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Laser_Ben is a rip off! Don't buy from him!!!!

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I don't know exactly what is going on, but I don't know why I would sell a $20 item to someone in Canada for $25 shipped. I will send you a PM and get back to you on it.


This is why.


This is your sale thread offering 3mW HeNe laser tubes for $10 plus $5 for shipping. I PM'd asking for the bare tube one, and you responded asking for $25 shipped to Canada. I thaught it was a reasonable price and I paid right away.

I'm making a desklamp similar to Daguins and Jayrobs. Now I have everything including a brick power supply for a 3mW tube.

Ben, I am PM'ing you, "public message"for all to see, not "private message".

I am NOT sending a totally dead zinc carbon battery back to you. That is stupid, you can but a brand new pack for less the price to return it.

What I want is a refund and here's why. If you are willing to ship a dead battery to make a customer "happy" I am sure you will have no problem sending a dead laser module to me just to make me happy. Then when i find out it is dead you will blame me.

If you insist on a no refund policy ship the damn laser module to me. I will then sell it the first person to pay me and I will not even open the package when it arrives. I will just put your package in a box and ship to the people you refused to sell to in your for sale thread.
To anyone that thinks I am being a jerk. Paypal me $55 and I will send you this battery I got from Ben. :scowl:

No, make it $40 and I'll ship it for free anywhere.
Sportcoupe, you just keep on :horse:
Why will you not just accept what you have paid for and be happy? Almost everyone is vouching for Ben's good service and great products, yet you have this odd idea that he will try to "scam you again" because his first postage was A HUMAN MISTAKE.
If he ships it now, it is nothing but a delayed package. If it was an attempt at scamming you he would not immediately tell you he was sorry for the mistake and try to make it better. A scammer would claim that you were lying and that he had actually sent the correct item, but he simply wants to make this right.
Well I just don't know what to say the evedience is right there in black and white (on my screen) in my request to Ben I asked him, is it and orange/orange red color his reply to me was, the color is a nice orange color ! he could have said it the color of 611nm in which case I would have asked more questions. but when someone states ORANGE after I ask is it orange/orange red well what would you think, so if you realy read the PM's that ben posted here you can see I'm not the one telling whoppers.

I actuly feel bad for you Ben, needing the money so bad that you won't refund your customers what is indeed rightfully belongs to them.

peace All Pyro..
Well I just don't know what to say the evedience is right there in black and white (on my screen) in my request to Ben I asked him, is it and orange/orange red color his reply to me was, the color is a nice orange color ! he could have said it the color of 611nm in which case I would have asked more questions. but when someone states ORANGE after I ask is it orange/orange red well what would you think, so if you realy read the PM's that ben posted here you can see I'm not the one telling whoppers.

I actuly feel bad for you Ben, needing the money so bad that you won't refund your customers what is indeed rightfully belongs to them.

peace All Pyro..

not everyone's eyes are the same...

As we previously said, it's not his fault if you see red instead of orange. He sold you a 611 nm laser. So don't whine about the colour.
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gee thats strange everyone else who has looked at it sees red also explaine that silver spot.

who asked your opinion anyway silver spot, If you payed for something and you didn't get what you payed for YOU would complain yourself. so till you know all the facts in the matter you should prob keep your nose OUT. have you ever PM'd me and asked me my side of the story. do you go around just getting one side of the story and then make pronouncements and judgements. you know nothing about me yet you say I shouuld be baned how dare you, I beleve maby you are ignorant and just can't help yourself. have a good day !

Flamingpyro... :eg:
Hey SS...
It would need to be tested for wavelength to be sure....

Is there a label on the "611nm" Laser...:confused:

Thats it Thats it Tomarrow I'm going to put this frickin RED HeNe laser on a one pound charge and blow the hell out of it. when it comes back down to earth I'm gona pick it up put it in a box and send it back to you BEN ..

Peace to all Pyro... :eg:
Hey FP...
hope you're not pissed at my last post... there was nothing there to irritate you..
I just asked a question...
You don't need to answer...

No Jerry it's not you it's all the other people who know nothing about all the facts but are trying to get there count up so they stick there feet in there mouthes just for a count in the posts colum. it getting very irritating and not worth the $170.00 I'd as soon get the pleasure of getting out a pound of flash and setting the dam thing on top and light the fuse just to see how high it goes cuz that would be more fun than lookin at it or listing to all the crap thats been coming down the pike. no Jerry I don't think you can upset me I'm too cool of a charecter. (parden my spelling) and your to cool so we both too cool... hehehe

Best regards Jerry ! Pyro... :eg:
Hey SS...
It would need to be tested for wavelength to be sure....

He said he did. I don't see a reason why he should have lied :/
The laser is technically orange, to me it appears orange, to my spectrometer, it's orange (611.98nm peak). They don't just change wavelength, you have a laser that is 611nm sitting in front of you. You said yourself it works, you got what you paid for.

@ Flamingo pyro

It's not like getting one side of the story for me. But it's really annoying complaining about the same thing always and spamming a thread about it. And no, I would't complain about a 611 nm laser which I knew it would be 611 nm. I would, only if it didn't work.
Hey SS...
you misunderstood... I meant that FP should have the wavelength

I'm not saying L_B is a liar... but I didn't see the test and I didn't see
the tested laser get package and shipped to FP.. There are too many
variables... L_B may have been distracted and shipped a Red Laser
by mistake just like the mistake with the "battery"...
All I'm saying is... It is a possibility..

It's a simple enough procedure to check the wavelength with a Diffraction
Grating... If the real equipment is not available...
It will let you know if the "611nm" laser is higher or lower than a 632.8nm
Red Laser... or the same....:cool:

@FP.... gotcha....;)

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Hey SS...
you misunderstood... I meant that FP should have the wavelength
tested... It's a simple enough procedure with a Diffraction Grating... If the
real equipment is not available...
It will let you know if the "611nm" laser is higher or lower than a 632.8nm
Red Laser...:cool:

@FP.... gotcha....;)


Ok.. Anyway, I don't want to argue with any1 about their own businesses so I am not replying anymore to this thread.I should't even express my opinion but since there was a mistake, I thought I would help with my own way. I was wrong. Sorry about that and I hope ur issues will be solved in the end.

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