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Laser_Ben is a rip off! Don't buy from him!!!!

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Stop being a jerk to Laser_Ben. He is obviously trying to fix the problem, and now you're the one not cooperating. It was obviously a mistake, maybe even putting in a zinc battery in instead of a rechargeable one. But that's no reason to freak out and cancel a payment. Ben gave a legitimate explanation and yet you refuse to believe it without giving him a chance to prove himself. What a fussy buyer!


The laser you recieved emits light on the HeNe 611nm line, it does, I tested it before hand, the machine it came out of used 611nm light and I told you that it was 611nm before I sent it.

If it looks red to you, okay, if I sell you a white Honda and you tell me it looks kinda yellow to you, that's not what it is, it still is a white Honda.

You also claimed in the PM you sent me that I never told you it was 611nm before you paid. I don't recall if I did or not myself, but the thread it was sold in was for a 611nm hene.

Hey Flamin, if you aren't happy with that laser I will buy it from you
Hey Laser_Ben,

You need to respond to my PMs before I start adding onto this CRAZY STUPID thread.

Does a $25 payment at the end of March ring any bells? I have been VERY patient.

I don't like going to PayPal with disputes, because that seems like a "Rat" thing to do, but you have had plenty of time.

yes you did contact me and asked me where the package was...BUT after contacting me when my answer appearantly wasnt good enough for you you went straight to entering a dispute. you never asked for a refund. thats the reason you got banned from modwerx. since you openly admitted that other people from the same batch of labels had gotten theirs what exactly makes you think i would rip off one person. do you really think i need 20 bucks that bad? sorry but i dont think so. you had an attitude every since the first email you sent to me. you can do whatever you want but you can also wait the 10 days until paypal refunds your money... what you seem to have not understood is that the postal service does screw up sometimes and your package got returned to me. thats not my fault. i would have shipped it right back out had you not already entered a dispute. since you dont think i had a driver why dont you pm ryan and ask how many drivers i buy from him... ive got 3 drivers left right now... am i gonna send you one..? HELL NO! why? b/c im "a peice of shit." ive got absolutely no reason to apologize to you b/c the problem wasnt caused by me it was just a mix up at the p.o.. go fall off a cliff..

The reason I filed a dispute was IN CASE IT GOT LOST, its right there in the comments that I wasn't wanting a refund. Then you pulled your ban bullshit. Your answer was "Let me check...." something to that effect the last I heard from you, I have the email. I know shipping mistakes happen, you jumped to conclusions and banned me so I escalated it to a claim THEN asked for a refund. If you are gonna whine and cry and make yourself out to be the innocent guy because you banned me and told me not to contact you after I filed the dispute leaving me NO other choice but to file a claim,trying to make yourself and look a little better go right ahead. I dont care how much business you do or who with, cant be much , I can wait ten days it took that long to start the dispute, I've already got a driver ;) I could care less if you send it or not because I've stated before I dont want it because I dont need it. You still shipped it five days later even, you have too many excuses to be bothered with, I dont know how you stay IN business. I dont give a shit what you say, you commited fraud and I hope you lose your business. So you got me real good Andrew, I'm tore up about it real bad. Dont ship it and you make me wait cause that will teach me LOL You freak :D
Hey Laser_Ben,

You need to respond to my PMs before I start adding onto this CRAZY STUPID thread.

Does a $25 payment at the end of March ring any bells? I have been VERY patient.

I don't like going to PayPal with disputes, because that seems like a "Rat" thing to do, but you have had plenty of time.


lol wut? You wait since March for your payment to be completed?
how many are required

So now there are THREE people having a problem with ben, is that enough for all you na sayers out there, what dose it take 30 or 40. if you do not want to read this then don't look , it seem a lot are just chiming in to get there count up anyway, so why don't all of them fall off a cliff. :tired: you want to get your count up then log on and help someone do something good for someone else thats all I did till I ran into BEN's big ORANGE laser sale. :cryyy: quit reading this trash it just bothers you anyway. do some of you belive he is a saint or something, I don't know him my self and my only encounter with this guy hasn't been good either. maby he's just having money troubles and will go where he hasn't befor I don't know and at this point I don't care and by the way BEN if I was looking for a white honda and you said I have a white honda and I say it's kinda yellow, guess what ? I wouldn't buy it from you then ! can you under stand that BEN ! :scowl:

I have better things to do, you all have a good day ! Pyro... :eg:
For any members interested to see the visual difference between 611.9nm
anf 632.8nm... I found this chart in TIFF format....:thinking:

[EDIT].... Link removed... See Chart Below....

It is on this site that has some other interesting Laser Info....;)


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For any members interested to see the visual difference between 611.9nm
anf 632.8nm... I found this chart in TIFF format....:thinking:


It is on this site that has some other interesting Laser Info....;)



Jerry, that first link KILLED firefox. I tried to open the tiff file with firefox and no less then 50+ tabs opened one at a time but no image in any of them.

I saved the tiff image to my server , here it is.

That's weird... I use FireFox and had no problems...
I'll edit my post so no-one gets swamped...
Thanks for posting the TIFF...:gj:

Flaminpyro, if you consider orange as red then you should definately pay a visit to your ophthalmologist. The diagram clearly shows what colour the 611nm wavelength is.
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Flaminpyro, if you consider orange as red then you should definately pay a visit to your ophthalmologist. The diagrma clearly shows what colour the 611nm wavelength is.
Hey SS...
not everyone's eyes are the same...

Some people are more or less sensitive to some wavelengths...

BTW... there is not a huge difference between the two wavelength colors..
or maybe my eyes are off as well..

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