My LK-PD2 does not respond to music from external speakers despite setting to the highest "9" level". Up until now, I have to thump the case with fingers to get it to sequence through any of the "SO_" mode patterns. So I decided to strap my headset over the mic entrance and feed it some controlled levels and frequencies.
I've determined the LK-PD2 mic is consistently sensitive to 330 Hz to 3,000 Hz. So, the unit is
not bass responsive – interesting and good to know.
The unit responds constantly using the following test tones:
Waveform: Sine wave
Frequencies: 330 Hz – 3,000 Hz
Amplitude: 0dBFS (100%)
Tone Duration: 0.15 – 0.25 sec
Headphone level: 110 dB C-weighted SPL
I can get it to respond up to 4 kHz, but not consistently.
Not sure how much of that SPL gets through the tiny hole, but probably a decent level. By sending pulses at any frequency in this range and those durations, I can essentially step through the sound response patterns incrementally.
Nevertheless, this is an extraordinary level to have to be piping directly to the unit's mic to get it to respond. When i drop the test tone levels -20 dBFS yet use the same amplification settings, it stops responding consistently if at all. This means the required sound pressure levels (SPL) must be extraordinarily high (around 100 dBC SPL outside the mic hole) to be able to even use the "SO_" sound triggered pattern modes, which IMHO is unacceptable. It's already been set to the highest user-controlled response setting, which is "9". How can they sell these with such a glaring defect? 12 hours of testing? Obviously not checking the sound responsiveness. From what I'm hearing around LPF, most LK-PD2 owners have the same exact problem with poor sound response. Some have modified this by adding other mics, line-in jacks, or amplification, but really? What's up with that? How hard would it be to manufacture these with a reasonable real-world sound response? They have all the elements in place: a mic, electronics, and it can control the sound patterns if you are at a death metal concert of sitting on some tarmac or airport runway. If I played music that loud I'd be evicted. Plus we're approaching the threshold of pain.
Not to be a Grumpasaurus, with the LK-PD2 being fed 110 dB SPL via headphones pressed against the mic hole, using the projector with sound is the biggest treat! Watching Auto shows is cool, but when you are able to drive the various sound shows with audio sync, it's groovalicious and fantastic!

THIS is what makes it a laser show in my eyes: laser beams and patterns moving intelligently to music.. Sometimes, depending on the frequencies in the song, you get quite a rapid series of effects that are a pure delight to watch.
If somebody figures out some perfect hack to correct the built-in mice poor response to reasonable levels of music, I'd love a parts list a detailed instructions. The fact that I can press headphones up to the mic hole and feed it enough volume to get it to perform gives me hope. I think I'd prefer some hack that allows that mic to be the input, but maybe a preamp between it and the board. That way, you don't have to resort to some Line-In, which is not always convenient. I'd really like to see this thing respond to external music played at reasonable levels. I'm pretty impressed watching this respond to music between 300 Hz and 3000+ Hz without relying on bass beat to trigger changes. At times, it is very responsive and changes rapidly. It all d spends on the song and the frequencies.