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Laser gloves now for sale

Oy vey, I think I heard this one before...


Do you know why Ablaze and I got off on the wrong foot? Do you know why I was initially turned off with the way he approached the forum?
We're enemies? Why wasn't I told. I thought you just had an abrasive personality.
It's because he emerged here, claiming to have a 470nm diode, but refused to tell anyone where he got it.
I don't really want to get in the middle of or propagate this thing, but I do believe that you have badly mischaracterized what happened. I started a thread because someone had offered to sell me a 470nm module, and I wanted some help interpreting the offer. When you made the comparison you compared things like raw 650nm line modules with exposed circuit boards to the reinforced dot modules with customizations that I am using. They aren't the same thing at all, but I didn't want to argue about it then, and I don't want to argue about it now.
@ Ablaze

For what it's worth I think your Laser Gloves look really nice, very interesting item. If I had a use for it, I'd buy it from you; for a well built custom item like this I don't think the price is bad. I think they look perfect just the way they are.

The Marketplace is what dictates the price, so I wouldn't worry too much about someone that isn't going to buy one from you in the first place that says they don't like the price. If someone really is interested, I'm sure all they would need to do is to contact you in private and work out a deal with you.

Also have you broadened your horizon by posting about your Laser Gloves on photonlexicon for example, it's a different mind-set over there. There are of-course other forums too. I like the idea of you putting up your own website too, I think that will help out greatly with Marketing these.

I'm sure the Market is out there for these, but it's probably a Niche Market so you'll need more exposure. I know you put a lot of R&D into your design, with custom modules etc being made for you. You've just got to reach out further to Market these and I'm sure you'll do just fine.

I don't think you need to share your parts list, prices, suppliers with anyone; it's your project. There are other items sold on here that I'm sure the seller would never share that info.

There are other products out there such as the C6 host laser that is currently going for outrageous prices as a complete kit because of the said R&D and overhead..........yet one can buy all the parts they need right from this very forum with little to no R&D required and save a whole bunch of money. It simply comes down to, if you don't like the price of something build it yourself or at the very least move on, instead of beating up on the designer; because you than have no interest in what they are selling.

Best of luck to you.
