lg supply of various sizes of good borscilla glass vials- to melt and scrunch.
some REALLY tiny.. anybody got use for 100 assorted sizes of corks?? ha ha some REALLY tiny corks.. "Itty Bitty Bottles' at Greedbay- xpensive unless you get lucky and win a low ball auction-- they mostly list as BIN-- but throw us an auction 'bone' time to time..Thankfully My sniper does ALL the work for me.. so I NEVER pay more than I want-- have not placed a bid there for several years.. no need. (PM if you want a free sample)
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So i've been doing Lumia stuff for a while.

Finding motors that are battery operated (can be reversed - either direction) or are slow enough has been a problem.

So my first choice was always looking at clock motors which can sometimes be slow enough.

Today I ran across another heading I've never seen referenced before as a source for lumia motors - Rotisserie Grills!

Most have slow speeds and cheap pricing.

Just a suggestion :)

Below is one at 3 RPM

Baby George Foreman Rotisserie GR59 Replacement Motor TYJ50-8 E199324 EUC **

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servo city has .5 rpm motors for about 20$ you can then also get a PWM controller on gamazon for even slower.

I was at my gf parents place a few eeks back and tried shining the lumia into the pool with no on around and wow... I need to somehow shine lumia through slowly waving liquid
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So i've been doing Lumia stuff for a while.

Finding motors that are battery operated (can be reverseared - either direction) or are slow enough has been a problem.

So my first choice was always looking at clock motors which can sometimes be slow enough.

Today I ran across another heading I've never seen referenced before as a source for lumia motors - Rotisserie Grills!
been saving up those for years- too fast as-is but lots of torque
++++++++Most have slow speeds and cheap pricing.

Just a suggestion :)

Below is one at 3 RPM

Baby George Foreman Rotisserie GR59 Replacement Motor TYJ50-8 E199324 EUC **

New Battery Rotisserie Motor BBQ Outdoor 1 3 RPM D Battery | eBay

eeeeeek:whistle:should I sell some??
---BBQ turner motors end up at thrifts and yard sales. some are noisy- I never pay very much $2 or less. theydo vary in speed.
servo city has .5 rpm motors for about 20$ you can then also get a PWM controller on gamazon for even slower.

I was at my gf parents place a few eeks back and tried shining the lumia into the pool with no on around and wow... I need to somehow shine lumia through slowly waving liquid

Try a polymer ball (they expand in water) They are very cool when you send a laser through them - probably a similar effect :)

eeeeeek:whistle:should I sell some??
---BBQ turner motors end up at thrifts and yard sales. some are noisy- I never pay very much $2 or less. theydo vary in speed.

Good to know, just never thought of looking there before
Try a polymer ball (they expand in water) They are very cool when you send a laser through them - probably a similar effect :)

Good to know, just never thought of looking there before

Another option may be a time clock motor !!! Very, Very slow.....AC Sync though....so....no easy speed control....but....I am not sure that is necessary !!

Several Time clock motors are 4 RPH....which I think is good...somewhere between 4~8 RPH I would predict the optimal range.

As far as another media...YES....I have mentioned this....and have a concept in mind...non plastic or glass !!
Said that in post 151 :)

Another option may be a time clock motor !!! Very, Very slow.....AC Sync though....so....no easy speed control....but....I am not sure that is necessary !!

Several Time clock motors are 4 RPH....which I think is good...somewhere between 4~8 RPH I would predict the optimal range.
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Well...time clock motors are...clock motors...true....but....a clock motor has the hour hand....which of course does 1 RPH....Too slow....A Time clock motor....is a pull or NOS from a time clock....and some of these motors are 4 or 6 RPH

You might remember " Time clocks "...If not...Google it !!...or maybe you do not know WTH I am babbling about.... Time Clocks...where one " punched in " on their time card....and the unit put a time stamp on the time card to verify that an employee arrived at what ever time was stamped on the card !! Old tech !!

Now a days....I sure one uses their cell phone....which also doubles as TP !!hahahaha....and who does not dream of a " Clean Bum " YIKES !!!

Anyway.....Strictly speaking....Time clock motors....are a specialized clock motor.....some run on 24 VDC...most use 110VAC. Time clocks....another ancient thing....like ME..who cares....

Typically....these time clock motors cost a little more....$ 15 ~ $ 35 per.....I have not used one....yet....as my .5 RPM....reduced down by the PWM are acceptable.

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Just got into this and I am hooked. I have a motor that can hit .5 rpm but if I run it at a lower voltage it gets jumpy, My question is , if I put a cap across the motor terminals would this smooth things out?
Hi All - I'm new here, glad to be a part of this place. I'm very interested in Lumia, so I'm hoping to revive this thread with some questions. I have a couple of small ADJ Micro Hypnotic lumia projectors, a Mystify green lumia projector, and a regular ADJ Hypnotic on the way (found what is probably the last or one of the last ones available anywhere, got it for half-price....) BUT I'm interested in the LK-PD2 and wonder if anyone has used it with the LaserDock DAC? I want to have the lumia images respond more directly to music/synthesizers. I'm also wondering if you can control the actual lumia with "an ILDA" show program, more than just on/off colors etc....

My biggest goal would be to have the lumia image actually blend colors as it evolves, not just layer different colored lumia images, like you mostly see....

I'm also wondering if the LK-PD2 is TTL or analog (I assume TTL?)

Appreciate any thoughts on all of it....

Larry N.
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Hello, Welcome!

First off dont be discouraged if you're not responded to on this thread for a couple days from time to time. This thread isn't very active but for many of us into Lumia as much as you sound to be, I'm very interested to see what kind of information or ideas you get regarding using ILDA & sound responsive Lumia, ect

I'm not as on top of this as I used to & will be again but I recall Hakzaw Len praises LaserKing and has used & promoted several of their projectors. I think he'll be your best source of good information off the bat once he see's this & replies.

Until then, welcome again!



Hi All - I'm new here, glad to be a part of this place. I'm very interested in Lumia, so I'm hoping to revive this thread with some questions. I have a couple of small ADJ Micro Hypnotic lumia projectors, a Mystify green lumia projector, and a regular ADJ Hypnotic on the way (found what is probably the last or one of the last ones available anywhere, got it for half-price....) BUT I'm interested in the LK-PD2 and wonder if anyone has used it with the LaserDock DAC? I want to have the lumia images respond more directly to music/synthesizers. I'm also wondering if you can control the actual lumia with "an ILDA" show program, more than just on/off colors etc....

My biggest goal would be to have the lumia image actually blend colors as it evolves, not just layer different colored lumia images, like you mostly see....

I'm also wondering if the LK-PD2 is TTL or analog (I assume TTL?)

Appreciate any thoughts on all of it....

Larry N.
