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Laser_Ben is a rip off! Don't buy from him!!!!

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Wow, I am speechless. If he made a mistake this doesn't mean you can't trust him anymore. I would say you 'd better try selling stuff yourself to see how "easy" the shipping procedure is.


Wow, I am speechless. If he made a mistake this doesn't mean you can't trust him anymore. I would say you 'd better try selling stuff yourself to see how "easy" the shipping procedure is.


Peter, I have run my own home based business before and know all about shipping. I shipped out $25,000 in product every year for 4 years working only on my free time while keeping my day job (aviation electrical engineer) till I got tired of it. The shipping is easy, I just got tired of making the product itself. Not once did I mis-ship an order. For Ben to actually ship a dead zinc carbon battery to me claiming it was for another customer is ridicules. To me it was intentional as it is the same shape and size of the item I "bought". There is no way that was meant for another customer since that battery was totally worthless to ANYONE.

Question, how much would anyone here pay for a dead zinc carbon battery? $55? I did and am pissed, anyone here would be too. If not I'll gladly ship you this battery for a discount price - $50, that's $5 off! LOL.

Now Ben has no reason not to refund my money as requested. He has buyers lined up for this laser module. Why wouldn't he take their money and ship to them then refund me? He has refused. THAT boggles my mind.....
Tired of this

Peter, I have run my own home based business before and know all about shipping. I shipped out $25,000 in product every year for 4 years working only on my free time while keeping my day job (aviation electrical engineer) till I got tired of it. The shipping is easy, I just got tired of making the product itself. Not once did I mis-ship an order. For Ben to actually ship a dead zinc carbon battery to me claiming it was for another customer is ridicules. To me it was intentional as it is the same shape and size of the item I "bought". There is no way that was meant for another customer since that battery was totally worthless to ANYONE.

Question, how much would anyone here pay for a dead zinc carbon battery? $55? I did and am pissed, anyone here would be too. If not I'll gladly ship you this battery for a discount price - $50, that's $5 off! LOL.

Now Ben has no reason not to refund my money as requested. He has buyers lined up for this laser module. Why wouldn't he take their money and ship to them then refund me? He has refused. THAT boggles my mind.....

:thinking: He has refused because he is only interested in making money at this point and cares nothing about other people it seems. he took my money only under false pretenses. I just won't deal with him any more and if I don't here something soon from him I will file a paypal dispute !

Best Regards Pyro... :eg:
sportcoupe, I hadn't a clue about your pre-own business and that you know about shipping issues. Sorry for that. The fact that you haven't made any shipping mistake while you ran your business, doesn't mean that someone else isn't allowed to make any. Yet, I am wondering why would Laser Ben ship you a useless battery :/
Since he is trying to fix his mistake, I don't know why he would deliberately ship you such a battery. Anyway, I hope everyone get's satisfied in the end. Anger doesn't help.

Wow, I am speechless. If he made a mistake this doesn't mean you can't trust him anymore. I would say you 'd better try selling stuff yourself to see how "easy" the shipping procedure is.


I don't think he's just making mistakes ! not with me anway ! :whistle:

Best Regards Pyro... :eg:
sportcoupe, I hadn't a clue about your pre-own business and that you know about shipping issues. Sorry for that. The fact that you haven't made any shipping mistake while you ran your business, doesn't mean that someone else isn't allowed to make any. Yet, I am wondering why would Laser Ben ship you a useless battery :/
Since he is trying to fix his mistake, I don't know why he would deliberately ship you such a battery. Anyway, I hope everyone get's satisfied in the end. Anger doesn't help.

I'll agree 100% with that !!!

BR Pyro... :eg:
YOu mean the one where I DID contact you and you've admitted to having my driver here publicly but arent going to send it because I was rude to you after you banned me for asking where it was? The one where you never answered me back then I filed a Paypal dispute because I figured it got lost or you never sent it, then you cried and banned me so I filed a claim that is pending? That dispute? I've got all the emails, fraudster. I turned you in to Paypal the claim's still pending because you never sent the item and you sent four items that day in your multi-order shipment, the other three made it, surprise. Regardless, you didn't buy from me, you stole my money and admitted to it, I've turned you in to the BBB. Not so new, you may have a few friends her but see how far that gets you. You're a piece of shit Andrew.


