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FrozenGate by Avery

LUMIA- one thread for all-

Hello lumia lovers,
I just started building my own lumia projector and have a few open questions. I actually opened a new thread (http://laserpointerforums.com/f51/rgb-lumia-safety-94465.html) because I forgot this great one existed. I am using a cheap RGB module (532nm(30mW), 638nm(100mW), 445nm(100mW)) from china... and I am wondering what kind of protective glasses you guys use when you work with your rgb modules?

after fiddling with single modules or gas lasers I now actually like these small rgbs --and I am getting another when AixiZ restocks as I cant bear to remove mine from my new PJs - if you plan invance you can build a bunch of ez projects with one rgb to move from one to another --spirolumiatunnelefxspeakerbouncysteppermotorandglavosscanners- to name some

I assume your both use 12vdc- while waiting on a proper power supply ebaychina I did some short testing with a common but good quality adjustable ac-dc in USA we call then 'wall warts' anyway here is what happened- no harm- when on lowest wart setting ~3V the red begins to lase- move to 4.5 vdc bright red and a bit of green (& yellow now) go higher -more green some blue- 9 vdc all 3 ` & at 12 vdc all 3 and quite bright- at aixiZ these are 135$ techhoodlaserlands may have cheaper but- underspect or wrong red hmmm- shoulda got the AixiZ

and about that demo --yeah it was neato- and jon had a 4 W laser so the daylight (for him) was n/p- BUT IC... just how could you make a PJ with a ball of jelly lens- messy? -

OK did you see the part 2 of the LUMIA SELEM demo?
ddint think so

coz it was just me- with my puny 350mW rgb BUt I had a BETTER glass and better image and not such a hard thing to use in a practcle way- melting ice lens is nice - but a mess to laser thru
I should have opened the seminar and jon could have went after-
I concede that he was the 'headliner' I did not need a lot of time but a dark area would have helped

butthurt ? yep- :yabbem::mad:

once i post the video all will want to know 'howdydodat'


and YEAH the aligment cannot possibly be kept= no 'real' dicro mounts so... expect that
I actually moved
mine a tiny bit apart but even aligned to a single dot all the glass I use diffracts the colors into way more than I expected- for small glass 1/3rd rpms is not too fast- for large round lumis glass the surface moves much faster so i need to gear down or get 25$ 5 or 6 RPH motors (thats HOURS)

I dont use goggles all that much- I know the danger of the reflections and mask off most of that in this 'proof of concept' projector- but any project like this -- with an open 'enclosure' is a danger but so is a beam rail projector it too has no real enclosure..imo BUt I suggest you all wear them at all times-

And I am wondering if it is possibe to use TTL modulation to change the colour composition of the projection. Should be no problem if one doesn't use a scanner right? :)

-- with ttl you get seven colors or combo * if you count the black laser color
its all on or all off for each color= r- b -g rg gb rb and white

I will try to record any progress I make and post some pics or videos here. Thanks fot this wonderful thread it is really helpful! :thanks:

oh Yes you can use the TTL that is on most of these- giving you more than my' low tech' power as i cannot get blue alone or GB or RB with it alone- If I added TTL I could also do that-

I have read that wallwarts are not to be trusted and believe that and I thought I may do harm with this one 350mW- but as it was given to test- and use for a review I am still using the wallwart average of 1 to 2 hours ( for 3 weeks or so)each night I can adjust to make the image high on the wall and all over my ceiling- mine has an extremely wide angle >100 degrees--I kick back and watch the ceiling morph in Laser p0rn!!

I just bought the same thing for lumia, they sent the wrong one and alignment was terrible. (They sent 650nm module instead of 638, however it is 500mw instead of 200)

BUT, what I had in mind was the same as demoed last year at SELEM. It was an RGB with a lens to spread the beams slightly and then going through a Polymer water ball. Absolutely gorgeous.

Be careful without goggles on lumia. I'm sure hakzaw will chime in (pun) but lumias can go almost instantly from a speckled and scattered beam, to a focused spot depending on the glass it is going through. So watch out where it is pointed if you start using higher powers.

