YOu mean the one where I DID contact you and you've admitted to having my driver here publicly but arent going to send it because I was rude to you after you banned me for asking where it was? The one where you never answered me back then I filed a Paypal dispute because I figured it got lost or you never sent it, then you cried and banned me so I filed a claim that is pending? That dispute? I've got all the emails, fraudster. I turned you in to Paypal the claim's still pending because you never sent the item and you sent four items that day in your multi-order shipment, the other three made it, surprise. Regardless, you didn't buy from me, you stole my money and admitted to it, I've turned you in to the BBB. Not so new, you may have a few friends her but see how far that gets you. You're a piece of shit Andrew.
9101 1288 8230 0712 7084 77 is the number, from the fourteenth. Odd how I've bought from StoneTek and Hightechdealz this week and had no problems and got it super fast, those two guys are just class acts. Got here in a day each time one left. You got huffed up banned me for asking where it was cause it takes what,first it was five then it was twelve days sometimes to get here. I find it odd how each of the others got here in under 24 hours after leaving the sort station from Texas and you're in Alabama. I dont think you had the driver to begin with and just tried to take my money. It's worth twenty some dollars for all the trouble though, obviously.