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Lasers Not For Sale

Well I think you would have been ok if you continued selling. The FDA is after "companies" selling lasers >5mW. But better safe than sorry.

I think Lucent Optics is hearing noise from them because they're in the US and they have been down from some time now.


Jayrob words to use I have non. My jayrob PHR is moving into the glass case along with other family hierlooms never to see action except at reunions and weddings. :'(
My 'Pocket Mini' build is one of the best and most popular builds of late!

I am selling the Pocket Mini Kit, which is the host, heatsink, and 'pill' of the host drilled out. With these parts prepared, it is an easy assembly if you have some basic building skills. Check out the pictures!:

A very nice 'kit' for a blu-ray or red build!
$46 dollars shipped! :)

For the green kit shown here: http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1232226720/0
With everything but the module. (and battery)...

* Host
* Drill the pill and put a set screw in it for a positive contact point
* Heatsink with it's own set screw
* Front piece
* Dust cap

$75 plus shipping... (there's a $20 dollar discount option as well)
jayrob said:
With these parts prepared, it is an easy assembly if you have some basic building skills.

I have to confess that I'm a newcomer - to both LPF and to the hobby in general. As such, I'm a bit concerned that I may be already too late to get the best out of the hobby / community.

My concerns are two-fold. The first is seeing veterans, like you, Jayrob and also Daguin, for example, taking a step back. The second is the bad rap the laser hobby is getting from irresponsible owners dazzling people and/or people operating machinery (such as helicopters and what not).

On the bright side, your kits, Jayrob, may be just the ticket for someone like myself to take that first step towards DIYing  :)
So hopefully with the continued help of veterans like yourself (and the generally slow pace of legislation), there is still an opportunity for new & eager members like myself to enjoy the actual science behind lasers and this genuinely motivating community 8-)
And this is why I only own one laser that was not manufactured with the intent of being a IIIa laser. lol
Man, I'm glad I didn't read this thread a year ago, (had it existed)
I would have been sweating bullets during my TSA experience.

Never carry home-built electronics in your luggage when your hands and laptop bags are setting off explosives detectors... Just... Don't...

That said, I can't blame you guys either. I hope you'll consider exceptions to people that you've dealt with before or trust.
Man, I feel bad that some may see this as a negative spin on lasers...

I sure did not mean it that way. I am all for companies and hobbyists selling their lasers! :)

I seriously doubt that the FDA is interested in hobbyists. The guy I talked a few months back at the FDA even told me that they are interested in making sure that laser companies comply, not hobbyists.

I only made this first post, because I wanted to give an explanation to LPF members for my personal conscientious decision...
Umm, not wanting to derail too much, but why exactly were your hands and possessions setting off the explosive sensors?

But yeah, there was a story posted on here quite a while ago from a guy who wanted to carry his new violet lasers to a presentation on an airline. Apparently, TSA didn't take too kindly to 2 radioshack project boxes with switches and Aixiz modules that looked kinda like antennas hanging out in his laptop bag (and I don't blame them, really). It all got sorted out eventually, I think.
pullbangdead said:
Umm, not wanting to derail too much, but why exactly were your hands and possessions setting off the explosive sensors?

But yeah, there was a story posted on here quite a while ago from a guy who wanted to carry his new violet lasers to a presentation on an airline.  Apparently, TSA didn't take too kindly to 2 radioshack project boxes with switches and Aixiz modules that looked kinda like antennas hanging out in his laptop bag (and I don't blame them, really).  It all got sorted out eventually, I think.

Yeah, that was me. Last January.
As for what was on my hands, I can only assume I picked up something at work from all the cheap Chinese plastic crap they sent my at-the-time employer that I unpacked... Or the glycerin-based hand sanitizer I was using... Or the fake snow I was amusing my niece and nephew with... It was all in my checked luggage, though, and since I'd pointed it out to the TSA guy when I gave him my bag, I thought it'd be fine.
/sorry for the continued de-railing.  :)
Wonder if commonly used peroxide may have triggered the 'sniffer'?

It may have confused it with peroxide based explosives like triacetone triperoxide (TATP).  There are so many treatments for plastics using similar agents, perhaps the machines are on the sensitive side?

Is Anybody Here Still Making Complete Flashlight M

Hi All:

I've just been reading of various members stating that they were quitting  laser mod building for sale to other members.  
Are there other members that are still building flashlight mods for sale?
I've just gotten interested recently and would really like to buy one.
Re: Is Anybody Here Still Making Complete Flashlig

Jaybee333 said:
Hi All:

I've just been reading of various members stating that they were quitting  laser mod building for sale to other members.  
Are there other members that are still building flashlight mods for sale?
I've just gotten interested recently and would really like to buy one.
At least a dozen... look at the Buy & sell sub-forum as well as the Review section.
Re: Is Anybody Here Still Making Complete Flashlig

Jaybee333 said:
Hi All:

I've just been reading of various members stating that they were quitting  laser mod building for sale to other members.  
Are there other members that are still building flashlight mods for sale?
I've just gotten interested recently and would really like to buy one.
Dont bump old threads >:(
Jay, I'm still cryin' over this.

How will my collection be ever truly complete w/o a handmade JayRob... *reaches for a kleenex, hugging his Jaynom Groovy Green for a bit of comfort*... ;)