-- One good habit for laser safety is to power the lasers as low as possible for all 'other things' until the 'show' and even then you are not supposed to use a brightness more powerful than
needed for the desired effect- all bounce mirror placement lasers aimed at mirror balls etc are set up and tested many times but all at the lowest power possible- Horizontal (ish) beams are the worst IF they happen to hit that VERY VERY tiny spot in the center of your eyes lens- JUST like the sun with a magnifying glass- you cannot blink fast enough to avoid damage even with a 5 mW cat toy if its a worst-case eye hit
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Thanks for the replys! :) My 200 mW module arrived in great condition and the alignment is pretty good. I am using a cartboard box as a housing right now and the laser as well as the lumia optics are placed quite far inside so that the beams can only exit in a certain angle and if I want to change something I turn everything off first. Right now I am using a labratory power supply which lets me regulate the voltage and the current.

I've made a short test shot of what I have achieved so far: https://vimeo.com/134716164

It looks a litle bit more three dimensional in real life and the colors aren't that bright (especially the white).

Isn't it also possible to use TTL in the way you use PWM for LEDs. :thinking: That way one could controll the brightness of each color without analog modulation and get even more diffrent colors!!

EDIT: I played around with the TTL using an arduino and simple PWM and it works great! I am able to change the brightness of each color. That way it is possible to change the resulting color mixture and fade in and out of colors.
Short example: https://vimeo.com/135046617
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AFAIK TTL has always been thought of as: all on or all off of each module-
but it is true that as i up the vdc each color does get brighter so..

One member asked me about the dangers od underpowering a module and afaik it is not likley to do any damage- (compared with overpowering for sure)

here is some great info form 'tightshoes'
"From Lee aka 'tightshoes'

Hey thanks once again for your very valuable input.
Yes, this is 8 rph. Some of this glass is very busy in certain areas on the cup. Nice looking images though. I ditched the 2 rph idea.
Good luck with the motors. If you haven't already try Herbach or NRIparts. I've stuck with the little synchronous "C" mount motors so I can change em around try diff speeds.
Undecided on the 473 at the moment. Sticking with standard colors RGB for now but thx for all the info on them.


I ordered a 4 and 5 RPH (rev per HOUR) ac motor about 55$ with shipping-

waitng now for UPS

I need these due to the size of round glass I am using (~3.5 inches diameter)
it 'moves' faster due to size -


did not find any at NRI
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Missed you at SELEM this year.

No LUMIA or presentations AFAIK. And the BST room and Gas rooms are getting a little thinner. DJ Matt wasn't there either again, but Laser SAM was along with the usual crowd.

I was waiting for a demo from someone on the polymer ball lumia, but didn't see any. I'm working on one for myself, but didn't get the PS in time. 500mw RGB chinese module as a driver.

Debating on one of the MPJA ac 120v motors or buying a new DC motor or using the hancock 1/3 RPM I have.

Let me know if you've tried one and what worked for you.

BTW, still no 506 amps yet. :(

My wife said she missed you because she had no one to buy any pretty lights from this year :)


AFAIK TTL has always been thought of as: all on or all off of each module-
but it is true that as i up the vdc each color does get brighter so..

One member asked me about the dangers od underpowering a module and afaik it is not likley to do any damage- (compared with overpowering for sure)

here is some great info form 'tightshoes'
"From Lee aka 'tightshoes'

Hey thanks once again for your very valuable input.
Yes, this is 8 rph. Some of this glass is very busy in certain areas on the cup. Nice looking images though. I ditched the 2 rph idea.
Good luck with the motors. If you haven't already try Herbach or NRIparts. I've stuck with the little synchronous "C" mount motors so I can change em around try diff speeds.
Undecided on the 473 at the moment. Sticking with standard colors RGB for now but thx for all the info on them.


I ordered a 4 and 5 RPM ac motor about 55$ with shipping-

waitng now for UPS

I need these due to the size of round glass I am using (~3.5 inches diameter)
it 'moves' faster due to size -


did not find any at NRI
Hey Chimme,

Are you using the pwm to vary the 0 - 5v TTL or the 0 - 12v on the module or does it matter. I use a variable vdc wall wart for dimming especially on my blue and green laser but they won't even come on until the P/S is set to 6v.
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Here's a couple pictures of my portable, battery operated lumia box. I have a video that need to be uploaded to YT. It will be posted once I get that done.

