I've had a number of dreams that involved lasers, but none of them have concerned any authority figure "coming to get me" for using the lasers.

Let me go check my online Dream Diary and see if I can scare up a few entries...BBS...
September 07, 2002:
These came off the tail end of my afternoon nap, hence two entries for 09-07.
In the last part of the dream, I was inside part of a new building construction. I heard some people "ooing" an "aaahing" at something going on in the next room of the unfinished structure. I looked through the still-unhung door, and saw a white laser dot being shined at the unfinished plywood ceiling about two or three floors up. It was coming from some guys about 1 floor below me standing in front of what I took to be an argon ion laser, even though I knew it was the wrong color. I noticed at times the white laser spot had crimson red edges, as if developing a chromatic abberation. But for the most part, the beam was white. So I pulled out my own green-emitting laser pen, and started chasing the white spot on the ceiling with it. The NWCN crew from the last dream segment showed up again and stood there watching as well. Somebody mentioned what a beautiful shade of green my laser was. I said something to the guys below, "What kind of laser is that, a urine laser?" and they started laughing while repeating the phrase "urine laser" a couple of more times. I said "No, not a urine laser, a dye laser". There was some more laughing from the other laser's owners, while both of our lasers' beams continued to play tag on the ceiling. Right after that, I woke up.
APRIL 20, 2006:
In this dream, I was at what I believe was an airport. I was not waiting for a flight, but for a ride in a car, truck, or other ground-based vehicle. Inside the terminal building, a stewardess summoned my dad and me into one of what was apparently the woman's restrooms; although there were also men in there going #1 into those wall-mounted porcelain urinators. The walls were painted various shades of green. We were summoned in there to briefly talk about how to go through one of the security checkpoints using just a boarding pass rather than an entire ticket. I believe the plan was successful.
Next thing I remember was being outside and shooting toward the moon with a keychain-sized green-emitting laser pointer, not at all dissimilar to
this product. The moon was much larger in this dream than it is in reality, and had a blue plastic dome covering much of its surface. My dad asked me where I got the laser pointer, and I told him I purchased it from a glass-front vending machine on plane in the not too distant past. I also had a red-emitting keychain-style laser pointer, similar to this laser, but I don't remember if I tried to shoot the moon with it or not. I believe I was attempting to hit the moon with the green laser, and seeing if I could see the light reflected back at me with a brief delay (I believe ~500ms).
JANUARY 11, 2010:
I dreamt that I had an odd-looking green laser pointer from Radio Shack. It was kind of flat and somewhat heart-shaped, and operated from a single AAA cell (or "battery" if you prefer). The unit had a beam spot with artifacts (in this case, weaker, highly divergent secondary beams way off to the side); these artifacts would change as the laser was gently tapped with my hand.
I started looking for the packaging materials; I soon found them inside the hard-sided case for my
ProMetric 8 Beam Cross-Sectional Analyser; only instead of Radio Shack, it had read "Harriet Carter" on the front of the packaging materials. Then I noticed something else: when I continued to tap the unit with my fingers, the beam color changed -- first to amber (593.50nm) and then to deep red (671.0nm) -- these are laser wavelengths often found in DPSS (diode pumped solid state) lasers; I've seen both laser lines before being emitted by other DPSS lasers.
At this time, I woke up and looked at the clock; then I laid back down and this dream resumed. I looked "down the barrel" as it were of this laser; I saw something that looked like the insides of an LED with four dice (light-emitting regions), then started writing "NO NIR FILTER" on its review template for
my website.
Finally, I woke up again and stayed up.
MAY 31, 2010:
This dream took place at the old Morrison Apts. in downtown Seattle WA. USA that I lived in from ~1988 to 09-30-1996.
One part of the dream had me checking my mail; it was box #531 exactly as it used to be; only the boxes were arranged differently. My mailbox had a surprisingly large amount of mail in it. Much of it was garbage mail (coupons, circulars, etc.), but among the "good stuff", there were two packs of photographs. I could see part of one photograph where I saw the words "ARGON LASER" and"EXCITER".
Well, there's a few of them anyway...O WAIT!!! There's another good one too -- let me go dredge it up...
NOVEMBER 20, 2006:
In this dream, I had a large handheld laser, not too dissimilar to this one (linked; you may click on the photograph to visit my page about this yellow DPSS laser module - yes - I actually own one!!!):
It produced at least several hundred milliwatts of yellow (593.5nm) radiation most of the time, but would occasionally turn green (532nm) and even blue (473nm) (these are all DPSS or "Diode Pumped Solid State" laser wavelengths). The beam divergence was quite high, and it would go into what is called "mode hopping" rather frequently; some of the modes it went to were TEM00 (Transverse Electromagnetic Mode 00), TEM01, and a few others, I remember it produced a hollow, diamond-shaped beam, and a toroidial (doughnut-shaped) beam among a number of others while it was mode hopping. I remember remarking to somebody that I was going to ask the laser expert Sam Goldwasser why it was mode hopping and changing wavelengths. I also remember shooting at fast-moving clouds at night with it to see the laser spot on the clouds themselves. During this, the beam on the clouds was circular with a sharp perimeter like a very tight spotlight, not with a gaussian power distribution like a laser operating in TEM00 would have. I believe it was also yellow for the entire duration I was hitting clouds and other distant objects with it.
There, that's a good number of them anyway...but alas, nothing terribly bad happened in them.