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Laser gloves now for sale


Oct 19, 2011
Some of you probably recall my laser glove project that I started a few months ago. Well I finally have a set of green laser gloves that is good enough to sell, and I've listed them on etsy!

Take a look.

BTW, for anyone reading this thread later: this was originally a link to my etsy listing.. I have since edited it to point to my website.

I am really looking forward to being able to see other people using and enjoying this wonderful new device.
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I like the look of these. I don't like your pricing on them though.

As it was pointed out in another thread these can be made for much, much less.

Good luck with sales though.

These gloves are really awesome but your price
is very very high !

Really? 700$? Don't you think that's a bit much?
Very cool... but well... the price :eek: It's high :undecided:

If you're able to sell them, that's great though so Good Luck to you.
Bah, he could get 700 bucks for them. It's amazing what the uninformed will pay for bright and shiny. Case in point: $600 bucks for a C6 445. ;)

Cool looking gloves, btw.
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^Agreed! It's up to the manufacturer to set a price.. no reason why a person shouldn't make some money for their efforts.

If those green modules are actually IR filtered 5mW APC lasers they cost a good bit more than 5mW red modules, plus there's nothing wrong with making a profit.. except on LPF apparently.
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Bah, he could get 700 bucks for them. It's amazing what the uninformed will pay for bright and shiny. Case in point: $600 bucks for a C6 445. ;)

Cool looking gloves, btw.


Who bought a c6 for $600?

I was thinking of selling a 1.5W c6 with extension tube, custom focus adapter, and modes for maybe ~$250, but holy sh:shhh:t... $600?
Yeah, I've seen those Omnisistem gloves. I don't really consider them a competitor. The lasers sit on the back of the fingers, which gives you almost no dexterity. They are made from 99 cent cutoff finger motorcycle gloves, and other cheap parts. Every review I have read of them says "I wish they weren't so cheaply made." 4 per hand? Why even bother!

These are not made to disappoint. Yes, they are genuine 5mw IR filtered.

Thank you for your support everyone, $699 is actually a discount from the website where they are listed for $899. :)
Bah, he could get 700 bucks for them. It's amazing what the uninformed will pay for bright and shiny. Case in point: $600 bucks for a C6 445. ;)

Cool looking gloves, btw.

There is always some uninformed mark that will pay for a shiny new toy without doing any research.
Yup, and after all that we've still got a whole bunch of folks who think everyone should work for free.. what a crock.
I've always felt that the manufacturer should set the price wherever they want. If people want it they will buy it. If the price is too high chances are a competitor will make an alternative for less.