It has 405, 450, 532 and 638. Each is operated independently using a single 18650. The motor runs at 1 or 2 RPM at 12v. It uses 3 18650s and has a knob to adjust the speed.


Very nice James.. +6

Still pics are nice and all BUT the right music with matching 'beat' make the lumia so much nicer..
and there is a lot of 'control' using the TTL blanking- 7 combos- with RGB more with the added 405-

If you use copywritten music for a Utube vid they often pull it.

still waiting in UPS- wed they are getting a call from me- $13 to ship by snail.
@ tightshoes

Sorry for the late reply I put the lumia project on halt for the last few months. But now I am back on it and buildung a solid housing for the module and the mechanics.
The module itself only supports 0-5 V TTL and that is what I am using (as mentoined before controlled by an arduino). I am not changing the voltage or the current to any of the Diodes at all just TTL.
I am planing on finishing the module during the next 2 weeks and I will upload some more videos when it is done.
so... then what happened???

ok see post 11
great lumia RGB small feetsprintz and price.
so... then what happened???

ok see post 11
great lumia RGB small feetsprintz and price.

Nice Len !!! Thanx !!! LPF will shortly be subjected to my First Lumia machine....It is moving along....slowly....like ALL my projects !!!

But....I am attempting to build the unit....with many, many future experiments in mind !!! Hard to steer the build.....when one is not sure what off the wall Lumia I will come up with.....But....I assure all....that these builds could keep me busy....for years !!! Really !!! The field of Lumia is not limited by more and more optical power....or HH size constraints....but by the size and power of one's imagination !!!:beer::beer::beer:

Beam Out
I haven't been here for quite some time and I come back to find this thread now...so after a couple of hours of reading and watching and clicking related links from YT...what are the latest updates for some of these projects ?
I've purchased a couple sets of 3 "cheapy" laser pointers as low power sources to make a couple of lumia projectors. After reading all here I know now that I need to add the arduino TTL ramping as well as probably slowing down the glass speed.
But I haven't seen the final output of that battery powered model and I don't know anything about arduinos yet. How about some pics of the hardware so I can judge the size of the electronics ?
I'm trying to figure out how to fit some of these into my truck in hidden places so nobody will know its there untill I turn it on at night.
Could the arduino control also be used to tap into audio signals for adding another level of sync. Thinking of color organ history where low freq. peaks would trigger speed variation for red, mid freq.s for green, high freq.s for blue kind of thing. So the color fades in & out become dependent on the beat of your source audio.

-Lets see if I can make it back here in the next few days to check for a reply...
MMM....SIC....what a quawinkydink you should mention a sync to audio with Lumia. I am working on that now for my first Lumia Projector: Solar Prominence II. Just finished the " Color Organ " unit and doing experiments as to coupling this to the analogue Laser drivers.

I think this will provide Laser Lumia an added dimension !! We will see !! I will post a thread for the project shortly. Beam out =======>

Update 4.27.2016....A Colour Organ is not the way to go !!! Way to erratic a choppy..Lumia should be smooth and slow !!! I still am devoted to somehow couple audio to Lumia....but....the simplistic use of a Colour Organ looks like crap !!!.....Thinking !!!!
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Looking good!

Lumia roolz, dood...



fyi Mr Gould is also 'Mr Lumia-'-- did not know he graced us with his presence...:thanks: Mike--:beer::beer::beer:


brb with an awesome pic of his 'art'


Mike Gould is an internationally-recognized laser artist who builds laser light installations for art galleries, museums, and art events. He works with the Illuminatus Light Show and is currently working on International Year Of Light (IYL) projects
and this
Mike Gould :: Laser Artist :: Photo Gallery of Laser Art

see this-
Mike Gould :: Laser Artist :: Color, Space - Kinetic Laser Sculpture :: IYL International Year of Light


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