9101 1288 8230 0712 7084 77 is the number, from the fourteenth. Odd how I've bought from StoneTek and Hightechdealz this week and had no problems and got it super fast, those two guys are just class acts. Got here in a day each time one left. You got huffed up banned me for asking where it was cause it takes what,first it was five then it was twelve days sometimes to get here. I find it odd how each of the others got here in under 24 hours after leaving the sort station from Texas and you're in Alabama. I dont think you had the driver to begin with and just tried to take my money. It's worth twenty some dollars for all the trouble though, obviously.
yes you did contact me and asked me where the package was...BUT after contacting me when my answer appearantly wasnt good enough for you you went straight to entering a dispute. you never asked for a refund. thats the reason you got banned from modwerx. since you openly admitted that other people from the same batch of labels had gotten theirs what exactly makes you think i would rip off one person. do you really think i need 20 bucks that bad? sorry but i dont think so. you had an attitude every since the first email you sent to me. you can do whatever you want but you can also wait the 10 days until paypal refunds your money... what you seem to have not understood is that the postal service does screw up sometimes and your package got returned to me. thats not my fault. i would have shipped it right back out had you not already entered a dispute. since you dont think i had a driver why dont you pm ryan and ask how many drivers i buy from him... ive got 3 drivers left right now... am i gonna send you one..? HELL NO! why? b/c im "a peice of shit." ive got absolutely no reason to apologize to you b/c the problem wasnt caused by me it was just a mix up at the p.o.. go fall off a cliff..
dang why is there even a thread about this? Sportcoupe, if you have a problem with Laser_ben, then work it out with him, instead of posting your whiny complaints all over the forum. It's obvious that Laser_ben wants to correct his mistake. You must allow him that chance. What an awful waste of a URL this thread is...
Hey meatball, you want to buy my dead carbon battery for $55? No? Well then shut up. I am warning people about a seller here. If that don't care to listen then oh well. My thread is my opinion, something I am allowed to do here.
Hey meatball, you want to buy my dead carbon battery for $55? No? Well then shut up. I am warning people about a seller here. If that don't care to listen then oh well. My thread is my opinion, something I am allowed to do here.

pretty.. rude..
Hey meatball, you want to buy my dead carbon battery for $55? No? Well then shut up. I am warning people about a seller here. If that don't care to listen then oh well. My thread is my opinion, something I am allowed to do here.

You have not responded to any of my PMs, yet you insist on just posting here when there is a perfectly legitimate reason. The battery you received may not have been valuable to me or you, but when I was asked to fix a laser for a friend, I got the batteries and it was my responsibility to return them back to him. It cost $1.75 or something to ship him back the battery. Not that it is valuable, but that it was the right thing to do when I forgot to put it in a package.
yes im still bitter over this one:

I never got any responses to my PM that i sent under 10 min from his posting.. suddenly ---laser sold..

pfft.. EFF it..

maybe he thinks he's too high on the food chain to answer pm's to people under a certain rep amount...

I don't really look or care what people's rep is when I sell to them. I simply answer the PMs in the order them come in. I give the first person to pay the chance to buy it. I don't see any fairer way to do it, do you? I got a PM with an offer for instant payment before yours and I took the offer. On top of that, your offer was also $50 lower then theirs IIRC.
:yabbmad: O Yea I had a bad deal with Ben He was supposed to sell me an ORANGE laser and he sent me a RED one insted he states it's orange in his eyes but I have had several red HeNe's in my life time and it looks just like the rest RED. I spec asked him befor the sale if it was a orange/orange red and his answer was ORANGE. now I'm looking at a very expensive RED HeNe. it has taken him over a week to answer any of my posts and there have been several, I still have not filed a paypal dispute, giving him a chance but he sure drag's his feet as far as I'm concerned.

is this in the right forum for this ?

Best Regards to all Pyro... :eg:

The laser you recieved emits light on the HeNe 611nm line, it does, I tested it before hand, the machine it came out of used 611nm light and I told you that it was 611nm before I sent it.

If it looks red to you, okay, if I sell you a white Honda and you tell me it looks kinda yellow to you, that's not what it is, it still is a white Honda.

You also claimed in the PM you sent me that I never told you it was 611nm before you paid. I don't recall if I did or not myself, but the thread it was sold in was for a 611nm hene.
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